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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chapter 294
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Chapter 294

“While everyone was waiting for the truth to be revealed, only Anna called me a liar, a vicious, disgusting woman!

She hates me more than Cayden Wilkins!” 

Immediately, people off the stage started to whisper again. 

“Indeed! Anna is very strange today!” 

“Does she have a grudge against Miss Naomi?” 

“Yes! I also think Anna is targeting Miss Naomi!” 

People’s discussions were getting louder and louder. 

Anna glanced at Jack timidly, and then she yelled in a panic, “It’s not what you think!” 

At that moment, Zach walked on stage and reported to Naomi, “Miss Naomi, we just found out it was Anna who told

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the security to let Cayden in and gave instructions to the staff controlling the screens here!” 

“What?” Everyone was shocked! 

Even Jack, who always had a poker face, cast a stern glance at Anna after hearing Zach’s words. 

“No! I don’t know these people! Please let me explain!” Anna’s face went pale. She completely freaked out. She

rushed up to Naomi and hurriedly explained, “Miss Naomi, I’m so busy at work, and I’ve left all these things to my

people to make arrangements. They could have made mistakes. It’s a coincidence. I don’t know these people at all.

You have to trust me!” 

“Trust you?” Naomi shook off Anna’s hand and stared at her, no emotion in her eyes. 

“Anna, you have to show your sincerity to prove your innocence, right?” 

“Get down on your knees!” Someone off the stage shouted, and others echoed with righteous indignation. 

“Yes! You were so excited when you called Miss Naomi names. Now you want to run away?” 

“Are the Simms all as shameless as you are?” 

“Apologize to Miss Naomi!” 

Anna compressed her lips. She stared at Naomi reluctantly. She cursed Naomi in her mind. 

“Anna, our time is precious. I hope you will keep your words!” Naomi stared at Anna and urged. 

“You!” Anna wanted to explode, but in front of the guests and the media, she could only swallow her indignation.

Her chest was about to explode! Anna clenched her fists and gritted her teeth as she apologized, “I’m sorry, Miss

Naomi! I will take the responsibility!” 

Anna appeared sincere, but actually, she was burning with rage inside. 

‘Bitch! I want you to die!’ 

“Just wait! I’ll cut you into pieces and feed you to stray dogs! Just then, a group of police officers walked in. 


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An officer handcuffed Cayden. “Where else are you going to run?” 

“Officer!” Naomi stepped forward and stopped the officer and said with a serious face,” Cayden Wilkins faked my

father and was responsible for intentional homicide. It’s the kind of the most serious crime. You can’t let him be

released on bail!” Naomi put special emphasis on the last sentence. 

“Miss Naomi, don’t worry. He is suspected of such serious charges that he is no longer eligible for bail! We will find

out everything and give you justice!” The officer answered with a righteous voice. “OK, I’m relieved, but… This man

had been faking my father for ten years and made such a big show today, someone must be behind him. I want

you to investigate the people who bailed 

him out. You must find the person behind it!” 

Then Naomi cast a glance at Anna. 

‘Do you think I’ll let you go because you kneeled? No way!’ 

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