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Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 156: Freedom in Prison (3)
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༺ Freedom in Prison (3) ༻

The 1st Manager’s invitation was unexpected. Even considering her unpredictable nature, I doubt she was suggesting we eat military rations in the office. She probably meant to suggest visiting the building’s cafeteria or maybe a well-known restaurant in the capital. Either option would inevitably consume time.

‘It’s a tricky situation.’

I wasn’t supposed to be in the capital. Since I was summoned here for unleashing what would go down in history as the ‘Spicy Proletarian Punch,’ I should be returning to my post as soon as my business was concluded.

It’d also be a pain in the ass if something happened while I was away. This was also the reason why I always returned as quickly as possible after completing my tasks during the first semester.

But this semester was different from the past one. Ever since the club members got rejected by Louise, the chances of having an incident happen had plummeted. Besides, it was noon and all the club members were in class.

And considering the fact that I was going to be on probation starting tomorrow, did it really make a difference if I rushed back or not? Even the Crown Prince said that I should use today to prepare. That meant that I could afford to relax a bit.

‘So the circumstances do matter, after all.’

Facing disciplinary action had surprisingly made me relaxed. It felt like I’d adopted a ‘let come what may’ attitude now that I was at the edge.

“I’ll just have the meal and then go back.”


After giving it some thought, I accepted. While there was no particular reason to have a meal with the 1st Manager, there was no reason to refuse, either. It should be fine since it wasn’t like I, her superior, was the one who insisted on this.

“I know a great place. Let me take you there!”


I nodded at the giggling 1st Manager. She seemed confident, so she probably knew a good spot.

But then, wouldn’t it be better for her to visit a place like that with a friend or her lover? Who’d bring their boss to such spots?

‘Is it because the 4th Manager is not here?’

Among the managers, the 4th Manager was the only one with the same gender as the 1st manager. It’d be a little tragic if she lost her only friend and then ended up having to dine with her boss.

I followed the 1st Manager, who was gesturing for me to hurry. I somehow felt sorry that she had to work in a place with only men.

Then, my sympathy vanished instantly.



“Let’s have our meal here.”

I couldn’t help but laugh the moment I saw the place the 1st Manager led me to. This was the dining spot?

“This place makes really amazing food.”

Her confident declaration left me momentarily speechless.

Had the culture of the capital changed while I was at the academy and was away?

No, no way. Even if the culture had indeed changed, it wouldn’t be to this extent.

“This is your house, isn’t it?”

It was my first time visiting, but I knew the locations of the major estates in the capital. The 1st Manager had brought me to her own mansion for the meal.

Sure, the cooking must be good here, given that it was the residence of a marquis’s daughter. Would there be a mediocre chef in such a place?

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But then, if we were going by that logic, then wouldn’t the empire’s best dining spot be the imperial palace? Would this really be okay?

“Dining outside would only draw too much attention. Right, Executive Manager?”

“Why are you suddenly saying sensible words now?”

And if she was worried about attracting attention, then we could have just gone to the building’s cafeteria—

“Let’s go inside!”

Ignoring my words, the 1st Manager pushed me into the mansion.


I successfully nudged the grumbling Executive Manager into the mansion.

‘That settles it.’

Actually, I wasn’t expecting much. The Executive Manager tended to appear and disappear unpredictably, so I assumed it would be the same this time.

Still, I had to suggest it to him in advance and face his rejection a few times to have the grounds to complain, ‘Why do you always avoid it?!’ That was why I mentioned dining out together, thinking that I should lay the groundwork.

“I’ll just have the meal and then go back.”

But I was lucky. I didn’t expect to succeed on the first try.

‘His walls have definitely lowered.’

In the past, I often asked him to eat with me. While I couldn’t confess my feelings because of Hecate’s heavy shadow, I thought we could still at least become closer on a platonic level. Building rapport would make confessing my feelings easier later on.

But I was turned down every time for all sorts of reasons. The food wouldn’t taste good with a superior around, he had too much work today, too little work today so he had to leave early, or that he’d started a diet.

Thinking about it now, it felt unfair. Did he reject me for all those ridiculous reasons?

‘Nobody told me that I was lacking in any area, either.’

It felt frustrating. Infuriating, even. I suddenly felt the urge to smack the back of the Executive Manager’s head after seeing it.

There had always been people who liked me even before my academy days, throughout my school years, and even after graduation. I came from a reputable family. I’m pretty and I’m capable. I wasn’t lacking in any aspect.

Even Senior Aria said that the person who’d marry me would be lucky.

‘And he’s younger.’

Moreover, he was four years younger. If he was going to be a younger brother, then he should act like one and depend on and follow his beautiful noona.

Of course, the Executive Manager’s prickly demeanor had its own charm. But sometimes, I wanted to see a different side of him than the one he usually showed.

“You’re going to put a hole in my head.”

The Executive Manager bluntly spoke up. Was I staring too obviously?

He noticed my gaze even though I was looking at him from behind. Did this mean that the Executive Manager was also interested in me?


I almost laughed out loud, but I managed to hold it in.

He really seems like a younger brother whenever he acts all ticked off and dishonest with his noona. Now, I felt like petting the back of his head instead of hitting it.

“Executive Manager, do you want to end up like the 3rd Manager?”

“You little…”

I tossed out the joke with that sentiment, but the Executive Manager turned around quickly. He seemed to be genuinely offended. Was comparing him to the 3rd Manager too much?

“Did you just call your precious subordinate ‘little’?”

As I pouted, the Executive Manager quickly grabbed my lips.

Ouch, that actually hurts.

‘But I like it.’

My heart warmed. I hadn’t managed to catch the Executive Manager’s attention in the office because we were busy rushing things. This made me disappointed with the timing.

But thankfully, I finally did. The Executive Manager had been at the academy last year, so I couldn’t catch him every day.

Either way, this was an interaction that the Executive Manager shared only with me. Not with Hecate, nor with Lady Marghetta. It was an exclusive connection between us.

Those thoughts melted my expression. Anyways, it’s okay. The Executive Manager was doing this because he was hurt.

“Young miss?”

A voice from behind the Executive Manager made his hand fall away from my lips.


A wave of disappointment and displeasure washed over me. How dare they interrupt my time with the Executive Manager?

Glancing towards the source of the voice, I saw the butler. Butler, I didn’t think you were this tactless. I wanted to scold him right there and then, but I held back since we were being watched.

“Butler, prepare the meal. Make it for two since we have a guest.”

I moved past the Executive Manager and towards the butler instead.

“Make sure it’s done carefully and perfectly. Got it?”

I whispered to the butler. The meal with the Executive Manager had to be perfect; any flaw would be embarrassing.

At my words, the butler’s eyes darted quickly to the Executive Manager and then back to me.

“It might take a bit longer.”

“That’s fine.”

I nodded in satisfaction.

The Executive Manager might just eat quickly and leave if the meal was served quickly. To keep him around longer, the meal had to be late.

Alright, I take back what I said about the butler being tactless. It was a bit disappointing at first, but he handled this just fine, so I’ll let it slide.


I sat down idly, looking around.

‘It’s splendid.’

Of course, the 1st Manager’s mansion was splendid. Officially speaking, it wasn’t the 1st Manager’s but Marquis Massello’s residence. But since other family members mostly stayed in their territories, it was practically hers.

After Marquis Asilon was demoted to a count, the Massello Marquisate became one of the top families between the marquisates. Therefore, it was only natural for their residence in the capital to be grand…

‘But the owner is…’

The 1st Manager was fumbling when I turned to her.

It made my head hurt. I knew that the 1st Manager was from the Massello family, but seeing it with my own eyes now brought about a sense of mental conflict.

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This kind of person was the owner of this mansion? It almost felt like an insult to the mansion.

‘Am I any different?’

Truthfully, I wasn’t in any position to talk. After all, I was the one who ended up with Marquis Asilon’s mansion (or what was left of it).

Both the superior and the subordinate were mismatched with their surroundings. It wasn’t that different from putting a pearl necklace on a pig. This wasn’t something we should be mirroring.

“Executive Manager, how have you been lately?”


Her unexpected question caught me off guard.

Since when did we exchange such pleasantries? It felt as awkward as being asked about your hobbies on a blind date.

As if noticing my confusion, the 1st Manager continued with a smile.

“Since you knocked out royalty, I figured you’d have other interesting tales to tell.”

What a roundabout way to tease someone.

“Nothing much. I’m always careful.”

I had really been cautious. Although it wasn’t really my place to say considering that I was the one who knocked out royalty, it wasn’t my fault that Rutis fainted—it was because of his own weakness.

…I’ve decided to think of it that way.

“And how about Lady Marghetta?”

I flinched, caught off guard. Why was she bringing her up all of a sudden?

“I got the impression there might be some good news soon when I saw you during the break~”

Her teasing left me speechless. Had I given it away in front of her? Was it that obvious, even in the office?

No. The 4th Manager was also at the mansion. The 4th Manager had probably shared some stories with the 1st Manager.

“I’m fine with this year. I’ll pick out a nice gift for the both of you!”

“With all the student council work Marghetta has, this year is…”

Marghetta was already busy with the student council. I wouldn’t want to burden her with more responsibilities on top of her student council duties.

Besides, proceeding with anything formal while she was still a student would be a disservice to her, who had waited patiently so far.


Sneakily asking… I mean, asking rather blatantly turned out to be informative. Did that mean that an engagement or marriage was planned right after the lady graduated?

‘There’s still over a year left.’

I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. I’ve been waiting for two years, and now I had to wait another two years again.

But it’s alright. Even though it was disheartening, having a timeline was better than waiting indefinitely.

‘Where should we get married?’

I haven’t even confessed to the Executive Manager yet, but here I was, indulging in these pleasant worries. Imagination was free, anyway.

Should we hold it in the capital? Or our territory? The Executive Manager’s territory could also be nice. It’s so difficult to choose among the three.

Maybe I should just suggest doing it three times. I don’t think anyone had ever held their wedding thrice.

‘That sounds good.’

The position of the first wife would belong to the lady, anyways. So, wouldn’t it be right for me to claim a first in terms of the wedding ceremony?

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