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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chapter 289
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Chapter 289

“Oh my God, Scott isn’t lying!”

“Naomi really isn’t Scott’s daughter!”

“So Naomi is lying!”

People’s questions kept pouring into Naomi’s ears, but Naomi couldn’t hear a word. She froze. She stared at the

paternity test report on the screen in shock and bewilderment.

She was absolutely certain that she was the daughter of her mother and Scott, but why was she not related to the

fat “Scott” in front of her?

Tons of past events came to her mind. On the one hand, when Naomi was a little girl, Scott doted on her so much,

but on the other hand, after Naomi turned ten, Scott changed into a completely different person, beating her or

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scolding her from time to time.

The whole bunch of memories overwhelmed her and separated her from the crowd around her.

Thinking of two completely different “Scott”, Naomi sunk in a daze. She even forgot where she was….

Zach and Janell were both dumbfounded. They didn’t know what to do for a while.

Scott broke away from the security guards and climbed on stage. He whined to the guests and the media.

“Please do me justice! I was wronged! This woman has been setting me up for a long time!”

“Shut up! What are you talking about?” Anna scolded angrily. She deliberately stepped forward and pretended to

defend Naomi, while in reality, she was subtly drawing out what Scott was going to say next.

“What am I talking about? i have proof! You all don’t know why Green Corp went bankrupt, do you? It’s all because

of this woman. She founded a company to compete with me so that I lost the market! After that, she gave me a

fake prescription! I believed it was my wife’s


prescription and started mass production. However, in the end, the medicine didn’t sell, and my company went

bankrupt! Then this woman secretly bought shares of my company and pretended to save the company! By the

time I realized it, she had taken control of the company, and in the name of revenge for Rachel, she threw me out!

In fact, she’s not my daughter! She’s a liar!” Scott was in tears, his tone full of exasperation.

At first, no one believed Scott, but he claimed he was the victim. What’s more, he made up the story and showed

the test report.

Then people began to suspect. Even Langdon’s senior staff were confused!

“Miss Naomi, is what he said true?” Zach asked first.

And Naomi just kept her head down. No one could see the expression on her face. She didn’t say a word.

She was lost in thoughts. Her mind was whirling. She was looking for an answer! A leopard could not change its

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spots, and a man could not change his nature. People didn’t suddenly change to another person! Unless this “Scott”

standing in front of her was a fake!

The idea drifted through Naomi’s mind.

Just as Naomi was about to think about it, Scott’s screaming interrupted her thoughts.

“What do you have to ask? The test report is right on the screen! This woman has nothing more to say!”

“I can’t believe Naomi is a fake!”

“I used to believe she was all righteous!”

People’s opinions gradually shifted to Scott’s side.

“You’re lying! Miss Naomi never harmed any of us. But we all remember what you did! You Bastard! Stop lying! The

police had arrested you!” At the emergent moment, Zach came to his senses and rebuked.

‘Even though Miss Naomi is a fake, she has been protecting everyone and doing everyone justice!’

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