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Debuff Master

Chapter 456
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The coalition against the Church of Osric won the aerial battle with minimal casualties thanks to the efforts of Siegfried, Lohengrin, and Beowulf, and the airships flew straight toward the Sky Fortress after killing all of the Magnus Gargoyles.

The Sky Fortress was a mysterious structure created by the ancient people, and it was more like a territory flying in the sky rather than a fortress.

The main objective of the coalition forces was to occupy the castle at the center of the flying mass of land and destroy the altar set up by the Church of Osric.

Thus, Beowulf gave the following command to the entire coalition forces.

— We will attempt ranged bombardment first once we are in range.

— All fleets! Prepare to fire!

Beowulf’s voice rang from the speakers, and the airships aimed their cannons at the castle.

His decision to commence a ranged bombardment first made perfect sense, but…

The anti-air artillery of the Sky Fortress aimed at the airships and fired. The anti-air artillery's range was farther than the airship cannons.

— All ships retreat.

In the end, Beowulf was forced to give up on barraging the castle from a distance.

— We will have to infiltrate with a handful of elite soldiers and destroy their anti-air artillery first.

— The plan will change to using light airships to infiltrate. Please get ready.

The elite soldiers of the coalition forces boarded the four light airships carried by each of the airships as soon as Beowulf gave the command.

“Hurry and board the light airships!”

“Board the light airships!”

The operation commenced.

— Where is Siegfried-nim?

Beowulf suddenly asked over the radio.

“Yes? This is Siegfried speaking.”

— May you and Lohengrin-nim join the operation, too?

“Huh? You wantto join?”

— We need you in this operation. Please lend us your strength.

“I understand. I will get ready immediately,” Siegfried replied. He did not refuse the request.

Beowulf was surprisingly polite for someone who sat at the top of all Adventurers, so it was difficult for Siegfried to not listen to his request.

“See you later, Hamchi.”

Siegfried said his goodbye to Hamchi before running out the door of the Huracan’s bridge and jumping overboard.


Siegfried was cruising through the air thanks to his Attachable Thruster Set, and he was looking down at the ground.

Daode Tianzun, Betelgeuse, and Decimato were fighting a battle that would be recorded in history as the legendary battle against the Dark Snake Agareth.

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Beowulf spearheaded the landing operation at the front; Siegfried, Lohengrin, and Eloden’s Flying Squadron. were behind him. The coalition forces’ light airships were at the rear.

Of course, there was one light airship carrying the members of the Guardians that was unlucky enough to get shot down by a stray mortar shell meant for another target.

“Divide into three groups!” Beowulf shouted. Then, his voice boomed across the air, “Siegfried-nim will take the left, and Lohengrin-nim will take the right!”

Siegfried and Lohengrin immediately spread out to the left and right as soon as Beowulf gave the command.

One hundred meters, fifty meters, and thirty meters!

Siegfried landed right on top of the bunker with five anti-air artillery sticks out from it, and he was greeted by an NPC he had never seen before and the members of the Church of Osric.

[Mutated Laputain[1] Artilleryman]

[A Laputain Artilleryman corrupted and mutated by the Church of Osric.]

[Type: NPC]

[Race: Laputa]

[Affiliation: Church of Osric]

[Level: 220]

[Class: Cannon Soldier]

[Note: The Laputains are very strong, and caution is advised against them.]

[Church of Osric Brainwasher]

[A sorcerer specializing in brainwashing.]

[Type: NPC]

[Rate: Human]

[Affiliation: Church of Osric]

[Level: 200]

[Class: Mind Controller]

[Note: They specialize in controlling the minds of others, and looking into their eyes might cause you to be hypnotized.]

The Church of Osric Brainwasher pointed at Siegfried and screamed, “You dare interrupt our church’s plans?! Kill that bastard!”


“Die… Surface dwellers…!”

The Laputains attacked Siegfried.

“Shut up,” Siegfried grumbled and smashed their heads open with his +13 Horse Fly.

The Mutated Laputain Artillerymen fell one by one every tSiegfried swung his +13 Horse Fly.

Siegfried smacked the Brainwasher’s face and asked, “What did you say?”

“Say that again. I didn’t hear you the first time,” Siegfried said before he raised his +13 Horse Fly and smashed the mouth of the Church of Osric Brainwasher.

“Hey, what did you say just now?”

“I can’t understand you, bro. You gotta speak for us to have a conversation.”

[Alert: You have occupied the 117th Anti-Air Artillery Bunker of the Sky Fortress!]

[Alert: Occupy the other bunkers to provide a safe passage for the allied airships!]

A message popped up in front of Siegfried’s eyes.

Another quest immediately appeared.

[Eliminate Artilleries]

[Eliminate the anti-air artillery bunkers around you to allow your allied airships a safe landing.]

[Destroyed Bunkers: 1]

[Reward: +500 Contribution Points per Bunker]

[Note: You will receive more rewards from the Quest Maker the more contribution points you have.]

Siegfried immediately moved right after receiving the quest.

“I’m here, hyung-nim!”

Seung-Gu and Hamchi jumped down the light airship that had just landed, but they weren't alone.

“Elder Brother!”

“Long tno see!”

The other disciples of Weapon Master Shakiro jumped off the light airship, too.

“Our enemies do not seem to be that strong, so let us split up and destroy them!” Siegfried said.

Then, he took Hamchi and ran to a nearby bunker and killed the enemies in it.


The Chaos Executor, Ulcera, was watching the coalition forces from the castle at the center of the Sky Fortress. Then, one of his Chaos Guardians approached him and said, “The enemy airships have landed, Ulcera-nim.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“H-Huh? But our church’s important altar is—“

“Do you really think that I don’t know that?”


“So what if they've landed their airships? Do you really think that they can conquer this castle? Do not fret; our defense is perfect.”

“I see…”


“They won’t be able to disrupt our plans this time, so don’t worry about anything and focus on your task.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Ulcera added, “Prepare the Queen of Pain.”

“T-The Queen of Pain?!”

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The Chaos Guardian was shocked to hear Ulcera mention the Queen of Pain. It was the nof the demon that the Church of Osric had created recently, and it specialized in inflicting as much pain as possible on its target.

“Yes, Ulcera-nim!”

The Chaos Guardian went away.

“Siegfried van Proa… Things won’t go your way this time…” Ulcera growled under his breath while thinking of the sly, cunning weasel who had managed to deal him a heavy blow at the Sky Tower.


Meanwhile, Siegfried was scratching and picking his ears.

Then, Hamchi took out his spoon and tried to pick Siegfried’s ear.

“Hey! How the hell is that going to fit?! I already told you it won’t fit!”

Then, a member of the Church of Osric groaned in agony at Siegfried’s feet.

Siegfried looked at the church member badly messed up by him and asked, “Hey, it’s you, right?”

“You’re the one cursing me, right?”

“N-No… I didn’t…”

“You made my ears itchy!” Siegfried exclaimed and swung his +13 Horse Fly.

The church member got whacked in the head and died instantly.

Hamchi shook his head at the church member's unfortunate end.

The airships landed on the floating island after Siegfried and the others got rid of the anti-air artilleries.

“Landing is complete,” Siegfried muttered while checking Inzaghi’s Compass. He heavily relied on this artifact to keep himself safe whenever he was in an unfamiliar place.



He was shocked after seeing the Inzaghi’s Compass.

The compass was spinning like crazy, but that was not all.

The Lucky Guy Earrings vibrated violently.

This was no longer a sign of danger. The reaction from both the compass and his earrings was so intense that what was about to cwould most likely kill Siegfried.

In other words, this floating island could potentially end up as everyone’s graveyard.

“Hurry up and get out!”

“Form lines!”

“Make sure you’re ready for battle!”

The coalition forces finally started to disembark from the airships.

A thick white fog spread out from the castle like a tidal wave, and it loomed over the floating island.

1. The raw says Laputa person. You know how you say American, Indian, French, etc? Laputa is from the Hayao Miyazaki film Castle in the Sky. Lol. ☜

Tokki's Thoughts

Tokki: Akasha…?