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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 33
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At first, Amber was also quite eager to see this superhuman, but she was dumbfounded when she

heard the host say, “Elliot Thompson!”

Why had this playboy come to join the show? The point was, she had always thought that he was an

out-and-out playboy. She had never heard of the aspects that the host had mentioned.

While she was lost in thought, Elliot appeared on the stage in a casual outfit. Born with a handsome

and charming face, his appearance attracted everyone’s attention.

Amber heard the female guests on both sides exclaiming. One of them said, “He’s tall, handsome, and

rich like Mr. Darcy! The real-life version of Mr. Darcy!”

“Mr. Darcy? More like a playboy version, perhaps,” thought Amber as she didn’t agree with them, “If

they were to find out his romantic affairs, I wonder if they’ll still be amazed?”

As Amber was thinking, she saw Elliot, who usually smiles cheekily and behaves sloppily around her,

sat down on the reserved seat. She was used to seeing Elliot smiling cheekily at her in the office, and

his naughty behaviour at the club. When she saw Elliot sitting opposite her in such a serious manner,

Amber suddenly felt very unused to him.

Because of Elliot’s presence, the male guests around him seemed to be far inferior. Everyone’s gaze

was focused on Elliot. The female guests on the stage, especially those who are quite beautiful, were

fidgeting because they could not directly show their face for Elliot to choose. However, it should be fine

to flaunt their bodies, expose their fair skin and seduce him with a gentle voice, right?

All of a sudden, all the female guests on the stage, except Amber, began to show their charm in a

deliberate manner. Elliot’s lips curled up slightly, and he swept his gaze slowly starting from female

guest No. 1.

Following his gaze, the hearts of the audience, the host, and the female guests began to beat violently.

Female guest No. 1 was a model who had a little fame in the modelling industry and her figure was

extremely hot.

She was specially invited by the TV station to build momentum for the show. In the first episode, twenty

out of twenty-five male guests went on stage to offer flowers to her. Then, she suddenly became

famous and became a hot topic of recent online discussions.

How could those who work in the modelling industry not know this young master? The moment she

saw Elliot appear, she actually had a random thought. Could it be that he came especially for her?

It must be so. She heard that Mr. Thomson liked tall, hot, and beautiful women. She possessed all

those characteristics. When Elliot’s gaze fell on her first, she was on cloud nine.

But very soon, the joy of female guest No. 1 faded away because Mr. Thomson had shifted his gaze

from her to female guest No. 2. Although female guest No. 2’s figure was not as hot as female guest

No. 1, she was good-looking and her voice was very gentle. When she saw Elliot’s gaze had fallen on

her, she became excited in her heart as well.

However, the excitement only lasted for a moment. Elliot’s gaze swept past her immediately and

stopped at female guest No. 4. Female guest No. 3 had wanted to show off, but he didn’t even look at

her. She instantly became lifeless like a deflated balloon.

Elliot’s gaze fell on female guest No. 4 and he actually lifted the corners of his lips. Then, his beautiful

almond eyes sent her a wink, which took her breath away. Amber saw all of this and felt extremely

unhappy. It was originally a blind date show, but Elliot made it seem like he was a king, picking a

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consort. What was this guy doing here? What was he actually trying to do?

While thinking about it, Elliot suddenly picked up the rose that was in front of him and got up. His action

made the whole audience gasp. Did the young master take a fancy to female guest No. 4?

Although female guest No. 4 did not possess a body like female guest No. 1 and was not as charming

as female guest No. 2, she looked pure and attractive. She was well educated and worked as a public

relations manager of a large foreign company. Naturally, she had heard of Elliot before. When she saw

Elliot approaching the stage with roses after winking at her, her heart was beating fast.

Amber had seen female guest No. 4 in private. Not to mention, her appearance was really the type that

Elliot liked, but Amber did not like her.

Female guest No. 4 always seemed to be looking down on others just because of her good looks and

high education. Among so many female guests, she was the most difficult to get along with. Amber had

heard her talking about her with others. “As a divorced woman who has a child, she also came to join

the show. I really don’t know what she is thinking. Does she think of the show as a market? No one

chose her after a whole episode, I really don’t know how she could be so strong-hearted.”

Female guest No. 4 had said too many such things, but Amber didn’t bother about it. Amber had

encountered things that were dozens of times more embarrassing than female guest No. 4, she didn’t

have the energy to spare on being fussy over some unpleasant words.

Seeing Elliot staring at female guest No. 4 over and over again, Amber guessed that Elliot must have

met her through work. He could be very unconventional in order to pursue a woman he liked. He must

have known that female guest No. 4 was participating in the show, so he came to cheer for her to

increase her popularity.

While she was lost in thought, Elliot stopped in front of female guest No. 4 with the roses in his hands,

and everyone’s eyes were focused on female guest No. 4. Amber thought that he would give the roses

to female guest No. 4, but he didn’t give them to her. Instead, he asked, “Miss, do you like me?”

Female guest No. 4 nodded her head in excitement. Elliot smiled faintly and asked again, “Do you think

I’ll give you the roses?”

This guy didn’t follow the lines of the show at all. Female guest No. 4 smiled shyly and replied, “Of

course I wish that you will them to me.”

Seeing that Elliot was standing still in front of female guest No. 4, the host thought that he didn’t know

the process of the show, so he reminded him from below, “If Mr. Thomson likes female guest No. 4, you

can give female guest No. 4 the roses, and then female guest No. 4 will ask you three questions. If

she’s satisfied with your answers, she can take off her mask for you.”

Elliot turned around and responded, “Who said that I like female guest No. 4? I just thought that she

looks like a bar girl I knew, so I wanted to make sure.”

The crowd burst into an uproar upon hearing what Elliot said. He didn’t care what others thought and

looked at Amber with a smile.

At first, Amber thought that there would be a lovey-dovey show, but never in her wildest dream did she

think that this guy would actually set his gaze on her.

“The person whom I like is female guest No. 5, Miss Amber Stone!” Elliot raised his voice, and

everyone present heard it clearly. After that, he put the roses in front of Amber.

Amber looked at him in a daze. It wasn’t until Elliot said it again that she came back to her senses. She

didn’t accept Elliot’s flowers. Instead, she began to ask him three questions, “Mr. Elliot Thomson, what

do you like about me?”

“Does liking someone still needs a reason?” Elliot was self-righteous.

The host tried to smooth things over and said, “Indeed, there’s no reason when you like someone. Mr.

Elliot Thomson likes Miss Amber Stone unconditionally.”

“Yes! I like Miss. Stone unconditionally!” Elliot echoed.

Amber glared at Elliot behind the mask. It was obvious that this guy was here to make trouble, but she

had to complete the procedure of the show. “What is Mr. Thomson’s definition of love?”

“To love and to cherish your partner.” Elliot stopped smiling cheekily.

“What is Mr. Thomson’s oath of love?”

“I won’t ask for a love of a lifetime, I only ask that we loved once!”

“Thank you, Mr. Thomson. Your answer is very good, but it’s not the answer I want, so I’m sorry!”

The audience sighed. Such a good man was indeed not someone who can be possessed by an

ordinary woman. Due to Amber’s refusal, other women felt hopeful.

However, Elliot was not interested in everyone else. He held the microphone and faced all the

cameras. “I’m only here because of Miss Amber Stone. Although she doesn’t accept my feelings, I

won’t give up. As long as she’s on stage for a day, I’ll be back again!”

After the show recording ended, Amber walked out of the hall. Elliot was leaning against the door with a

smile, waiting for her. When she saw him, her temper got the better of her. “Elliot Thomson, why the

hell are you interfering with this?”

“Come on, be more ladylike. Only then will a good man like you!” In the face of Amber’s condemn,

Elliot was not angry at all. “I’ve come to help you this time.”

“Help? You are making me the target of public criticism!”

“Don’t worry, you’ll see the benefits soon.” Elliot reached out to pull her. “I’m hungry, accompany me for


Due to Elliot’s appearance, the show had become a hot topic before it was broadcast.

Many people found it odd that a billionaire would be interested in a divorced single mother. Then,

someone had spread Amber’s passport photo on the Internet.

In the photo, Amber was without any makeup and looked very pure. The photo was praised as the

most beautiful passport photo and was crazily forwarded around. Everyone knew that Amber was

totally a great beauty and deserved to be pursued by a man like Elliot.

Some people even began to gossip that Amber and Elliot were actually a couple. Because the

Thomson family was too prominent, they were forced to be apart. Amber went to join the blind date

show this time to create momentum using public opinion. It was to make the Thomson family give in.

Suddenly, there were all kinds of news and Amber became famous in an instant. Many media wanted

to interview her close-up. The TV station immediately sealed all the news about Amber, saying that

they would let Amber receive some of the media’s exclusive interviews at a right time.

In the face of such a situation, Amber was a little dumbfounded. She hated Elliot to the core. She didn’t

know what kind of lunatic he was, but he actually did such a thing. Now she had to wear sunglasses

while going out in fear of being recognised by others.

However, Noemi was very excited. “Amber, didn’t you lack money? Now that money is being sent to

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our doorsteps, it’s a waste if we don’t want it.”

“I don’t want to be watched every day. There’s no privacy at all. How can I live like that?” Amber didn’t

think so.

“Don’t worry. We’ve already kept your information a secret. There are more than ten people with the

same name as you in this city. It won’t involve you.”

Amber felt a little relieved. “But what about the passport photo?”

“I don’t know what happened with the photo too,” Noemi replied, “Could it be Elliot who did it?”

Amber shook her head. “He probably doesn’t have my photo.”

“Forget it, let’s not pursue this matter now. We should think about how to deal with the interview. I know

you don’t like to be interviewed, so this is an interview by the TV station’s reporters. After this episode

is broadcasted, it will bring you a considerable amount of income.”

“Can I refuse to be interviewed?”

“No way, I’ve already accepted it. You have to save me some face.”

“But I really don’t want to….”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there that time. I will make it easy for you.”

The interview was indeed conducted by the reporters of the TV station like what Noemi had mentioned.

Noemi accompanied Amber all the way through the interview. The questions asked by the host were

quite random, mainly regarding her partner selection standard, recent situation, etc.

Amber’s criteria for a partner was honesty, reliability, and no mother-in-law. In regards to this issue, the

host asked, “Your criteria for a partner is very interesting. Nowadays, most females would choose tall,

good-looking and rich, as their precondition, but you only need the other party to be honest and

reliable. Why did you have such an idea?”

“People will grow old and their physical appearance will change one day. As for wealth, if all the money

belonged to the other party, they can kick you out without giving you a penny whenever they are

unhappy,” Amber replied, “So it’s better to find an honest and reliable person, and spend the rest of my

life peacefully.”

“That makes sense. Then why don’t you want a mother-in-law? I think this condition of yours is

commonly thought to be very rebellious. After all, filial piety is regarded as a noble virtue.”

“Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, my condition is indeed very rebellious. But I don’t care what

others think. I’ll only insist on my condition. If there is no one suitable, I would rather not marry for the

rest of my life!”

“Would you like to talk about your difficulties? Is it because Miss. Stone had been abused in the

previous marriage?” The host asked again.

“I do not wish to discuss about this,” Amber refused.

Noemi, who was next to her, interrupted, “It wasn’t just abuse, it was simply horrible!”

The host showed a look of surprise. “Are there still evil mother-in-laws in this era? This is incredible.”

“That’s because you’re ignorant….”

“Let’s move on to another topic!” Amber stopped her, so Noemi had to shut up unwillingly.

When the interview was about to end, the host brought up the topic of divorce. “Miss. Stone, why did

you get a divorce?”

“I’ll answer this,” Noemi interrupted, “The man cheated on her and had a mistress.”

“Noemi!” Amber glared at her. The host chuckled and tried to smooth things over. “That’s all for today’s

interview. Thank you for your hard work!”