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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 84
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“What would you like to drink?” Rodney asked her gently. “Blue Mountain or cappuccino?”

She only liked to drink Mocha coffee. Every time she met Rodney head-on, she would order Mocha.

However, even now, Rodney head didn’t know what she liked to drink. Celia’s heart was very sad.


Rodney had asked for a Mocha for her, but he had drunk Blue Mountain himself. Seeing that he had

the same taste as Amber, Celia secretly hated him, but she showed a concerned look on her face.

“Rodney, you seem to have lost a lot of weight.”

“Really?” Rodney smiled faintly. The waiter brought him coffee. Celia picked up the coffee and took a

sip, but Rodney didn’t move. When Celia put down the cup, he said, “Celia, I’m sorry. I can’t get

engaged to you.”

If she had known that he would ask her to come, she wouldn’t have said anything good, but she didn’t

expect that he would directly say that he couldn’t get engaged to her like this.

One of the reasons why she framed Amber for the miscarriage was that she wanted to make Rodney

feel guilty and make him feel guilty for the rest of his life.

As long as Rodney felt sorry for her, she would have a chance. But she didn’t expect that no matter

how guilty she was, she couldn’t compare with Amber in his heart.

Celia was really sad, so the sadness on her face was real. “Have you thought about it?”

“Yes, I’ve made up my mind.” Rodney felt that he was a little cruel. This girl was innocent from the very

beginning. It was his mother who got her involved in the emotional entanglement between him and


He had always felt sorry for her, so in the past three years, he had tried his best to make up for her with

substance. “I’m sorry, Celia. I can’t leave her behind.”

“I know. I knew it when Amber came back. I don’t blame you.” Celia took a deep breath and forced

herself to smile. “Will you get married to her again?”

“I’ll fight for it. After all, I’m sorry for her.”

“Do your best to fight for her. She is a good person and worthy of your love. If you need me, I will help

you at any time.”

He didn’t expect Celia to be so righteous, so he felt even more guilty. “If you need anything, you can

come to me. I will never refuse.”

“I don’t need anything. Your happiness is my greatest wish. I wish you and Amber happiness.” After

saying this, Celia covered her face and ran out of the coffee shop.

Looking at her staggering figure, Rodney sat in the cafe for a while before he got up and left.

After leaving the coffee shop, Celia went straight home. When she entered the door, she called

Shannon. “Mom, Rodney broke up with me. He wants to be with Amber.”

“He broke up with me for that b*tch. He’s so heartless!” Shannon scolded him.

What a bad year! Amber was blessed from the misfortune, but he and his daughter failed to get any

benefits from the trap. Amber felt more and more upset. “This b*tch is really a jinx. Why doesn’t she


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Celia said with a sad face, “Mom, I don’t want to break up with Rodney. You have to think of a way. If

Amber and Rodney are together, I won’t be able to live.”

“What are you panicking about? You’re a good-for-nothing.” Shannon glared at her daughter. “You

admit defeat before the last moment comes?”

“But what else can we do now?”

“Let me think about it, let me think about it!” Shannon was naturally anxious. She kept walking around

the room. After a while, her eyes suddenly lit up, and a vicious idea came to her mind.

Amber leaned against the hospital bed anxiously. “What should I do? What should I do in the future?”

She was anxious when the door of the ward was pushed open and Walter appeared in the ward.

Seeing that Deon was a little surprised, she subconsciously looked behind him. She didn’t see Elliot.

She didn’t know whether she should be disappointed or relieved.

Walter walked up to her and asked, “How do you feel?”

“I’m fine.”

“I have already told Mr. Thomson about you. He has returned to the United States. He probably will

come back tomorrow. He asked me to send you a message.”

Walter paused for a moment and said, “Mr. Thomson said that you signed a contract with him. If you

don’t go back to the company to work, you have to pay the legal consequences. You have to pay a

huge amount of compensation. So I hope you can think it over and go back to the company to work. In

addition, Mr. Thomson knows that you have been very unlucky recently. He said that he could give you

a holiday and let you rest well before going back to work.”

“I…” Amber didn’t know what to say.

“Mr. Thomson also said that your rest time is limited and it’s not enough. But after you rest well, you

must go back to work immediately. Otherwise, he will pursue your case!”

Amber controlled the tears in his eyes. “Is he okay?”

“Good, eat well and sleep well. I told you not to worry. You can go back to work after recovering from

your injury. Just pretend that nothing happened in the past!” Walter took out a sum of money and said,

“This is the salary that Mr. Thomson gave you.”

“No! I can’t take this money!” Amber refused. She was not a fool. How could she not understand Elliot’s

good intentions?

“Special Miss. Stone, take it. This is Mr. Thomson’s salary for you. Don’t take it for free!”

“I won’t take the money. Please help me tell Elliot that I will go back to work.”

In the end, Walter did not send the money out, but left the hospital with the money. In the parking lot of

the hospital, Elliot was sitting in the car with an anxious look on his face. When he saw Walter coming

out, he opened the door and asked, “How is it going?”

“Since you are worried about yourself, why don’t you go and have a look?” Walter was not happy.

“Did I feed you for nothing?” Elliot glared at him. He was not the kind of person who had no shame. He

also had self-esteem. How could he overcome this obstacle when he was rejected by someone in front

of him?

“She’s fine. She’ll be discharged in a few days. She said she’ll come to work.” Elliot had a smile on his

face when he heard that. “That’s good.”

“This is the money you gave her. She doesn’t want it.” Walter handed the money to Elliot. Seeing that

money had taken it back without moving, Elliot’s face darkened. “Why don’t you want it?”

“I don’t know. She just doesn’t want it. She said that if I had to pay, she wouldn’t go to work.”

Amber’s character was indeed like this. Elliot was so angry that he cursed. This woman was f*cking

stubborn, but he liked her stubbornness.

Elliot’s face darkened. “What did I say when I came out?”

“You said that if things are done well, you will double the bonus for me,” Walter replied.

“I haven’t finished my task yet, so I’ll give you half of your bonus.”

Walter’s face was full of grievances. He was f*cking wronged! But thinking about how he could get a

bonus with just a few words, it was also a good deal. His grievance would soon disappear.

When he started the car, Elliot suddenly said leisurely, “I heard that Rodney often goes to the hospital

during this period of time? Why do you think that’s the case?”

“I don’t know. I heard that it was all thanks to him that he saved Miss. Stone’s son.”

“Don’t you know how to investigate?” Elliot dragged out his voice. “I always feel that there’s something

strange between Mr. Barron and Amber. They won’t have an affair, will they?”

“Special Miss. Stone is not that kind of person.” Walter firmly denied.

Elliot naturally knew that Amber wasn’t that kind of person, but what about Rodney? He wasn’t a good

person. If he ate in a bowl and looked at the pot, wouldn’t he be interested in Amber?

There was definitely such a possibility. Mu didn’t know the relationship between Amber and Celia.

Maybe he would think about it when he saw her beauty.

Elliot frowned when he thought of the way Rodney looked at Amber when they first met. He had to

think of a way to satisfy both sides. He couldn’t let Mr. Barron take advantage of it.

Thinking of this, Deon suddenly said, “Mr. Thomson, Special Miss. Stone’s house has no way to live


“I know.” Elliot was a little impatient after his thoughts were interrupted. He closed his eyes and thought

for a while before saying, “You should go buy a house immediately and then rent it to her. I’ve done it

without anyone noticing.”

“Mr. Thomson, what are you doing? At this time, you should take the initiative to take care of her and

show your integrity. Only in this way can you win a beauty’s heart?” Walter was really puzzled.

“What do you know?” Elliot glared at him. Even if he wanted to pursue a woman, he had to pay

attention to his personal interests. If Amber could solve this problem with money, would he have to

worry so much?

Thinking of those heartless words she said to him that day, he felt his heart ached. He was really a

bitch. That woman had said that to him, but he still couldn’t rest assured. She was really a bitch!

After Walter left, the ward fell silent. Amber leaned against the bed, his heart churning. She had never

thought that Elliot would be willing to help her. How could he think of helping her when she said such

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cruel words that day? Was he not angry at all?

“Or has he already put it down?” The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. After a

long time, the door was pushed open. Rodney came in with Mel in his arms. “Mom, I just had a meal

with uncle. The meal is very delicious. I’ve eaten a lot, and uncle also brought food for you and


Mel blushed and looked very happy at a glance. Rodney put Mel on the ground and the bag in his hand

on the table next to Amber.

He opened the bag and took out the food he brought back and handed it to Amber. Amber did not take

it. “Thank you, Mr. Barron. It’s a sick meal in the hospital. Don’t bother.”

“It’s not good to eat a sick meal. It’s delicious.” Rodney didn’t care about her attitude. “It’s all your

favorite food. Try it.”

Amber was about to lose her temper when Mel came up to her. “Mom, can I feed you?”

Looking at his son’s smiling face, Amber suppressed his displeasure. “Mom can eat by herself. She

doesn’t need to be fed by Mel.”

“Mom, eat quickly. You’ll get better after eating. That way, we can go home.”

Amber looked into his son’s innocent eyes and thought of the predicament he was facing after leaving

the hospital. He sighed. When she looked up and saw Rodney looking at her, she looked at him coldly.

“Don’t you have anything to do, Mr. Barron?”

Mel took over the conversation. “Mom, uncle said that you and your grandfather were both injured and

no one took care of us, so he stayed to take care of us.”

“Uncle has his own business. Mom can take care of herself.” Amber looked at his son. “Do what you

can do. Don’t bother others, understand?”

“Uncle is not someone else. He is a good person.”

“Mel!” Amber raised his voice. Mel bit her lower lip with grievance. Rodney immediately picked up the

other meal on the table. “I’ll go next door to see my uncle.”

“I’ll go with you!” Watching Mel and Rodney leave together, Amber let out a heavy sigh. “Why is my son

so intimate with Rodney? Is it really because of blood?”

Rodney took the rice and went to the ward next door. He still met with a cold shoulder. Ashton was very

direct. “Thank you for saving Mel, Mr. Barron. We will remember Mr. Barron’s great kindness. If there is

a chance in the future, we will definitely repay Mr. Barron. But now our whole family doesn’t want to see


To think that Ashton would address him with such respect. His expression was extremely ugly, but he

couldn’t find a reason to lose his temper.

Mel didn’t understand the big waves between adults. “Uncle, why do you say that our whole family is

not happy to see you? I’m glad to see you.”

“Has Mel forgotten what her mother said?” Ashton reminded him.

“I remember what Mom said. Don’t talk to strangers.” Mel lowered her small head. Until now, he had

become strangers to Amber and Ashton. Rodney’s eyes were dark, but he couldn’t be angry at all.

Rodney did not leave the hospital because of the opposition of Amber and Ashton. Instead, he had

been holding on. Soon, Itzel told Rachel about Rodney’s rescue of Mel.