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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chapter 296
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Chapter 296

“Naomi!” Just after Naomi left, Robin caught up with her from behind.

Robin tried to go after Naomi, but Zach stopped him.

“Robin, you’re late. Why don’t you stop chasing?” Zach stopped Robin and asked, overtone in his words.

“Zach, do you think Jack can make Naomi happy?” Maybe, he shouldn’t continue to hide his feelings for Naomi!

As Robin watched Naomi drive away, he was determined to fight for her for once! Jack returned to Hough Mansion.

As soon as he got out of the car, Naomi’s car arrived.

“Mister Daddy, wait for me!”

Naomi jumped out of the car and rushed up to Jack.

“I haven’t said what I have to say. I…

Jack didn’t give her a chance to explain.

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He slammed the door shut, and it nearly slapped Naomi in the face.

“Miss Naomi, good luck.” Sean said sympathetically. After that, he turned around and left.

Naomi was left there alone. She was like an ant in a hot pot. She had no choice but to shout outside the door. “Ten

years ago, my mother and I were in a plane crash. Then I was sent to Spring Orphanage. A long-legged guy saved

me. Without his help, I wouldn’t be alive now. I had to repay his kindness, just like you did when you took care of

Queenie. Do you understand? I’ve been looking for him all these years. I just want to repay his kindness. It has been

my wish

for so many years. That’s why I made that deal with Lilian to track down Shannon, but I really don’t have feelings

for him! I don’t know what feelings are yet!”

However, there was no response from the room. Naomi’s eyes darkened. She slid to the floor and hugged herself in



As soon as Jack entered the room, he sat down in front of his computer, put on his headphones, and played a

Beethoven pathos.

The loud orchestra drowned out Naomi’s voice, so Jack didn’t hear a word from Naomi.

It was the cruelest distance in the world. The two were so close, but they couldn’t hear each other.

As Naomi did not get any response, she took out her phone and called Jack.

But Jack didn’t answer her call either, so she texted him.

[Mister Daddy, I’ve deleted that account and quit Shannon’s fan group. I won’t follow Shannon anymore. Don’t be

mad, okay?]

Naomi sent Jack the message, but he didn’t reply. She sighed and sent another message.

(What do you want? What should I do to get you to forgive me?)

However, Jack didn’t reply to her second message either.

Naomi leaned back against the door in frustration. After a while, she made up her mind and sent one last message.

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[I’m sorry, Mister Daddy. Since you hate me so much, I won’t bother you again.]

She deliberately made it sound like a goodbye. Then she sent it off.

‘I said I won’t bother him again. He should reply to me, right?’

Just as Naomi was lost in her thoughts, her phone suddenly rang.

Her eyes lit up, and she hurriedly picked up the phone.

“Mister Daddy, you finally called me!”

“Naomi, it’s Robin.”

“Robin?” Naomi’s smile froze, and she straightened up awkwardly.

“I’m at the airport. Would you like to see me off?”

“What? Where are you going?” Naomi froze at the news.

On the phone, Robin hesitated for a few seconds, then he asked, “Do you remember what you promised me

before? Is it okay if I want to realize my wish now?”

“Of course, it’s okay!”

“Come meet me at the airport.”