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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 24
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The next morning, Amber went to the office with a bruised face, and so did Elliot. The two looked at

each other and couldn’t help but burst out laughing. The atmosphere instantly became much better

than before.

During lunch, Elliot brought Amber to the nearest restaurant. The restaurant served Thai food. Amber

wondered in her heart, “Doesn’t Elliot dislike Thai food? What happened today?”

They sat down at a table, but before they could order anything, a voice was heard scoffing, “It seems

that I’m having a bit of a lucky streak recently!”

Amber looked over and saw Mr. Mason with two men staring intensely at her and Elliot. Although Elliot

had just arrived in South City, he had already known the situation in South City very well. When he saw

Mr. Mason, he recognised him at a glance. So he sneered and said, “You’re right, the devil’s children

have the devil’s luck!”

“Teach this guy a lesson first!” Mr. Mason ordered his two followers.

The two followers rushed towards Elliot, thinking that they could handle him easily at first. However,

they didn’t expect that they would be so badly defeated by Elliot only after a few rounds.

Elliot knocked down the two followers and went straight towards Mr. Mason. Mr. Mason panicked. “Do

you know who I am? My father is Ewan Mason, the MP for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing

and Communities. If you dare to touch me, I’ll make sure you die a gruesome death!”

The only response he received was in the form of punches and kicks. Mr. Mason was beaten till his

face turned black and blue. Seeing that there was a fight, the waiter in the restaurant called the police

at once. Soon, the police arrived.

They were all taken to the police station together. Elliot had always been calm, but Mr. Mason was

used to being arrogant. He behaved rudely even in the police station. “You jerk, I’ll kill you when you

get out! You just wait!”

The fight, causing Elliot and Mr. Mason to be brought to the police station, was quickly reported to

Rodney by Deon. “Didn’t Elliot’s special assistant go visit the Mason family earlier this morning? Why

did they fight at noon? Does he not want the urban construction project anymore?”

Hearing this, Rodney was surprised. “This matter is not going to be that simple. Keep an eye on it.”

Ewan Mason also rushed to the police station after hearing that his son had been beaten up. He was

shocked to see that it was Elliot who had fought with his son.

Seeing that Ewan Mason had arrived, Elliot immediately changed his attitude. He apologised humbly

and even mentioned the compensation. Needless to say, Mr. Mason was very happy to see Elliot’s

cowardly look.

Seeing his son’s bruised and swollen face, one can imagine how angry Ewan Mason was in his heart.

“Mr. Thomson can dream on if he wanted to get the urban construction project. However, this matter

could not be settled just like this,” thought Ewan. He had to cheat a large sum of money from Elliot, let

him pay out, and make his efforts go to waste.

As he planned this in his heart, Elliot’s special assistant came in the evening. He apologised in an

extremely good attitude and even asked someone to bring a few boxes in.

After Walter left, Ewan and his wife opened the boxes. The boxes were all filled with cash, which were

at least a few million dollars.

It seemed that Elliot had done a pretty good job. He knew that he actually liked cash.

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However, Elliot’s money was destined to be wasted. He would not even lift a finger to help Elliot with

the urban construction project. Ewan happily puts the cash away in the storage room, but little did he

know that he would be facing a great disaster soon.

It wasn’t until Amber was at the police station that she found out that this Mr. Mason was the son of

Ewan Mason. Seeing Elliot apologising humbly, she felt very upset.

Elliot had always been arrogant and domineering in front of her. Since when he had ever bowed his

head to others like this. She knew very well that he was being humble for the sake of the urban

construction project.

Thinking that the mistreatment Elliot had gone through was all because of her, Amber felt distressed in

her heart.

Upon returning to the company, Walter and Elliot gathered together as usual. No one knew what they

were discussing. She usually didn’t care about it, but today she couldn’t help herself and


Then, she heard that Elliot asked Walter to send five million dollars to appease Mr. Mason. Five million

dollars was a massive amount of money for Amber. Thinking that such a large sum of money would be

gone just like that, her heart felt more and more upset.

Even when it was time to go home after work, she was not as enthusiastic as usual. She was thinking

that if Elliot wanted to vent his anger, she would offer herself up.

However, it was really strange. Elliot was not unhappy at all, nor did he ask her to stay back. Seeing

that she was packing up so slowly, he even asked her curiously, “Why aren’t you leaving yet?”

So, Amber just packed up and went back home. When she reached the apartment building, she saw an

Audi parked there. Seeing that she came back, the car door was suddenly opened.

Channing Black got out of the car. “Amber.”

“What are you doing here?” Amber’s face turned cold.

“What happened to the corner of your lips?” Channing’s face darkened with anger when he saw the

bruise on Amber’s face. “Who did it?”

“Who did it? The son of Ewan Mason,” Amber sneered.

“He hit you? So it was because of you that Elliot hit him today?”


Channing had looked for Amber to talk about the urban construction project. He was very clear about

Rodney’s thoughts concerning it. Rodney also had the capability. It could be said that there was no

doubt for the urban construction project to fall into Rodney’s hands.

However, things had become different when Elliot came back to interfere. The Thomson family’s

capability was not bad as well. Most importantly, Amber was with Elliot. If it could do good to Amber,

why shouldn’t he lend a hand to his daughter?

But to see Amber’s cheek bruised, it was not what he expected. He knew at noon that Elliot and Mr.

Mason were taken away by the police during a fight. At that moment, he was still wondering why Elliot

had to provoked Ewan Mason at this time. Now that he saw Amber’s bruise, he was sure that Mr.

Mason had bullied Amber and Elliot avenged her. The anger in Channing’s heart was kindled instantly.

“Amber, I will get even with Mr. Mason for this.”

Amber glanced at him coldly and replied, “Mr. Black, my affairs have nothing to do with you. You’d

better not waste time anymore. You should go back and spend time with your wife and daughter.”

“Amber, what I want to say has something to do with Elliot.” In front of Amber, Channing did not

possess the slightest dignity as a Chief Secretary.

Hearing him mention Elliot, Amber’s expression softened up a little. There was a cafe nearby, so

Amber and Channing went to the cafe.

Channing naturally didn’t have to talk like a bureaucrat in front of his daughter. He told Amber very

directly that he could help Elliot’s company in the bidding.

Amber had never wanted to have anything to do with Channing. But now that he took the initiative to

offer Elliot help, she couldn’t help but be happy. Her attitude also began to ease up. “It isn’t necessary

for you to help. As long as you can let the bidding be fair and just, we won’t complain even if we can’t

win the bid.”

Channing also told Amber about some details that required attention during the bidding process before

walking out of the cafe with her. When he was about to get in the car, he turned back and held Amber’s

hand. “Amber, I hope that you can move back in and live with us.”

The word “us” caused Amber’s expression to change. She flung off Channing’s hand and said, “Mr.

Black, you’re welcome to leave now!”

Rodney believed that he would definitely get the urban construction project, but Rachel Grant wasn’t so

optimistic. The urban construction project was a golden opportunity. She had to get it no matter what.

To be safe, she made an appointment with Shannon Sharp.

Rachel had specially mentioned about the urban construction project and naturally, Shannon gladly

agreed. “I’ve heard about this from Mr. Black. Not to mention that Rodney has the ability, even if he

doesn’t, on account of his relationship with Celia, Mr. Black will also try his best.”

Shannon was also not an easy person to deal with. She and her daughter were really upset that night

when they failed to jeopardise Amber at the nightclub because Rodney had interfered.

Rodney’s attitude towards Amber was too obvious. Since she couldn’t control him, of course she had to

settle it with Rachel. Indirectly, she reminded Rachel in their conversation that if she wanted her help,

then she had to settle the matter between her daughter and Rodney.

Rachel was not a fool. She smiled and said, “Rodney had wanted to plan and prepare the engagement,

but since the urban construction project hasn’t settled yet, so he had a great deal to do. Once this is

over, we’ll carry out the engagement ceremony immediately.”

“Really? Then what about the engagement date?” Shannon reminded her.

“Let’s set it on the 25th of next month. By that time, the urban construction project will be almost done!”

“Sure, on the 25th of next month,” Shannon agreed without hesitation. The two of them also discussed

about some details regarding the engagement between Celia and Rodney before parting ways.

Rodney only got home at ten o’clock at night. When Rachel saw that he was back, she immediately

told him about the engagement. “Today, Mrs. Black and I have already discussed about the

engagement. The date is set to be on the 25th of the next month.”

Rodney remained silent and Rachel advised him, “Rodney, Celia is a kind and well-behaved girl.

Considering that she has suffered so much for you, you should marry her. What’s more is that she is

Channing Black’s daughter. There’s no harm in marrying her.”

Rodney still didn’t respond. Rachel was used to her son’s silence. Ever since she had threatened him

with her life and forced him to chase that jinx out of the house, he talked lesser and lesser with her.

Sometimes, he wouldn’t even say a word throughout the whole day. “Son, I’ve already told Celia that

you will accompany her to choose an engagement dress and ring tomorrow. You should delay the

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matters of the company for tomorrow.”

“Mum, do you like Celia because she is kind and well-behaved, or because she is Channing Black’s

daughter?” Rodney suddenly asked.

“Of course it’s because Celia is kind and well-behaved,” Rachel replied.

“Then that’s good. This time, you have chosen her by yourself. I hope that you can treat her well. Don’t

repeat the same situation that had happened before.” After saying this, Rodney turned around and

went upstairs.

Looking at her son from behind, Rachel opened her mouth slightly but no words were spoken. Why did

her son’s utterance sound so weird? What did she choose? Wasn’t he deeply in love with Celia?

Otherwise, why did he let Celia be conceived with his child?

Rodney went upstairs, closed the door, and lay down on the bed wearily. After he got off from work

today, he drove to Amber’s place unconsciously again. Coincidentally, he saw Channing and Amber

walking out of the cafe.

“Why would Amber hang out with Channing Black?” Rodney wondered.

Channing knew what happened between him and Amber. Soon, he’ll be engaged to Channing’s

daughter, but Channing was meeting with his ex-wife. What was going on?

While he was deep in thought, he saw Channing giving a pat on Amber’s head and even held her hand

for a short while. Amber was a little resistant. She flung off Channing’s hand and left without looking


Channing just stood there until Amber couldn’t be seen anymore. Then, he got in the car and left.

What Rodney had seen today stirred up a doubt in him. Lying on the bed, he was restless. He couldn’t

fall asleep until early in the morning.

He overslept and only woke up when he heard a knocking on the door. Rachel shouted outside,

“Rodney, Celia is here.”

“What is Celia doing here?” Rodney rubbed his eyes as he sat up, only then did he remember what his

mother had said last night. Celia had come for him to accompany her to choose a dress and an

engagement ring.

He slowly washed up and then went downstairs. Celia didn’t seem to have the slightest anxiety. She

had been chatting with Rachel with a smile on her face. Looking at such a harmonious scene, Rodney

sighed in his heart and strode down the stairs.

“Rodney!” Celia turned around with a smile when she saw him. “Did you sleep well?”

“Let’s go.” Rodney headed towards the door. Celia bid goodbye to Rachel politely, and then trotted

along to catch up with him.

Rodney first went to the boutique with Celia. Celia went in to try on some dresses. He felt very bored,

so he went out to smoke. At that moment, a car pulled over, then Noemi and Amber entered the


The TV station was going to hold a dinner party tomorrow. Noemi had to attend in a dress, so she

dragged Amber along for reference. “Amber, does this dress look nice?” asked Noemi, pointing at an

off shoulder dress. Amber shook her head. Noemi was petite, wearing an empire waistline dress will

flaunt her figure easier, so she pointed at a short dress and asked her to try it on.

Celia came out happily from the fitting room after trying on a gown, ready to show it to Rodney, but she

didn’t expect to meet Noemi and Amber face to fa