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Daddy’s Doting Addiction by Spicy Tuna

Chap 301
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Chapter 301 

Jack tilted his head to look out of the bathroom, and a hint of hesitation appeared on his face. 

But the bell kept on ringing again  and again. 

The smile on Naomi’s face gradually 


“You’d better go to  answer the phone.” 



Jack nodded, slowly let go of Naomi and went out of the  bathroom. 

Naomi lowered her eyes, trying to hide her disappointment. She turned on the tap at full blast and washed her face


The intimate and exciting moments that she had spent with Jack were just like fragile bubbles, and they were

completely punctured by Queenie’s phone call. 

It was time for her to get back  to reality. 

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A few seconds later, Naomi walked out of  the bathroom. 

Jack hung up the phone with a grim face, picked up his clothes on the sofa and looked at her seriously. 

“Queenie had a relapse and she is now in critical  condition!” 

Jack strode to Naomi and looked at her with an apologetic expression. 

“I’m going to see  her.” 


Naomi looked away and said in a sullen  voice. 

Jack said nothing more. He directly turned and  strode away. 

The large bedroom suddenly fell quiet. After a long time, Naomi withdrew her eyes from the door and lay on the big

bed in exhaustion. 

Maybe Mister Daddy kissed her at the airport just out of  impulse. 

He attached great importance to Queenie, and perhaps he didn’t value her at all. 

Naomi raised her hand to pinch her eyebrows, and she decided to stop thinking about her relationship with Mister


Too many astonishing things had happened today, and countless clips were replayed in her mind. 

The person who she regarded as her father and had spent ten years with wasn’t even related to her! 

Where was her biological  father? 

And what was the truth about her mother’s  death? 

Cayden wasn’t capable of doing these things. Then who was  behind all this? 

Everything seemed to be obscured by thick fog, and she couldn’t find out the truth. 

The key to solving the puzzle seemed to be Cayden. 

Naomi sat up and picked up the phone to call Uncle  Zach. 

“Uncle Zach, please communicate with the police station. I want to see Cayden tomorrow.” 


Speaking of which, Uncle Zach mentioned another  thing. 

“By the way, you asked me to investigate the administrator of Shannon’s fans group last night, and I’ve got a


“Really? What did she  say?” 

Naomi raised her eyebrows. She didn’t expect that administrator to confess the truth so quickly. 

“Since you have collected the evidence of her embezzlement of those fans’ funds, she was so scared that she

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made a confession. It turns out that she is Anna’s cousin. Yesterday, Anna called her and asked her to teach you

how to change your alias. She also deliberately revealed Shannon’s itinerary to you, which kept you busy all night

without getting any results!” 

“So Anna is indeed the  culprit!” 

Naomi said coldly, and she didn’t feel surprised  at all. 

“Uncle Zach, keep the evidence  first.” 


After hanging up the phone, Naomi took out her computer and opened a file full of garbled characters. 

This was the surveillance video recording the night that Anna seduced Jack, but it was destroyed by Anna.

Naomi was delayed by various things before, so she only recovered half of the video. But now… 

Naomi poured herself a cup of coffee, tied up her hair and exercised her neck several times. 

An hour later, those confusing codes became logic under  her operation. 

Naomi gently pressed the button, and the video finally played  normally. 

It recorded how Anna took off her clothes and climbed onto Mister Daddy’s bed with a flirtatious expression.