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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85 Jack and Naomi stopped in front of a dark building just as the sun began to set.

The building‘s exterior was covered in skeletons and bloody guillotines while white sheets in the shape

of ghosts flapped around in the wind.

Eerie music was heard from inside the building as a few men in faceless masks distributed flyers at the

entrance. The chilling atmosphere terrified passersby, but they could not help but look up from


It was a haunted house–a classic spectacle at the amusement park.

“Do you think you can handle the haunted house?” Naomi asked Jack. She had lost the last round of

bets at the 3D roller coaster, and Jack made her meow like a cat. She had to win the round no matter


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However, Jack did not immediately accept her challenge. Instead, he deliberately averted his gaze

from the direction of the haunted house.

“I didn‘t know you were afraid of ghosts!” Naomi teased as she caught his reaction.

She continued, “How about this? Go and dance under that tree for one minute, and I‘ll forget about the

whole haunted house thing!” The Prince of Gin City dancing like a fool in public? “Ha! Dream on!”

Jack grinned as he walked towards the haunted house.

“Whoever screams first loses! You’ll have to dance out there in the end!” Naomi called out confidently

as she trailed behind Jack.

A minute later, Naomi held on to Jack‘s waist as she screamed, “Don‘t touch me! I‘ll beat you


“Are you scared? Don‘t forget about the dance,” Jack teased through his laughter. “I‘m not scared! I… I

won‘t lose this round!” Naomi replied as she let go of Jack. Her pale face and trembling legs, however,

gave her away. Under the blinding green lights, the sight of Naomi wrapping her arms around her frail

body was unusually heartbreaking. Jack‘s earlier smiling lips pressed into a tight line, and his mocking

gaze softened. He reached out and wrapped his hand around Naomi‘s, then pulled her forward and

said softly, “Come with me.”

Naomi‘s head shot up, and she gazed at Jack‘s muscular back. He had nonchalantly said three words

to her, but the fear she felt suddenly began to disappear.

Naomi looked down and stared at their entangled fingers, then subconsciously squeezed Jack‘s warm hand.

After some time of walking through the strange lights, the eerie music, and being shocked by the

sudden appearances of the actors dressed in costumes, Naomi slowly began to get used to the

atmosphere in the haunted house.

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She quickly calmed down and completed the mission with Jack.

Suddenly, the lights in the haunted house went out, and an announcement came through the speakers.

“Midnight has come! Ghosts and demons roam the streets. Beware!” “Here! Let‘s hide in there!” As the

crowd scrambled in a panic, Naomi and Jack entered a small, dark room. “Do we have to wait here

until all the ghosts are gone before we can get out?” Naomi asked as she shut the door behind her.

However, she did not hear a response. Naomi turned and noticed that Jack‘s hand was no longer

holding hers. In the darkness, she could not see where he was. “Jack?” Naomi whispered but once

again did not receive a reply. Jack was stuck in a corner, his lips drained of color. He could not see. He

could not see anything again! The world spun around him, and all he could hear were screams. A

terrifying memory quickly began to paralyze him. All he could do was curl up into a wavering ball of fear

and listen! When did the needle poke into his body? Where was he being taken? How much blood

were they taking from him? Who would cry? Was he back there again? Would he never escape that

hell for the rest of his life?

Suddenly, a soft hand gently tapped the back of