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Debuff Master

Chapter 458
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[Queen of Pain Ingrid]

[The daughter of the Nordic King, Lionbreath, and the strongest warrior of the Nordic Tribe.]

[She is extremely obsessed with the King of Proatine, Siegfried van Proa.]

[She has been brainwashed by the Church of Osric and has been reborn as the Queen of Pain.]

[Type: NPC]

[Race: Human]

[Affiliation: Church of Osric]

[Position: Four Heavenly Kings]

[Class: Mad Sadist]

[Level: 300]

[Note: She becomes empowered the more pain she afflicts on her enemies. Caution is advised against her.]

Ingrid had beccompletely different compared to before. She was wearing black tight-fitting clothes that showed off her cleavage, boots with sharp fronts that could poke a hole in anything she kicked, and the hat she was wearing made her look like a police officer for sreason.

However, that was not the end of it.

Her weapon was now a black whip that looked a bit kinky rather than a sword, and she had beca Master after reaching Level 300.

In other words, the Church of Osric had turned Ingrid into someone else.

“I-Ingrid…?” Siegfried called out to her.

However, the response he received was not what he was expecting.

“Who are you to so casually utter my royal name, peasant?”

“R-Royal name…?”

“Addressas Your Majesty the Queen from now on, got it?”


The man standing beside Ingrid asked, “Do you know him?”

[King of Pleasure Billiam]

[One of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Church of Osric.]

[He is a pervert and has volunteered to serve the Church of Osric. He enjoys being in pain.]

[However, he is extremely powerful, and he is not to be looked down on simply due to his perversity.]

[Type: NPC]

[Race: Human]

[Affiliation: Church of Osric]

[Position: Four Heavenly Kings]

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[Class: Mad Masochist]

[Level: 300]

[Note: He becomes stronger the more pain he is in.]

King of Pleasure Billiam was a large, muscular man wearing only leather underwear, and his face was more than enough to make anyone grimace and turn away in absolute disgust.

However, his level was a whopping Level 300, just like Ingrid, and he was definitely a Master as well.

“Do I look like someone who would bother befriending a peasant?” Ingrid replied curtly with a hint of disgust.

“Ah, I see… You have no recollection of your memories from before you becthe Queen of Pain, right? But I think that guy knows you?”

“Who cares?” Ingrid replied with a shrug. She seemed to have no lingering attachments to her previous memories.

Well, it was understandable, as she was currently brainwashed.

“I think we will have to fight them,” Beowulf said.

“I will handle that woman,” Siegfried pointed at Ingrid and replied.

Beowulf nodded then said, “I understand. Then, I will handle that man.”

They decided that Siegfried would face Ingrid while Beowulf would face Billiam.

Then, Ingrid and Billiam’s subordinates, who were dressed exactly like them, appeared and surrounded Siegfried and Beowulf’s parties. They were the direct subordinates under Ingrid and Billiam, and they were named Pleasure Gang Member and Pain Gang Member respectively.

Siegfried gripped his +13 Horse Fly and said, “I guess this is for the better since I don’t have to run around looking for her…”

Ingrid stood still and inspected Siegfried from head to toe. Then, she said, “You… I don’t like you.”


“I really don’t like you for sreason.”


“You deserve to be in pain!” Ingrid shrieked out.

She unleashed a shockwave that swept across Siegfried and the others.

The party members screamed and writhed in agony the moment the shockwave swept across them.


Ingrid's shockwave attack was extremely powerful.

How much damage did it deal?


The skill she used was called Wave of Pain, and it was a skill that dealt zero damage. However, the Wave of Pain had a unique effect to it, which dealt unimaginable pain to every enemy it swept across.

“J-Just kill me…!”

“S-Stoooop! Please! Stooooop!”

The party members screamed in agony and begged for the pain to stop.

In fact, sof them even foamed from their mouths and started convulsing as their eyes rolled all the way back.

Shockingly, even Hamchi clung to the hem of Siegfried’s pants and writhed in agony.

However, there was nothing he could do to help, as he was in pain, too.

If he were to describe it in words, then it felt as if a swarm of fire ants were biting every inch of his body. He could understand why the others were writhing and convulsing in pain, even though the Wave of Pain did not deal a single damage.

Ingrid’s skill was an extremely effective area of effect crowd control skill that could incapacitate an entire army with ease.

However, that was not the end of it.

[Pain Is My Strength: 47 Stacks (Stats will receive 0.5% buff per stack)]

Ingrid would obtain a stack of Pain Is My Strength per enemy hit by her Wave of Pain, which meant she had a whopping 23.5% stat bonus. In other words, the Wave of Pain was not only a very effective area of effect crowd control skill, but it was also a buff skill that would give her a huge buff the more enemies she was facing.

Then, Ingrid cracked her whip before unleashing it toward Siegfried.

The sound of metal clashing against metal echoed in the air as Siegfried was shoved backward a few meters away.

“Why aren’t you in pain? Are you trying to withstand the pain I’m giving you?” Ingrid asked.

“H-Huh…?” Siegfried looked dumbfounded by the question. Then, he replied, “No…? It hurts, you know?”

“It hurts?”


“Liar! You don’t look like you’re in pain!” Ingrid screamed.

“R-Really? I’m in a lot of pain right now, though…? It's pricklish!” Siegfried replied honestly.

However, there was one thing Siegfried was not aware of, and that was the fact that Siegfried van Proa had MAX resistance to pain.

The top-ranking Adventurer, Beowulf, couldn't exert his full power right now as his character movement was in agonizing pain, restricting his movements.

Siegfried had experienced extrpain when Deus reformed his fleshly body, so he didn't really get affected by the Wave of Pain.

Well, he did gasp after getting hit by the wave, but he slowly got used to the pain until it reached a point where it was only prickling and ticklish.

Ingrid glared at him and growled, “I don’t like you at all… I’ll make sure to watch you scream in agony when I’m done with you!”

“Hey, that’s a bit…”

“I’ll make you beg for death!” Ingrid screamed as she unleashed another Wave of Pain.

The Wave of Pain swept across the party members once again.

The party members writhed and convulsed in agony once again, but…

“You… What the hell are you? Why are you not in pain?” Ingrid looked at him in disbelief and asked.

“I… I’m not sure…?” Siegfried replied, sounding a bit unsure himself. He had no idea how he was supposed to respond to the question, as he himself was not sure why he was not writhing in agony like the others.

Ingrid narrowed her eyes and inspected him from head to toe. Then, her eyes were filled with disdain as she pointed at him and said, “You’re a pervert! Aren’t you?!”


“You like being in pain!”

“N-No, I don’t!”


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“The fact that you enjoy this level of pain can only mean that… you’re an unimaginably perverted person!”

“I’m not!” Siegfried retorted.

Unfortunately, it was already too late.

“So your titles were… speaking the truth about you, Siegfried-nim…!”

“Fine, let’s see how much pain you can bear, you disgusting pervert.”

“H-Hey, I already told you I’m not a pervert…”

“Silence!” Ingrid lashed out. Then, she unleashed another Wave of Pain, which was immediately followed by her whip.


Siegfried unintentionally caused more harm to his comrades.

“How about this?! Are you still not in pain?!”

“Y-Yeah… That hurt a lot…!”

“E-Enouuuugh! No more! I can’t take it!”

Siegfried’s tolerance to pain only caused more agony to his comrades, and this made the battle even more disadvantageous to them. In fact, Beowulf was currently slowed due to the Wave of Pain, and he was suffering against his opponent.

The King of Pleasure, Billiam, was a Level 300 Master, and he was not an easy opponent at all.

Beowulf already had his hands full fighting against the King of Pleasure, but he also had to run around protecting his comrades incapacitated by the Wave of Pain.

Also, he felt slightly responsible for his comrades writhing in agony right now, and that made him feel like he should really do something.

Then, he shouted, “Beowulf-nim! I’ll take the hit!”


“One minute! Please wrap it up within a minute!” Siegfried shouted and ran straight for Ingrid without waiting to hear Beowulf’s response.

Then, he jumped up in the air and slammed his +13 Horse Fly the moment he landed.

The ground cracked the moment the +13 Horse Fly connected with it.

A ring of fire formed around him and Ingrid before pillars of flames shot up from it.

Then, the pillars of flames solidified to form a barrier around them that resembled a coliseum that trapped Siegfried and Ingrid in it.

It was the Debuff Master’s skill that formed a barrier where only he and his enemy could enter—the Grand Duel.

“What is this…? Are you confining me…?” Ingrid asked in disbelief.

“Yeah,” Siegfried replied with a nod.


Siegfried did not forget the fact Ingrid was still a whopping Level 300, but that was not important right now. His main focus was surviving until he achieved his objective, and that objective was…

“M-My Queen! Where are you?!”

The sounds of the Pleasure Gang Members and Pain Gang Members screaming from outside the Barrier of Victory echoed.

“Don’t tell me…!” Ingrid muttered in disbelief.

Then, she grimaced the moment she realized Siegfried's goal.

Siegfried used the Grand Duel to separate Ingrid from the others and escape the incapacitating effects of Wave of Pain, and the effectiveness of his plan could immediately be heard from the screams of Ingrid’s subordinates from outside the barrier.