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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chapter 137
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Chapter 137 “Yes! We‘re not leaving! What can you do about that!” The Clarks started yelling along,

mimicking Kent‘s thuggish attitude. Clarissa looked at the chaos happening smugly. She secretly

gloated, ‘Naomi, let‘s see how you handle this!

“Heh, what a shame!” Naomi snickered. Her smile did not reach her eyes. She casually swept a glance

at everyone there. Her quiet gaze was filled with intimidating oppression.

Even Kent felt a little sheepish. He subconsciously took a few steps back. However, he soon realized

that he was intimidated by a child, so he started making even louder noises.

Naomi furrowed her brows impatiently. She could no longer bother to watch this farcical commotion.

“Uncle Zach.”


Uncle Zach sent out an order through the walkie–talkie. Within a minute, more than a dozen police

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officers rushed in and arrested Kent and the others.

“Kent Clark! We have received reports of you misappropriating funds, disrupting the order of the

financial market, using Green Corp‘s name to con the elderly, and selling fake drugs. You have violated

a dozen financial laws. Please come with us now!” Looking at the police officers with real guns, Kent

was scared half to death. He immediately yelled at Lilian for help. “Lilian! Help me! I‘m your only

brother!” Instantly, wails rang out through the entire meeting room. Lilian was so furious. She rushed

forward, about to slap Naomi!

However, she only took one step forward when she was blocked by a burly bodyguard. She was so

frightened she stumbled backward and almost fell to the ground.

Uncle Zach went forward and passed a stack of evidence to the police. “Thank you, officers! These are

the evidence of their crimes!”

“Don‘t worry! We won‘t let any single person go!” The leader of the police officers said angrily. His

mother was one of the victims of the con.

“Take them away!”

“You cannot take my brother away!” Lilian was anxious. She stood by the door, blocking them in their

way. She looked at Scott pleadingly. “Hubby, you‘re the chairman of the board. Say something!” Scott‘s

face turned green. He glared at Naomi. “Naomi! You‘ve crossed the line! Aren‘t you going to tell the

police that it‘s all a

misunderstanding and let your uncle go!” “I don‘t have a criminal for an uncle!” Naomi rolled her eyes.

“Aren‘t you going to listen to your father?!” Scott used the seniority card. Naomi snickered. “I‘m

completely in charge of the Green Corp now. Have you forgotten what you said?”

“I...” Scott was so furious he was struck dumb. He hoped for Naomi to be a scapegoat. He could not do

anything to her for the time being.

“Hubby..” Lilian looked at Scott with hope, yet Scott‘s expressions darkened. “Come here! Do not

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obstruct the law of justice!”

Lilian put her hands down. Her eyes did not hide her disappointment in Scott.

Naomi crossed her arms around her chest, looking on as if she was an outsider. Tsk, and there she

thought that Scott found true love. She did not think that Lilian amounted to nothing in his heart.

After the police officer took the group of people away, Naomi got up from her chair. “Okay. I‘ll lend this

meeting room to you all for the time being. I‘m very busy.” Then, she led Uncle Zach and the others out

of the meeting room. When they closed the door, Naomi‘s eyes gleamed slyly. She gave Uncle Zach a

thumbs up. “Uncle Zach, your acting is great!” Uncle Zach smiled widely.

“It‘s thanks to you, Miss Green.”

He deliberately pretended to express his dissatisfaction so that Scott and the others would think that

Naomi was stupid and let their guard down. A long time ago, Naomi already collected evidence against

Kent and the others, so that she could arrest them all at once that day.


“Today is thrilling! It‘s too bad we can’t bring Scott in and seek revenge for Madam Shaw!” Uncle Zach

lamented and sighed. Naomi‘s gaze turned cold.