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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chapter 281
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Chapter 281

Susan quickly changed her name to ‘Doctor loves Shannon’s acting’. 

“Doctor doesn’t necessarily mean you, and a fan can just love his acting, not the actor as a person. Does it make

you feel better?” 

Naomi pursed her lips reluctantly. She had no choice but to accept it. 

“The fans’ culture is really insane.” 

To gain the group administrator ‘s trust, Naomi sent a string of stickers of loving Shannon. 

However, the administrator still picked on Naomi. She addressed Naomi in the group,”@ Doctor loves Shannon’s

acting, sorry. But we are very strict with newcomers lately to prevent anti-fans from getting in. Could you post a few

heartfelt remarks about Shannon both in the group and on Twitter, and then send me screenshots? 

“Why do they force people to do that?” Even Susan, who had been in the show business for years, was shocked. 

“Do they like idols or like running fans groups? They look like a pyramid organization.” 

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Naomi furrowed her eyebrows. She felt that something was strange. 

“Ugh, I’ve spent so much money and joined this group. I’ll just go ahead.” 

Susan quickly searched online for some passionate confessions, then she copied one and changed the name to


“Shannon, you are the light of my life, the oxygen I live on! I love you more than anything!” 

Before she sent it off, Susan read it aloud with emotion. Then she raised an eyebrow and showed it off to Naoini. 

“How is it? Is it passionate enough?” 

“It is, but…” 

Naomi’s face had a look of embarrassment on it. Inexplicably, she felt guilty. 

“I feel like I’m betraying Stinky Daddy.” 

Even if it was just a ploy and she had to do it to join Shannon’s fans group, it was against the deal between her and

Stinky Daddy anyway. 

“Well… It’s up to you.” 

Susan sighed and then shoved the phone into Naomi’s palm. 

“Wow! A handsome guy!” 

“Oh my God! He’s as charming as Shannon!” 

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the entrance of the cafeteria. Naomi looked in the direction of the noise. 

Jack was wearing a couture suit. He looked like a superstar in the movie. 

Everyone around him was immediately overwhelmed by his intimidating aura, and instantly, the bustling cafeteria

quieted down. 

Jack’s dark eyes glanced around and quickly fastened on Naomi, who was sitting in the corner, and then he strode

towards her. 

‘Oh no! Why is he here when l’ın just thinking about him?’ 

1.00kiny, at lack’s expressionless poker face, Naomi’s heart sank. 

‘Does Stinky Daddy know what I’m up to? 

“Naomi, I have things to do on the set. I have to go now!” 

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Seeing Jack coming, Susan quickly left with Robin. Susan was a smart woman. 

In a few seconds, Jack walked up to Naomi. He was like a mountain, and his domineering aura enveloped her. 

“What are you doing here?” Naomi stared at Jack warily. She recalled that Jack had told her to go away last night.

Her tone was indifferent. 

Before she could say anything else, the Prince of Gin City’s handsome face immediately darkened. 

He was going to talk to Naomi. Immediately, his mood was gone! 

Jack snorted in a fake nonchalant manner. “I’m here for a check-up. Is that okay?” 

“Check-up? Why do you want to have a check-up? Where are you not feeling well? Is your wound not healed yet?

Did you take the medicine I gave you?” 

Naomi’s eyes widened and her face changed color when she heard Jack wanted to have a check up. 

She hurriedly reached out and lifted Jack’s shirt to examine his wound. 

The dismay on her face was replaced by anxiety. 

Jack didn’t stop her. He held up his hands to let Naomni examine his wound. 

Seeing the anxiety in her eyes, he muttered, his grim expression softening, the corners of his mouth curling up

quietly, “I don’t have any medicine. That stinky kid who hates me didn’t bring me any medicine.”