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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 82
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“Miss. Stone now knows why I oppose you being with Elliot, isn’t it? It’s not because you are a single

mother, but because you are the daughter of the person that Elliot hates the most. Because of your

mother, Elliot has lost his father’s love since he was a child. If he knows that the woman he likes is the

daughter of the woman who made him lose his father’s love, what will he think?”

The old tutor’s voice was very slow, but every word was heart-wrenching. “Think about it carefully. If

you feel that you can calmly be with Elliot, I won’t object, but you can’t keep the paper on fire. If one

day Elliot knows the truth…”

Amber tried his best not to lose his composure, but the huge impact still made her eyes full of tears.

She didn’t want to cry in front of outsiders, so she stood up and said goodbye to the old man with a

nod. Looking at her straight back, the old man finally couldn’t bear it.

Elliot, I’ve always been afraid of liking you because I’m afraid of losing myself again. I’m afraid that

you’ll let me down. But what reason do I have to like you now? What reason do I have to accept your

love so calmly?

I’m sorry, Elliot. I don’t want your love anymore, because I don’t deserve it! I don’t deserve it!

There was a kind of unspeakable bitterness and pain in her heart. In fact, she could not hold on any

longer, but only she herself knew how difficult it was to keep calm and walk out of the tea room.

Amber calmly took her bag and went downstairs. Elliot, who was downstairs, stood by the car and

looked at her with a smile. Looking at his bright smile, Amber felt extremely bitter in his heart.

She walked toward Elliot step by step. Her footsteps seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. She had

walked a very short distance for a very long time.

Elliot opened the door and Amber got in the car speechlessly. He followed her and looked at her with a

smile. “Why didn’t you answer my call last night?”

“There’s no electricity on the phone,” Amber replied.

“Well, do you know how hard it was last night? I suddenly couldn’t fall asleep and wanted to talk to

someone, but I couldn’t get through when I called you, so I couldn’t sleep all night. You have to

compensate me!”

Amber turned his head and suddenly reached out to hug him. He took the initiative to kiss Elliot’s lips.

Elliot was stunned. Obviously, he was shocked by her initiative. After a while, he came to his senses

and began to respond.

Finally, the two of them separated. “If it wasn’t during the day, I would really want to get rid of you!”

Elliot panted.

Amber looked at his handsome face and felt pain in her heart. She calmed down and said slowly,

“Elliot, I’ve thought about it carefully. It’s not suitable for us to be together, so let’s break up!”

“What did you say?” Elliot’s eyes widened. He almost suspected that something was wrong with his

ears. This woman had just taken the initiative to kiss him, but she broke up with him in an instant. It

was said that women change easily, but such a change was too fucking incredible.

“I say, we’re not suitable for each other. Break up!”

Elliot’s expression suddenly turned cold. “Amber, are you kidding?”

“I’m not joking. I’ve already thought about it. We’re not suitable for each other. It’s better to end it now

than in the future.”

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“It’s not suitable. It’s not suitable for you to promise me at that time. Amber, I’m telling you, I’m not a

nobody. Since you provoked me, don’t even think about escaping!”

“Elliot, let me go!”

“Let you go? Am I a monster or a flood? Am I that scary?” Elliot glared at Amber.

“I can’t convince myself to accept a man who has countless women outside. I think you are very dirty!”

“You!” Elliot was gasping for breath. She said he was dirty! She said he was dirty!

Elliot raised his fist. For a second, Amber thought that he would punch him. Subconsciously, he closed

his eyes, only to hear a bang. When he opened his eyes, he saw Elliot’s fist hit the glass.

His hand was cut and bleeding. Amber felt pain in his heart and subconsciously stretched out his hand.

Elliot’s eyes flashed, but the next second, Amber suddenly changed his action. She quickly opened the

bag in her hand and took out a resignation report. “This is my resignation report. I hope you can

approve it.”

Amber tried to make his voice as cold as possible so that he could finish his words calmly. Only God

knew how much her heart ached when he said these words.

She knew very well how good Elliot had been to her. He had given her strength at the most difficult and

most helpless moment, but she was destined to have no way to have him.

“Amber! Did someone force you?” Elliot suddenly grabbed her shoulder, and the blood on his hand

dripped on Amber’s shoulder. “Did Breanna threaten you again?”

“No, no one threatened me. I just feel that we are not suitable for each other. I can’t cross that hurdle in

my heart! For me, men and toothbrush can’t be shared. I can’t tolerate you having so many women in

the past.”

Elliot’s face was full of pain. She still thought he was dirty. This woman thought he was dirty. He knew

very well how many absurd things he had done. She was not wrong!

He let go of Amber’s shoulder dejectedly. Amber placed the resignation report in front of him. “I hope

you can approve of my resignation as soon as possible. I believe that Mr. Thomson will not be so

childish as to threaten me with a contract like before.”

His words made Elliot so angry that the veins on his forehead were exposed. He stared at Amber with

blood-red eyes. Amber plucked up the courage to look at him.

Looking at the indifferent expression in her eyes, Elliot was finally defeated.

“Get out of the car!” A cold and ruthless voice sounded. Amber opened the door, but before he could

stand firm, the car sped away.

Looking at the car that disappeared from her sight, she burst into tears. “Elliot, I’m sorry! I don’t deserve

you. It’s my fault! I’m sorry!”

The afternoon sun was a little warm. Breanna narrowed her eyes and sat under the shade of the

garden, basking in the sun. She had just gone to the Thomson family to visit the Old Master who had

just returned from South City. The Old Master was very sure that Elliot would not have someone like

Amber by his side.

The old man was indeed powerful. As soon as he attacked, he made Amber obediently choose to give

in. Thinking of Amber’s tough attitude to her that day, Breanna felt very happy. “Amber, you lost again!”

In the Thomson family, Remington sat comfortably in the garden and enjoyed the fragrant tea. The

butler ran over in a hurry and shouted from a distance, “Old Master, Young Master is back!”

The old tutor didn’t react for a moment. It wasn’t until the butler walked up to him and said it again that

the old tutor came to his senses. “Elliot is back?”

“Yes, it’s the Seventh Young Master.”

“Why did Elliot come back at this time? Is it because of Amber?” The old man was stunned when he

saw a tall and straight figure appear in her sight.

“Grandpa, you’re really something!” Elliot walked to the side of the old man and sat down. He took a

teapot and poured himself a cup of tea.

The old tutor didn’t say anything. He had already guessed why Elliot had returned. It had to be because

of Amber.

In fact, he felt a little guilty about Amber. After all, Amber was completely different from what he had


If she was not Ashley’s daughter, he might really let her and Elliot be together. But now, even if he was

beaten to death, he would not agree.

“Grandpa, don’t you have anything to say to me?” Elliot stared at the old man with his black eyes.

Even though the old man had been in the business field for many years, he was still a little frightened

by his stare. He coughed dryly and said, “Elliot, what did you come back for this time?”

“Haha, grandpa’s acting skills are getting more and more impressive?” Elliot sneered.

Remington’s face darkened. “You brat, how could you say that about your grandfather?”

“You also know that you are my grandfather? Since you are my grandfather, why did you do that to


“Elliot, this isn’t what you think. You really can’t be with Amber. Grandpa was worried that you might

regret it in the future, so he persuaded Amber to leave you!” The old man sighed.

“I regret it? How do you know that I will regret it? How can you not predict what I don’t even know? Are

you an immortal?”

“Elliot!” The old tutor’s expression was ugly. “I really did it for your own good!”

“For me? I don’t need it! Grandpa, I’m telling you, I’ve never liked a woman like this. Grandpa, do you

know how I feel now? The feeling of burning all my organs? I’m not feeling well. I can’t die!”

Looking at Elliot’s expression, the old man didn’t speak. His expression was complicated.

“Grandpa, I’m begging you. Please let me and Amber be together! As long as you promise us to be

together, I won’t do anything. I’ll listen to you, okay?”

Looking at her grandson’s crazy look, the old man was really upset. What charm did Amber and his

daughter have?

Ashley asked her son to abandon his wife and son, but now her grandson was willing to sacrifice

everything for her daughter.

Feeling a little angry, he picked up the teacup and took a sip. “Elliot, I actually didn’t say anything to

Miss. Stone. She volunteered to leave you. If you don’t believe me, you can go back and ask her.”

“Selfish? How is that possible?” Elliot refused to believe it. “Grandpa, tell me honestly what kind of

tricks you’ve played to make Amber leave me firmly.”

“It’s very simple. I actually told her that she is a divorced woman with a child. She doesn’t deserve you.

I don’t like it. That’s it.”

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“Impossible!” Elliot did not believe it.

“That’s the truth. She feels that she doesn’t deserve you, so she shrank back. It proves that she loves

you and doesn’t love you very deeply.” The Old Master wouldn’t tell Elliot about Ashley even if he was

beaten to death.

When Elliot saw that the old master was unwilling to say anything, he sneered. “Since there are others

who are unwilling to say anything, then there’s nothing I can do. However, there’s one more thing I

want to tell you.”

“What is it?”

“I won’t listen to you anymore!” The corners of Elliot’s mouth curled up slightly. He looked at the old

man with a mocking look. “Grandpa, I’m telling you, from now on, I won’t listen to any of your words.

You want me to marry Breanna and marry the Hammond family, right? I advise you to give up this idea

as soon as possible!”

“What’s wrong with Breanna? Why don’t you like her?”

“Why would I fall in love with her?” Elliot sneered. “I’m not afraid to tell you that if it weren’t for Amber, I

wouldn’t have gotten married, and I wouldn’t have lived as you asked. If you don’t believe me, we’ll just

wait and see!”

“B*stard!” Remington was furious all of a sudden. “Are you threatening me? I won’t let you do that!”

“I’m not threatening you. I’m telling you what’s on my mind!” Elliot said word by word. “Without Amber,

I’ll return to the life of being drunk and dying. Remember, it’s you who ruined me. It’s you who ruined

the happiness of my life!”

After saying that, Elliot got up and left. Looking at his back, the Old Master’s eyes darkened.

“Elliot, why are you so stupid? How can you be so stupid! It’s not that Grandpa doesn’t agree, but that

you can’t marry Amber!”

After breaking up with Elliot, Amber had never been to Elliot’s company again. In order to cut off the

connection with Elliot, she gave the valuable ring that Elliot gave her to Elliot’s special assistant and

asked him to hand it over to Elliot.

Elliot had never appeared in her life again. Without a job, her life had to continue. Amber’s current

priority was to find a job first.

She began to look for work everywhere. Soon, she found a civilian job in a company. Although her

salary was not as high as Elliot’s, her life was enough.

Her work was busy and full. When she was free, she would think of Elliot. She didn’t know how he was

doing now. He must hate this ungrateful woman to the core, right?

“That’s good. With his character, if he hates me, he won’t pester me anymore.”

But why was there so much reluctance and melancholy in her heart?

“Mom, why didn’t Uncle Elliot come to play with me?” Mel couldn’t hold back anymore after not seeing

Elliot for several days.

“Uncle Elliot will never come again,” replied Amber.

“Why? Is he busy?”

“No.” Amber didn’t know how to answer.

“Mom, does Uncle Elliot not want us anymore?”

Amber didn’t say anything, and there was sadness in her eyes. Mel saw the sadness in her eyes and

reached out to hold her tightly. “Mom, don’t be sad. Mel won’t abandon mom. Mel will spend the rest of

her life with mom!”

“Good son!” Tears flashed in Amber’s eyes as he hugged Mel tightly.