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Debuff Master

Chapter 448
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George the Third was bound and was forced to kneel in the throne room he once owned.

“Raise your head, criminal,” Oscar commanded


George the Third did not listen to the command. His head was down, and he was trembling in anger.

“Raise your head, criminal,” Oscar repeated.

However, George the Third still refused to raise his head.

“Assist him,” Oscar ordered the marines.


The marines forced George the Third to look to the throne that was once his. There, Siegfried was sitting on the throne and patting a giant hamster on his lap.

“Hello, how are you doing?” Siegfried asked.

“Siegfried…! Y-You filthy Adventurer!”

Then, Siegfried motioned to the marines.

“You insolent fool!”

“You dare insult His Majesty?!”

The marines kicked and stomped on George the Third.

“So, do you finally understand the situation you’re in?”


“I told you, right? I told you I’m going to go crazy and make you regret it if you don’t pull your troops back,” Siegfried said as he smiled icily.


“This is the price you have to pay for ignoring my warning.”

George the Third couldn't retort at all.

Siegfried had warned George the Third, but the latter chose to ignore the warning and invaded the Kyiv Kingdom. In other words, George the Third had no one else to blame but himself for everything that was happening.

“You started this, right?”

“I don’t mess with others as long as they don’t mess with me, but you messed with me first.”

“But you went too far!” George the Third retorted for the first time.

“Look who’s talking. Hey, why don’t you ask yourself? Don’t you think I haven’t even done half of what you would have done? Also, I wasn’t the one who invaded someone else’s house without any justification.”


“Also…” Siegfried trailed off. He got up from the throne and walked toward George the Third before continuing, "This is payback."

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Siegfried slapped George the Third across the face. It was revenge for slapping Oscar in front of everyone else during the World Peace Conference.

George the Third’s face swung to one side as blood splattered from his mouth.

“I will now hand the judgment for George the Third,” Siegfried declared without sparing a glance at the criminal, who was writhing in pain.

Hamchi suddenly came running in, holding a long garb and a white wig usually worn by judges.

“Hey! What the fuck is this?!”

The heavy atmosphere created by Siegfried acting with authority was shattered in an instant by Hamchi, and the whole thing turned into a comedy show.

Then, Oscar, the knights, and the marines tried their best to stop themselves from bursting into laughter. They were holding on for dear life not to laugh while their king was about to sentence the criminal.


Because they knew Siegfried was going to sulk for days if they laughed at him…

Siegfried did not usually get angry at them, but he was prone to sulking like a little kid. He would sulk for days, and he had the tendency to become so petty that his subjects would rather get punished than put up with his tantrums.

Siegfried slammed his gavel—the toy hammer Hamchi gave him—three times.

“Transport the criminal at once!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

George the Third fell from being the king of one of the continent’s powerhouse kingdoms into a miner who would labor for his entire life at the Aoji Mines.

A message popped up in front of Siegfried’s eyes.

[Alert: You have obtained a new title!]

[Alert: You have obtained a new title!]

Siegfried ended up getting two new titles.


[King Slayer]

[An honorable title given to a king who has defeated numerous kings!]

[This title is usually obtained by rulers focusing on conquest.]Thɪs chapter is updated by novelenglish.net . Firᴇ(.)nᴇt

[Type: Title]

[Rating: Legendary]

[Effects: +35% damage to enemies with title above that of a feudal lord, +1% stats upon defeating an enemy with a title above that of a feudal lord (maximum of 100 stacks)]

[Current Stacks: 17]

[Current Bonus: 17%]

The new title called King Slayer increased his stats greatly, and it seemed that not only George the Third but even the numerous kings he had defeated until now were taken into account by the title.

Mecha Lord, Immortal King, King Fitzgerald of the Renoma Kingdom, Leper King Balduinus, Maha the Second of the Adunyadet Kingdom, Dark Elf Credos of Niflheim, Golem King Reventon, Hunterian King, etc…

The total number of kings Siegfried killed so far totaled seventeen, and it was not strange at all that he would gain such a title.

“Oh? Seventeen percent bonus stats? This is awesome!” Siegfried exclaimed after checking the title details.

However, the other title was not as good as the first one. In fact, it was extremely bad.

[Plague Lord]

[A title given to someone who has unleashed a plague and killed countless people.]

[Type: Title]

[Rating: Legendary]

[Effects: +9,999 Infamy, +44% Chance of NPC running away from you]

He probably gained this title due to him spreading the Curse of Decay.

He was planning to do his best to make amends for what he did, but who knew he would obtain such a title before he could even clean up his mess?

In the end, he decided to accept the title as punishment for what he had done.

What was he supposed to do at the time? It was the only solution he could think of to destroy George the Third.

Then, he turned to his knight and said, “Dame Oscar.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Oscar knelt in front of him.

“Tell our people to bring the cure for the Curse of Decay and distribute it all over the Salut Kingdom. We need to make sure that there won’t be any more casualties.”

He proceeded according to the plan to distribute the cure to the masses.

Thus, Siegfried had not only put an end to the Kyiv Civil War but had also destroyed the Salut Kingdom.


Well, the two incidents were technically not over yet.

This was Siegfried’s logic.

He first decided to reward himself by pillaging the Salut Kingdom’s royal palace.

“All of you brought your dimensional inventories, right?” he asked the marines.

“Yes! Your Majesty!”

“We’re going to take everything of value from this place now.”


“However, I won’t permit murder, rape, arson, or any of that sort, so I hope nobody will make such mistakes.”

“Yes! Your Majesty!”

“YES! Your Majesty!”

The Proatine Kingdom’s marines immediately got into action as soon as Siegfried gave the permission to loot the palace, and they ransacked the place without leaving anything of value behind.

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“Sweep 'em’ clean!”

“Alright! I can pay off my loan this month!”

Right after the marines left…

“Dame Oscar.”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Let’s go to the treasure vault.”

“The treasure vault?”

“Yeah, let’s go have a look at what kind of treasures George the Third had accumulated,” Siegfried said with a smirk.

The two of them headed to the treasure vault of the Salut Kingdom.


Siegfried hummed a tune like a child while on the way to the treasure vault.

Both he and Hamchi were skipping toward the treasure vault with their eyes turned into dollar signs.

Siegfried loved money, but this was on a whole different scale for him.

The Salut Kingdom was a powerful and affluent kingdom. Its ruler, George the Third, was so greedy that few would compare to him, and he was also known for lavishly spending on himself and enjoying only the best luxuries the continent had to offer.

Just how amazing was the treasury of such a man? The mere thought of it already made Siegfried start salivating.

Siegfried would always display his purest side whenever money was the topic. That was probably a strange way to put it, but money was definitely Siegfried's strongest desire deep inside of him.

“Money! Money! Money Eeeeeh!”

They finally arrived in front of the treasure vault, which was so massive that they had never seen anything like it.

“W-Why is the entrance so big?! It’s the size of a castle’s gate!” Siegfried exclaimed out of both joy and shock.

How much treasure was going to be behind this massive door?

“Open it! Hurry!” Siegfried screamed with bloodshot eyes.

“Yes! Your Majesty!”

The Proatine Kingdom’s marines opened the vault.

The massive door opened, and a whole new world appeared before Siegfried’s eyes.

The magical torches lined up inside the vault lit themselves.

Then, the light from the flames reflected off of the mountains of gold and treasures.

[Alert: Status Ailment!]

[Alert: You have been blinded!]

[Alert: You will lose your vision for three seconds!]

The mountains of gold and treasures had reflected such a blinding light off of the torches that Siegfried ended up losing his sight for a few seconds.