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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 79
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After parking the car at the apartment building, Kelsey helped Rodney into the elevator. Rodney had

drunk too much and could not stand up anymore. He leaned half of his body against Kelsey.

She supported his body with all her strength and watched the numbers of the elevator beat slowly.

Soon, the elevator stopped. Kelsey helped Rodney out of the elevator and stumbled into the apartment.

She helped him into the bedroom and placed him on the bed. Then, she went out to help him soak in

honey water.

Very quickly, she carried the honey water into the bedroom. Rodney was lying motionlessly on the bed

with his eyes closed and brows furrowed.

Kelsey looked at the extremely handsome face in front of her and sighed slightly. “Rodney! Drink the

honey water and then go to sleep!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Rodney opened his eyes. Kelsey helped him up and brought honey

water to his mouth. Rodney drank it all in one gulp and then held her hand tightly. He looked at Kelsey

with confusion. After a while, he spat out two words, “Amber!”

Kelsey felt a little sad that he had taken her as Amber. She finally understood why Rodney had helped


It was not because she was beautiful, nor because she was talented, but because she looked like


She stood by the bed in a daze as she looked at Rodney. She watched as he slowly closed his eyes

and his breathing grew steadier.

The heart that had been palpitating because of Rodney slowly returned to its original position.

How could I sit idly by when you’re so sad?

In the evening, Amber coaxed Mel to sleep. After turning off the light, he went back to his room and lay

in bed, ready to sleep. Suddenly, he heard the dripping sound of his mobile phone.

She picked it up and looked at it. It turned out to be a text message. “Shameless bitch, you even want

to snatch a man who has a fiancee!”

Amber looked at the text message in confusion. He thought that he had sent it wrong, but then another

text message immediately came in. “The man who robs others will be punished. Miss. Stone, please

take care of yourself!”

Seeing this text message, Amber’s blood rushed to his head. Since this person called her Miss. Stone,

it was obvious that he had not sent the wrong message. She immediately replied, “Who are you? Why

did you send me such a text message?”

“You don’t have to know who I am. I just want to tell you that you are now a complete mistress!”

“Did you take the wrong medicine?” Amber quickly replied.

“Yo, I’ve seen so many shameless people, but I’ve never seen someone as shameless as you, a

mistress, scold others. It seems that you are really thick-skinned.” The other party sent another

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Amber was furious. “Make it clear, or I’ll sue you for slander!”

“I’m so scared! Miss. Stone, do you really not know or are you playing dumb? I don’t believe that you

won’t know the situation of your current boyfriend, Elliot.”

“What happened to Elliot?”

“He has a fiancee!”

“Nonsense!” Amber was extremely shocked.

“I’m talking nonsense? Can this kind of thing be said? I’m telling you, you know Elliot’s fiancee. Her

name is Breanna! The Hammond family and the Thomson family are of equal status. We’ve already

decided on this marriage.”

Amber looked at the text message on his phone in a daze, and his mind was in a mess. He never

dreamed that Elliot had a fiancee, who was an old acquaintance of Breanna.

She had heard from Pierce that the Hammond family and the Thomson family were old friends and had

a good relationship. Otherwise, Pierce would not have allowed her to work for Elliot.

Since they were all rich people, it was really possible to arrange a marriage.

But why hadn’t she heard of this before? As she thought about it in her heart, another text message

came in. “Miss. Stone, a man should have dignity and a tree should have skin. If you know self-respect,

you should break up with Elliot as soon as possible. This is a good thing for you, and it can also play a

role in showing your child.”

“Who the hell are you? Why should I believe what you said?” Amber tried his best to say a few words.

“You want a real hammer, don’t you? I’ll send it to you right away.”

A few minutes later, a screenshot was sent to Amber’s mobile phone. She clicked on the picture news.

The location of the photo was at a foreign hotel. The carelessly referred to the birthday of the Old

Master of the Thomson family, and the old lady of the Hammond family took the eldest daughter of the

Hester family, Breanna, to the hotel.

According to the insider, Ms. Hester was prepared to be Elliot’s fiancee by the Thomson family.

After reading the news, Amber couldn’t hold the phone in his hand anymore and fell on the bed. She

leaned against the bed weakly. Her face was cold, and it was tears.

Elliot, you said you wouldn’t lie to me. I’ve already decided to let go of the past and start over with you.

I’ve already decided to give you my love. How can you give me such a big blow at this time!

That night, Amber had a sleepless night. At eight o’clock in the morning, Elliot appeared downstairs on

time. Amber looked at Elliot, who was standing beside the car and staring at him with a smile, and his

heart was churning.

He was noble, handsome, and rich, but what did she have?

Her heart was unusually bitter. She silently got in the car and Elliot started the car. “What’s wrong? Are

you unhappy today?”

“I have something to ask you. You must answer me honestly.”

“What is it?” A smile appeared on his face.

“Did your family arrange a fiancee for you?”

“Who told you that?” Elliot asked.

“It doesn’t matter who I heard it from. I just want to know if it’s true.”

“That’s true.” Elliot heaved a long sigh. The smile on his face faded a little. Amber’s heart grew cold.

“Why would you lie to me? Is it that fun to deceive me?”

Looking at her angry eyes, Elliot held her hand. “Amber, listen to me. This is not what you think.”

Amber controlled herself. She wanted to see how Elliot would explain. “It’s either his fiancee or his

parents’ intention. You know, wealthy families always have a marriage alliance for their own interests.

It’s all their own wishful thinking. I won’t let them make the arrangements!”

“If that’s the case, why didn’t you tell me?”

“This is just their idea. I have never admitted it, and I don’t think it will affect our relationship, so I didn’t

tell you. I didn’t mean to hide it.”

“But it’s different for me. Elliot, have you really thought about everything between us? I’m a divorced

woman with children. I don’t have any support behind me, but you’re a gold bachelor. We don’t get

along well. Do you understand?”

“Amber, I’ve thought about everything between us. I’ve thought about it carefully. I love you. I want to

marry you. I want to give you happiness. Believe me!”

“No! You must have never thought that love is a matter between two people, but marriage is not a

matter between two people. It also involves two families. I was too stupid in the past and thought that

love could conquer everything. But after experiencing all this, I knew that it was not like this. It’s not that

you love me and you want to marry me. Do you understand?”

“Amber, I know everything you said. I didn’t mean to marry you on the spur of the moment. I’ve thought

about it for a long time. I know that you’ll be blocked when you’re with me, but I’ve already thought

about it. I’ll bear all the consequences. All you have to do is love me!”

“Elliot, you’d better think about our affairs carefully. All the resistance comes from you, not me. Do you

understand?” Amber sighed.

Elliot definitely did not think of what kind of resistance they would face when they were together, just

like when she was with Rodney.

But now, there were not only those problems between her and Elliot, but also other problems. She was

not only a divorced woman, but also a child. How could the Thomson family tolerate a divorced woman

with a child?

“Amber, let’s find a place to talk.” Elliot started the car and soon arrived at his apartment.

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She invited Amber to sit down. He poured two cups of tea and sat down as well. “I’ve been with you for

so long and I’ve never mentioned anything about me to you. Today, I’ll tell you everything about me.

Let’s start with my family.”

Elliot began to tell the story. “My father and mother have a business marriage. Just like normal

business marriage, my father has no feelings for my mother. But under the pressure of his family, he

was forced to marry my mother. It hasn’t been long before he had an affair. It’s ridiculous. My father’s

affair is not a simple affair for fun, but a love he has set his mind on. For his love, he abandoned his

wife and son and was even expelled from his family. But he never regretted it.”

Elliot sighed heavily. “Although I have a father, I have never felt my father’s love. Although my mother

has a husband, she has never been loved by him. When I was a child, my mother had been crying.

Later, as I grew up, she was disheartened and devoted to reciting Buddhism. She even wanted to see

through the mortal world. Born in such a family, my character was different from others. Because of my

father and mother, I didn’t believe in love at all. So I played with flowers and had an affair with

countless women. If I hadn’t met you, I might have continued to live like this.”

Amber looked at Elliot and felt a little sad. She lost her mother in her teens. Later, she didn’t even have

her father’s love. She always thought that she was the most pitiful.

However, compared to Elliot, she felt that she was still considered lucky. At least in her childhood, she

felt happy, and Elliot might not have fatherly love since he was born. It was no wonder that he could

play with flowers and become a playboy.

“If I hadn’t met you, I would have chosen a woman of equal status to marry me when I was tired of

playing outside. I wouldn’t care if she was beautiful or ugly. I wouldn’t care whether she loved me or

not. I just completed my mission. But after meeting you, I found that I couldn’t live like this. I could live a

happier and more sentimental life.”

“I have to tell you clearly about that fiancee. I don’t have any affection for Breanna. I’ve only treated her

as a childhood playmate. However, the Hammond family and the Thomson family have the same plan,

but it’s just their wishful thinking. Amber, even if I didn’t meet you, I wouldn’t have chosen Breanna as

my other half.”

Elliot was a little thirsty after saying so much in one breath. He picked up the teacup and took a sip of

water. “Amber, for your sake, I won’t accept the so-called marriage between families of equal status,

nor will I submit to the so-called family pressure. I have hands, and I have the ability to feed myself and

my women and children. Amber, as long as you love me, as long as you trust me, we can travel around

the world together. We will definitely have a future.”

Elliot’s tone was firm and his gaze was sincere. Amber’s heart, which had already turned cold, slowly

began to warm up. She reached out to hold his hand. “Elliot, I believe in you!”

A brilliant smile appeared on Elliot’s face. He stared at Amber for a while. Suddenly, he reached out

and pulled her into his arms. He hugged her tightly. “Amber, as long as you want, I can marry you at

any time.”