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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 207
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Elliot stood up and supported Amber. “Sit down first. I’ve always wanted to tell you about this, but I’m

afraid that you won’t be able to accept it. Since you’ve heard everything today, there’s no need for me

to hide it. I suspect that your mother’s death was caused by Shannon.”

Elliot repeated what he had just said. Amber’s face was pale and her body was trembling. She wanted

to grab something, but there was nothing she could do. So she grabbed the sofa cushion tightly.

Because she was too strong, her fingertips were white. Seeing her like this, Noemi was frightened.

“Amber, are you okay?”

Amber didn’t say anything. She was still in school when her mother died. When she heard the bad

news and rushed to the hospital, she only saw her mother’s cold body. She remembered her mother’s

appearance at that time. She was covered in blood and her face was pale.

Her mother stayed in the peaceful room of the hospital for two days. Later, the driver who caused the

accident took the initiative to surrender, and everything was treated as a traffic accident.

When his mother died, Channing was still in a meeting in a foreign place. His uncle did not inform

Channing and directly held a funeral for his mother. When Channing came back and saw only his

mother’s ashes, the two of them immediately quarreled.

Channing was roaring, questioning his uncle if he had the right to set his mother’s grave without waiting

for him to come back. His usually silent uncle suddenly hit Channing in a rage and shouted at him


“Channing, touch your conscience. Don’t you know what you have done behind her back? I’m telling

you, she knows about your scandal. That’s what she meant. She asked me to do this before she died!”

Channing was originally very angry, but because of his uncle’s words, he suddenly became angry. At

that time, she did not know why Channing was afraid of his uncle.

Later, three months after her mother’s death, Shannon took Celia into her home. When she saw the girl

who was four years older than her mistress and heard that she was called Channing’s father timidly,

she was extremely disappointed with Channing. Later, she ran away from home without hesitation to

find her uncle.

Over the years, she had always thought that her mother’s death was an accident, but she had never

thought that there would be such an unknown side.

If it weren’t for Lannie, no one would have known that her mother had seen Shannon before she died.

Her mother died in a car accident after seeing Shannon. Lannie said that her mother was in a trance.

What did Shannon say to her mother cause her to be in a trance?

Although Amber didn’t know what Shannon had said to his mother, he was sure that her mother’s

death must have something to do with Shannon. Thinking of his tolerance and concession to Shannon

and her daughter over the years, Amber really hated himself.

She had actually tolerated the murderer who had killed her mother, and she had allowed them to live a

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carefree life. She was a useless woman! Amber gritted his teeth and spat out a few words word by

word, “I will never let them go!”

Seeing Amber’s excitement, Noemi was extremely worried. “Amber, this is just a guess. Don’t get

excited. We need to calm down. Calm down, okay?”

“Yes, it’s just a guess. It’s not necessarily the truth.” Issac also tried to comfort him. “Don’t get excited.

You’re still pregnant.”

“I’m not that fragile.” Amber loosened his grip on the sofa. Her nails had been broken because of the

force, but she didn’t feel any pain at all. “I must find out the truth about this matter!”

“Don’t worry. I’ve been investigating. Rest assured that I’ll tell you when I find out the truth.” Elliot took

over her words.

“No! This matter can’t be faked. I want to investigate it myself!” Amber had a determined look on his


“How are you going to investigate when you’re pregnant? You’d better leave it to Elliot.” Noemi tried to

comfort him.

“A fox will always show its tail. If my mother’s death really has something to do with Shannon, she will

never hide it so well. I will go back to the Black family and expose her true identity.”

“Shannon is so vicious that she won’t let you catch her. The most important thing is that you are still

pregnant. If she is against you, it will not be a joke. For the sake of the child, you shouldn’t take this

risk.” Noemi firmly disagreed with Amber’s decision to investigate the truth.

“The most dangerous place is the safest place. Shannon would never dare to hurt me. Now her

daughter is pregnant. If something happens to my child, she will be the first suspect. She is not so

stupid.” Amber sneered.

“I used to think that it was a good thing that I didn’t fight for it, but now I know that it’s stupid to fight for

it. From now on, I’m going to compete with them. As long as they want it, I’m going to fight for it. I’m

going to let them treat me as a thorn in their flesh. I’m going to make them feel like they’re stuck in their

throats. It’s difficult for them to get to the extreme!”

“I know how you feel, but you’ll definitely make them suspicious if you suddenly come back to the Black

family. I think it’s better to make a long-term plan.” Elliot saw that Amber insisted on going back and

couldn’t stop him. He understood Amber’s mood, but Amber’s sudden return would definitely make

Shannon and her daughter suspicious. It was definitely not good for the investigation to alert the


“Channing has been asking me to move back, but I didn’t want to see those ugly faces in the past, so I

refused. Now it’s not abrupt for me to move back. It’s Channing’s birthday in a few days. I can take it as

a reason for his birthday. They won’t doubt anything.”

Rodney asked Deon to investigate the situation of Shannon’s cousin, Tony. Tony was sentenced to 10

years of imprisonment because of his attempted robbery and a miscarriage. During the period of

imprisonment, he escaped from prison when he was in charge of relaxation.

After Tony escaped prison, he actually stabbed Yumi, the victim who had asked him to go to jail, three

times. Although he did not stab Yumi to death, the plot of deliberately killing people when he escaped

prison was too serious, so he was arrested and sentenced to death. He was still in prison.

Deon told Rodney that when the police caught Tony, he didn’t regret it at all. Instead, he claimed that

he didn’t kill Yumi. He just wanted to ask Yumi why she pretended to be pregnant and wrongly accused

him, causing him to be sentenced for a few more years. He also said that Yumi had fallen into a pool of

blood when he arrived at Yumi’s house.

Rodney furrowed his brows. Why was Tony such a vicious man who would not repent? Could there

really be a hidden reason behind this?

Rodney decided to meet Tony. Tony had been in prison for so many years. He looked thin and pale,

and his eyes were dull. This was a typical state of losing hope for life.

According to the prison’s discipline, generally speaking, people who performed well in prison could be

deducted of their sentence. Many people went out in less than 20 years. But Tony was different from

others. He had never repented and had been shouting for injustice. He had always been passive in his

work. Because he had never repented, he had never punished him. In this way, he had been yelling for

more than 20 years. It was not until the end of the year that he stopped. He did not shout or complain.

Deon tried to communicate with Tony. In the face of Deon’s inquiry, Tony remained silent. He seemed to

be in a passive position. Deon saw him shaking his head at Rodney.

Rodney lit a cigarette and handed it to Tony. Tony looked up at Rodney with his turbid eyes and then at

Deon. Finally, he reached out and took the cigarette. After he took a few breaths, Rodney suddenly

said, “Tony, do you still remember Queena?”

The name Queena made Tony’s hand tremble. Rodney continued, “Queena is now a famous seer in

South City. She has a good relationship with the secretary’s wife. Do you know who the secretary’s wife


Tony smoked silently and turned a deaf ear to Rodney’s words.

“The secretary’s wife is called Shannon.” Rodney smiled faintly. “You seem to have a cousin named

Shannon, right?”

Tony still didn’t speak. Rodney continued, “By the way, I forgot to tell you the secretary’s name. The

secretary’s name is Channing. Do you think it sounds familiar?”

“It does sound familiar.” Tony finally spoke.

“Let me add it again. The secretary’s wife is from the cat’s alley. She used to be nicknamed a flower.

Your cousin, Shannon, also called her this nickname. Am I right?”

“How is that possible?” Tony looked at Rodney in shock. If his cousin Shannon was the secretary’s

wife, how could she ignore him? He had been in prison for so many years, and his cousin had a good

relationship with him, so she knew his grievance. Since she was the secretary’s wife, she would

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definitely avenge him.

Rodney smiled faintly. “I brought you photos of the secretary and his wife. Take a look.” He handed the

photos of Channing and Shannon to Tony.

Tony took it and took a look at it. His face changed. Rodney took it in his eyes and said, “I have asked

the judge and judge. In your case, you can be sentenced to death for more than ten years at most, but

you have stayed here for such a long time and haven’t been punished. Do you know why?”


“Because someone doesn’t want you to go out.” Rodney looked at him with pity. “You know too many

things. There are only two ways to shut you up. One is to make you never speak, and the other is to

make you lose your freedom for the rest of your life. The person who made you never speak couldn’t

bear it, so he chose to make you lose your freedom for the rest of your life.”

“Impossible!” Tony lost his voice. He was not a fool and naturally knew what Rodney meant.

“Why is it impossible? As a gangster like you, you can’t get rid of it even if you get involved with it. Who

would be willing to have something to do with you? Besides, you should know what happened that year

better than anyone else. And let me tell you, your cousin Shannon has been the secretary’s wife for

more than ten years. If the secretary’s wife wants to meddle in this matter, it should not be difficult. But

why haven’t anyone paid attention to you for so many years? You are a smart person. You don’t need

me to explain such a simple thing carefully, do you?”

“Why did you tell me this?”

“Because I want to do business with you. Tell me what I want to know, and I will find a way to avenge

you and let you get out of here. What do you think?”

Tony smoked in silence. Rodney continued, “I’ll only give you one chance. It depends on whether you

can provide me with something valuable. I’m warning you, there’s only one chance. If you miss it, you’ll

never have it again! I hope you can think it through carefully. If you want to know, tell the discipline.”

After saying this, he motioned for Deon to leave. Walking out of the prison gate, Deon asked Rodney

strangely, “Mr. Barron, how do you know that someone doesn’t want him to go out?”

“It’s a guess,” Rodney replied. “Tony is Shannon’s only cousin. No matter whether Tony has been

wronged or not, according to common sense, Shannon will definitely find a way to help his cousin find

connections so that he can stay in prison less for a few years. But the fact is that she doesn’t care

about this cousin, and everyone in Parkview Street knows that this is the best relationship between

them. What does this mean?”

Deon understood. “So you suspect that Shannon deliberately didn’t want Tony to go out.”

“And why is Tony able to escape from prison and kill Yumi? Think about it. There must be a reason.”

“Mr. Barron is still careful.” Deon admired Rodney so much that he almost fell to the ground. “But will he

be willing to cooperate with us?”

“He’ll figure it out!” Rodney replied.