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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 78
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Due to the fact that the engagement ceremony couldn’t be held in time after the detention, Celia was

the most angry one. The originally good engagement ceremony was interrupted by a car accident, and

no one could be happy about it. Especially when she received a phone call from several people who

claimed to be her best friends, her anger erupted like a volcano.

She was so angry that she grabbed a pair of scissors and cut several pieces of clothes. It was not until

her mother, Shannon, pushed the door open and shouted that she stopped her crazy behavior. “Mom,

why am I so unlucky? Why? Why did God treat me like this?”

“Celia, calm down!”

“How can I calm down? I’ve waited for him for so many years and loved him for so many years, but I

could only watch him marry another woman. It took me a lot of effort to get through these years and get

pregnant with his child, but God did not give me a chance. Now, I finally let him agree to get engaged.

But at the last moment, there was an accident. Why? What did I do wrong?”

Celia stared at Shannon with blood-red eyes. She had loved Rodney for so many years, and her heart

had always been on him, but he couldn’t see her at all and married Amber.

In order to get Rodney, she tried every means to please Rachel and tried her best to prevent Amber

from getting pregnant.

In the end, she persuaded Rachel to finally get the sperm of Rodney and successfully give birth to a

baby. She was very happy, but she found signs of miscarriage during the examination. The doctor said

that the baby might not be saved. Therefore, she and her mother tried their best to frame Amber and

directed a good show of Amber pushing her to give birth.

Amber thought that Rodney would be with her because of guilt after she left the house. However, she

had been waiting for three years. Now, she finally managed to convince him to get engaged to her, but

something happened at the last moment.

It was his father who gave the order to punish them severely. Now all the responsibilities were put on


Rachel immediately called her and scolded her. She was so upset in her heart that she had to to

explain. However, she was unwilling to give up. The more she thought about it, the angrier she

became. “It shouldn’t be like this. Why did it become like this?”

“You’re blaming heaven and earth for being able to come back to your side just by crying?” Rachel

glared at her daughter. “Useless thing. You don’t even know how to think of a solution when something

happens. You only know how to cry. What do you have to feel wronged about? Compared to your

mother, you feel wronged!”

Seeing her mother get angry, Celia stopped talking.

Shannon said fiercely, “Have you ever thought about why a simple car racing accident could be

magnified so infinitely?”

“Didn’t Dad ask someone to punish her severely?”

“Idiot! Is this your father’s fault?” Shannon reached out and poked her daughter’s head. “Why don’t you

think about it? With Rodney’s financial ability, how could he tolerate such unfavorable reports flying all

over the sky?”

“Mom, what do you mean? Do you mean that Rodney deliberately let the media know?”

“Wasn’t he the one who purposely reported it to the media? Let me tell you, it’s a piece of cake for

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Rodney’s public relations team to suppress such negative news, but why wouldn’t he?”

“For what?” Celia was stunned.

“He didn’t want to be engaged to you at all, so he let the news expand and let your father give the order

to punish him. Only in this way can he keep out of the affair and push all the responsibilities to us.”

“But the price is too high, isn’t it?” Celia didn’t want to believe it. The loss of a few billion yuan, plus the

damage to her reputation, and being detained in the police station. Was this done by a normal person?

“He can do anything for Amber.” Shannon sneered. “The more he is like this, the more I won’t let them

go. He wants to plot against me, doesn’t he? Now let’s see who can plot against us!”

15 days after Rodney’s detention, he finally came out and walked out of the detention center. He took a

deep breath. In addition to Deon, Celia and Rachel were waiting outside.

Rachel came up to Rodney when she saw him coming out. Deon lit a brazier on the ground to let

Rodney down. Celia took a bottle of water and said that grapefruit could go there after washing their


Rodney didn’t say anything else. He took off his coat and got into the car. Sitting in the car, Rachel kept

nagging about going home to take a shower and eat pork feet noodles. Then he stayed at home for six

days and six nights without going out.

Rodney remained silent. The image of that woman had always been in his mind. What exactly was she

doing during the half a month he had been in the detention center?

Although the method of rejecting the engagement was not good, it was the best way for him.

In fact, he also thought of this idea at the last minute. At that time, he was surrounded by so many

policemen. For some reason, he suddenly thought of the engagement ceremony with Celia, and then

an idea came to his mind, so he ordered Deon to do it.

She hoped that the woman knew of her painstaking efforts and hoped that she and Elliot would not

make any progress. Was it possible?

Rodney did not stay at home for six days and six nights as Rachel said. After taking a shower at home,

he left home in a hurry with an excuse that he had something to do.

Rachel, who had left a black line on her face, and Celia, who had a smile on her face, was like a cat’s

paw in her heart.

The flamboyant sports car, like Elliot’s personality, drove all the way to Amber’s house. Amber had

been waiting here for a long time, showing a sweet smile to Elliot.

Elliot opened the car door. “Dear, please!”

Amber got in the car and complained, “Why are you in such a hurry?”

“Secret!” He laughed.

“What are you doing? Why are you so mysterious? What’s going on?”

“You’ll know soon!”

Rodney parked his car at the corner downstairs. Seeing the two of them leave with a cheerful smile, he

drove after them.

Elliot’s car passed through the downtown area and drove all the way to the beach. Seeing the familiar

route, Amber couldn’t help but ask, “Elliot, is there another cruise party?”


“What are you going to do?”

Elliot just didn’t say anything. Amber rubbed his forehead. It was useless for Elliot to say that she was


Soon, the car stopped by the sea. Elliot and Amber got out of the car and walked toward the depths of

the beach.

The night wind blew gently, causing Amber’s hair to be messed up. As the two of them walked slowly

across the beach, a bright light began to flash in the dark night sky in front of them. The light began to

follow, and then it began to change greatly.

Elliot took Amber’s hand and continued to move forward. Soon, the sky was covered by the light of

fireflies. Amber looked up in surprise and looked at the flying fireflies in the sky. The light of fireflies lit

up the whole beach and Elliot’s face.

She could clearly see the expression on Elliot’s face. His eyes were so deep and filled with affection.

The two looked at each other for a long time. Elliot suddenly took out a jewelry box from his pocket and

opened it. Inside was a huge diamond ring.

He took the diamond ring out of the box and knelt on one knee. “Amber, marry me!”

Amber looked at Elliot in a daze. He couldn’t say a word. He held the ring tightly and looked at her. “I

love you, Amber. I want to marry you for a long time. Maybe I’m not a good man, but for you, I’m willing

to become a good man and only protect and protect you!”

His voice was magnetic and his eyes were firm. Amber stared at him in a daze. After a while, he


Elliot held her hand and put the ring on Amber’s hand. “From now on, you have been trapped by me.

You are my only woman.”

Amber’s eyes were a little wet. After so many injuries, she actually didn’t believe in love, but she was

still moved.

Elliot’s heart ached when he saw her tearful eyes. He reached out to hold Amber’s face and gently

covered her lips.

Amber did not resist. He reached out and wrapped his arms around his neck…

Not far away from them, Rodney stood still and watched this scene.

His hopeful heart fell into an abyss again. He should have thought of it earlier. The piano music from

that day still sounded in his ears. She hated him so much. How could there be any changes after he

entered the detention center?

I’ll love you even if I die.

I’m not feeling good.

How deep a relationship is! Only in this way can you confess your love.

I’ll love you even if I die.

Don’t cry. Don’t smile.

The Universe’s Heart of Destruction was still there!

In the bar, a fashionable woman was shouting on the stage, “I’ll Love You Even if I die!”

Rodney leaned against the chair and stared blankly at the wine glass in front of him. He had already

drunk half a bottle of wine here. His stomach was aching, but he was not drunk at all.

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The wine was originally used to numb her, but now it didn’t work at all. On the contrary, her memory

became clearer.

Every detail of that woman flashed through her mind like a movie.

He remembered that in every moment of her happiness and anger, he was controlling his emotions for

every moment of her happiness and anger.

Those fragments of the past tore at his heart and made him feel a sharp pain.

She had accepted another man’s ring and was about to start her other marriage.

However, he was still in the same place, unable to break free from the cage she had drawn for him.

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Rodney’s mouth. It was said that since ancient times,

women had always been tender, and men were always lucky.

He felt that this sentence was the exact opposite of what he and Amber had said. He was missing the

past and looking forward to a reunion, but she had abandoned it and was thinking about rebirth.

The more he thought about it, the more heartbroken he felt. The more painful he felt, the more

desperately he poured wine into his mouth…

Kelsey leaned against the bed and was looking through Weibo when the phone rang. She picked up

the phone and heard a man’s voice. “Ms. Farrell, is there a drunk Mr. Barron here? Can you pick him


“Where is the address?” Kelsey suddenly sat up.

An hour later, Kelsey appeared in the bar in a car. Rodney climbed on the stage with blurred eyes.

A few women were sitting next to him. The women looked at him and wanted to tear him apart.

“Why are you drinking so much? I don’t know if you have a bad stomach.” Kelsey walked quickly to

Rodney’s side.

Rodney raised his mesmerizing eyes and looked at Kelsey’s face with a smile. “Amber!”

“I’m not!”

“I knew you would come back!” Rodney reached out to hold Kelsey’s hand. “You know how much I miss

you! Amber, I’ve been missing you all these years. You’re the only one in my heart!”

Kelsey tried to pull her hand away, but she didn’t. Rodney pulled her hand to his chest and said,

“Amber, touch my heart. It’s here. It belongs to you from the beginning to the end!”

“Rodney, you’re drunk!”

“I’m not drunk. I understand.” He pressed her hand against his chest. “Amber! Don’t be with Elliot.

Please don’t be with him… I’ll rather die when I see you with him!”

In Kelsey’s impression, Rodney had always been calm and self-restraint. She had always seen him as

a cold and overbearing incarnation. She had always thought that he was omnipotent, but she did not

expect that one day she would see him so helpless and lost.

It was all because of Amber. Only Amber could control his emotions.

Kelsey looked at the helpless and painful Rodney and her heart twitched in pain.

She didn’t know how to comfort him, so she just reached out to help him up. “Rodney, let’s go home!”

Rodney looked at Amber’s face and did not refuse. He obediently let her help him up and walk out.

He had drunk too much and his footsteps were weak. It took Kelsey a lot of effort to help him out of the

car. After closing the door, Kelsey started the car and left. Kelsey did not send Rodney home, but took

him back to her apartm