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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 48
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Elliot touched his burning face. There wasn’t the slightest bit of anger on his face. It was worth it to

exchange kisses with a mouth!

Rodney drove the car aimlessly. His mind was always filled with the scene of Amber and Elliot kissing

each other in the car. There was a fire burning in his chest. He couldn’t go on like this! He had to stop

Amber and Elliot from being together.

Elliot was famous for being a playboy, and being lustful was his only weakness. After thinking for a

while, Rodney finally had a way. He called Deon and said, “Ask Lily to fly to South City to shoot an

advertisement immediately!”

Amber slapped him so hard that the red mark on Elliot’s face had not completely disappeared after a

night. When he saw Amber coming in, he deliberately showed his face to Amber. Amber lowered his

head and looked down.

She had no choice but to look at Elliot. Just then, Walter came in to deliver the documents. Seeing

Elliot, she asked with concern, “Mr. Thomson, what’s wrong with your face?”

“I’m allergic! I’m allergic!” Elliot laughed.

“An allergic reaction? That’s strange. Why do you have an allergic reaction to the left side of your face

when there’s no one on your left side? Could it be that you’re still choosing the right side?”

Amber continued, “I once had a rash on my wrist when I was allergic.”

Deon went out in disbelief. Elliot coughed dryly and said, “Amber, did you hit me with that allergic


Amber ignored him and said with a serious expression, “Mr. Thomson, I’ll report today’s schedule to


Seeing that she was serious, Elliot also became serious again. He could make jokes outside of work,

but he had to be serious when he was working.

“At ten in the morning, you will be interviewed by the magazine. Go to the city to sign the contract at

two o’clock in the afternoon,” Amber said in a business-like tone.

These were two things that Eliot did have to do today. Even if Amber did not tell him, he still

remembered them clearly. “Is there anything else?”

“There’s another very important thing.” Amber seemed to suddenly think of something. “Miss Lily will

arrive at the airport at four o’clock in the evening.”

The two words “Lily” made Elliot raise his eyebrows. He looked at Amber with a faint smile.

Amber paused for a moment. “I’ve arranged a hotel for her and booked a meal for you. After signing

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the contract, Mr. Thomson can go straight to the airport to pick up Miss Lily and welcome her.”

“Who allowed you to decide on Lily’s matter?” Elliot asked slowly.

“I didn’t make a decision on my own. Everything is done according to your orders.” Amber looked


“My order?” How could he not remember what he had said before?

“Yes, last time, Miss Lily only stayed in South City for one day. At that time, Mr. Thomson told me that

Miss Lily would come back to the standard of that day. At that time, she also arranged a hotel and

booked dinner. Mr. Thomson went to pick her up in person.”

Elliot naturally did not think that Amber would be waiting for him here. Had he already forgotten what he

had said? Even if he did not say anything about Amber, he would definitely say that it was what he had

said. Now, there was no witness of his death. He stared at Amber for a long while and smiled sinisterly.

“Well, you are getting better and better!”

“It’s all because of Mr. Thomson’s good guidance!” Amber replied obediently. Her answer caused Elliot

to smoke. Amber was in a good mood when he saw how angry Elliot was.

Elliot had never said anything about Lily. It was all made up by her. After Elliot pretended to kiss her

crazily last night, she was so angry that she almost died.

That forceful kiss, with Elliot’s shamelessness, would definitely say that he didn’t remember it at all.

She had also slapped him in the face, and there was no sign of anger. But thinking about it, she

couldn’t let him off so easily. When she got home and lay on the bed, she suddenly received a call from

Lily. “Miss. Stone, I’m Lily. How can you not get through to Mr.Thomson’s phone?”

“I don’t know either,” Amber replied.

“I’ll fly to South City at four o’clock tomorrow afternoon. Special Miss. Stone, tell Mr. Thomson.” Lily’s

voice was full of superiority.

In the past, Elliot had always been very enthusiastic about this Lily, which led to her always taking

advantage of her. Although Amber was not interested in women who relied on selling off their beauty,

Lily’s appearance was undoubtedly a good thing.

If she remembered correctly, Elliot had not mentioned Lily for a long time. Elliot’s heart was very

attractive. He would keep nagging when he was interested in someone. On the other hand, he had long

forgotten about it.

Amber became excited. The sudden appearance of a woman who had not caught his cold would

definitely be enough to make Elliot suffer. So she decided to book a room for Lily on her own, and she

did not forget to remind Elliot to pick her up.

Seeing Elliot being humiliated, Amber was secretly happy. It seemed that good times didn’t last long. A

few minutes later, Elliot suddenly said leisurely, “Tonight is the welcome dinner for Lily. You go with me!”

Amber didn’t expect Elliot to use this move. “Mr. Thomson, isn’t this a good idea?”

“That’s good. This matter has been decided!” Elliot was like a tyrant.

“She’s the third wheel of Lily’s and Elliot’s dinner? Why does it feel so scary?” Amber was stunned for a

moment. Seeing her stunned expression, Elliot was in a good mood. “One foot higher than the devil,

one foot higher than the devil. You’re still too young to fight me.”

At four o’clock in the evening, Elliot personally drove Amber to the airport. On the VIP channel of the

airport, Lily came over accompanied by her assistant.

Amber enthusiastically opened the car door for her. Because it was Elliot who was driving, she naturally

opened the door of the passenger seat. Lily was very happy to see Elliot and smiled gently. “Dear, do

you miss me?”

Amber, who was sitting in the back seat, felt goosebumps all over the ground. The people in the

entertainment circle were really unrestrained. Elliot smiled evilly and looked at Amber, who was sitting

in the back seat. “Can you not think about it? Think about it day and night!”

The two of them flirted with each other along the way. Amber’s left ear went into his right ear and

ignored their conversation. Elliot had been looking at Amber in the back row. Seeing her indifferent

look, he was a little upset.

The car stopped at the entrance of the restaurant. Amber got out of the car and opened the door for

Lily. Lily thought that there should be nothing for her to do with Amber coming here. She took Elliot’s

hand and stepped on the steps of the restaurant with a smile. Elliot turned his head and snorted at

Amber, who was standing beside the car and did not move. “Why are you standing there? Hurry up and

follow me.”

What did she mean? Did she and Elliot have to bring this assistant along for dinner? Lily was a little

unhappy, but there was no reason for her to get angry. However, the look in her eyes when she looked

at Amber suddenly changed. It was like a spring breeze before, but now it was like a cold winter wind.

Amber naturally felt the change in Lily’s mood. Lily was blaming him for being in a bad mood, but she

couldn’t say it out. Elliot was cunning enough to torture her like this. If she had known this would

happen, she wouldn’t have made the decision on her own.

The three of them went to the private room and sat down. Soon, the waiter brought them food. It was

unknown whether it was intentional, but Elliot did not forget to pick up food for Amber when he chatted

intimately with Lily. He said casually, “Miss. Stone, this seems to be what you like to eat.”

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Elliot’s casual words sent a chill down Amber’s spine. She forced a smile and said, “President Mr.

Thomson, I remember wrongly. I don’t like eating this. These are all some other girl’s favorite…”

As soon as she finished speaking, she covered her mouth and looked annoyed as if she had said

something wrong. Lily’s face darkened again.

This meal was not happy, at least Amber seemed to be like this.

She didn’t dare to stay in the private room anymore. She went out of the room on the excuse of going

to the bathroom, but Elliot followed her out. He blocked Amber in the corridor. “How is it? Is this third

wheel comfortable?”

“President Mr. Thomson, I’m begging you. Do you want me to leave? I’ll die if I stay here any longer!”

Elliot blew a gentle breath at Amber. “You can also spare me. You have to promise me one thing.”

“What is it?”

“Give me a kiss and I’ll let you go!”

“It’s boring!” Amber pushed him away. Elliot shouted from behind, “Think it over. Don’t regret it!”

Lily’s voice rang out. “Dear, what are you doing outside?”

Elliot blinked at Amber. “I’m waiting for you!” With that, he returned to the private room.

Amber felt a chill run down his spine. He turned around and ran into a wall of flesh. Rodney’s eyes

were cold and he sneered. “Amber, are you going to give up your sense of shame now?”

It seemed that he had just listened to his conversation with Elliot. Amber also sneered. “Can you teach

me the word ‘shame’?”

“You…” Amber was talking about his cheating. Rodney’s face was livid. “Amber, you don’t have the

right to scold me. You ask yourself, how much better were you than me back then? If it weren’t for


Amber interrupted him. “Mr. Barron, I’m never a person who likes to recall. The so-called past is gone.

What’s the point of saying it now?”

However, she felt as if her heart was being sliced by a knife. This woman didn’t care at all. She had

already forgotten all those years ago. She wanted to wipe him out from her life. How could she be so


“Amber, don’t think that you can rest easy just because you’re with Elliot. Let me remind you, that Elliot

is just a playboy. Don’t be tempted by his sweet words. She’s just having fun with you.”

The corners of Amber’s mouth curled into a smile as he looked at Rodney nonchalantly. “At least in my

opinion, Elliot is much better than some animal!” She left in her high heels.

Rodney looked at her back and tightened his grip.