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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chapter 79
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Chapter 79 “Of course! You should really thank him properly,” replied Susan.


“Hmph... I can‘t believe he‘s got a kind side to him.”

Naomi‘s tone was hesitant. She scratched her head in embarrassment at the thought of how she blew

up at Jack earlier.

“Fine, I‘ll apologize to him when I get the chance. Ouch!”

Naomi felt a sharp pain from her bruises as she turned in bed.

“I think you should get some rest today.”

“Alright.” After she hung up on Susan, Naomi lay back on the bed but could not fall asleep. Her mind

was filled with that boy at one moment, then Jack‘s face. The next morning, the attending doctor

checked in on her. “Luckily, it was only some mild bruising. You can go home today.” “Thank you,

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Doctor,” Naomi responded politely. As she walked out of the examination room, she saw Smith’s

smiling face waiting in front of her room.

“Miss Naomi, Old Mister Hough requests your presence at the Hough Mansion.“. Naomi was stunned

as she asked, “Hough Mansion? Shouldn‘t I be returning to Tarragon Bay?

“Old Mister Hough will explain it himself,” Smith answered with a warm grin, avoiding the question.

“Alright. I‘ll go with you,” Naomi responded in an annoyed tone. She knew that she could not get out of

going to the Hough Mansion, so there was no point in making things difficult for Smith. When they

arrived at the mansion‘s courtyard, Naomi followed Smith‘s lead toward the garden to see Old Mister

Hough. It was not an exceptionally large garden. Amongst the pavilions and flowerbeds, Naomi noticed

the smell of a plethora of medicinal herbs. Her senses told her that the majority of the garden was

made up of herbs!

At that moment, Old Mister Hough had just finished a series of light exercises. He beamed when he

turned and saw Naomi.

“Naomi‘s here! Where did you get hurt? Let me take a look at you!”

“It‘s just some light bruising. What did you call me here for?” Naomi asked straightforwardly as she

approached the old man.

“Didn‘t Jack tell you anything?” Old Mister Hough asked with raised brows.

“You moved to Tarragon Bay to make it convenient for you to go to school. Now that you‘ve gotten into

college, there‘s no reason for you to live there anymore. Of course, you should be moving back to the

spacious Hough Mansion!” “Huh?”

Naomi was utterly taken aback!

No wonder Jack had so happily agreed to their bet on who got the bed back then. He would have

benefited from it no matter the results, and she fell right into his trap! Old Mister Hough misunderstood

Naomi‘s change in mood for discomfort and gently tapped her on the shoulder.

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“Don‘t worry, my dear. There‘s a brand new bed in yours and Jack‘s bedroom. It would definitely be

more comfortable than the one you had in Tarragon Bay. You‘ll get used to it.”

“Mine and Jack‘s? We‘re sharing a room?” Naomi asked as her head shot up. Did he mean that she

had to share a bed with that old geezer?! “Of course! Haven’t you always been sleeping in the same


“But. I

Naomi was about to retort when she was interrupted by the sound of firm footsteps approaching them.

She looked back to see Jack walking towards the garden. The sight of his face made Naomi recall the

bet, and rage boiled up from within her. She had planned on thanking him, but the words she wanted to

say took a sour turn. “I think it‘s better if you give us separate rooms!” Naomi exclaimed as she proudly

lifted her chin, deliberately raising her voice. “Why? Did you and Jack have a fight?” old Mister Hough

asked frantically. Hearing Naomi‘s words, Jack stopped in his tracks at the entrance to the garden and

furrowed his brows.