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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 205
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Rodney was determined to let Celia give birth to a child. He told Amber that all this was because he

was afraid that Amber would misunderstand Celia’s attitude. In order to numb Celia, Shannon and

others, they believed that he had really begun to change the child in Celia’s belly. It wasn’t long before

Celia went back home through a blood pressure operation in the hospital. Rodney told Deon to prepare

a gift and send it to the Black family.

Celia was lying on the bed and talking to Shannon about what Rodney had said in the hospital today.

Shannon had a bad feeling when she heard that Rodney had been accompanying her for a pregnancy

check-up and asked Celia to do a heart attack.

Rodney had changed Celia greatly. When Celia was just pregnant, Rodney had gritted his teeth and

said that he would kill the baby in Celia’s belly. Would he take this opportunity to do something to the

baby in Celia’s belly?

Shannon called Itzel and told her about her worries. She planned to send Celia to Itzel for a check-up.

Itzel became anxious and told Shannon to send Celia over immediately. At that moment, the doorbell

rang. Deon appeared at the door with several boxes of gifts. “Mr. Barron asked me to send them here.

He said that Ms. Black was in poor health.”

Shannon was surprised when she saw the high-grade tonics that had been sent over. What on earth

was Rodney trying to do? Deon was the most capable person around Rodney, so sending the tonics in

person meant that he represented Rodney. Shannon was a little relieved. Maybe she was too nervous

in her heart, just in case she sent Celia to Itzel to check.

Itzel hung up the phone and immediately called Celia’s examination doctor to ask her to inquire about

the news. The examination doctor found a familiar colleague and learned that Celia’s test results had

indeed been sent to the test room for a test.

Although it was so, Itzel was still not at ease. She had to do a check-up for Celia personally. Celia was

sent to the hospital where Itzel was. Itzel immediately checked Celia and found that the fetus in Celia’s

belly was normal. Itzel and Shannon were relieved.

When Itzel was giving Celia a blood test for the fetus, Celia suggested that Itzel help her check the

gender of the baby. Itzel was the same as what the birth examination doctor said. If the fetus was not in

a good position, the gender could not be seen clearly.

“It’s good to be sure that your child is normal now. Don’t worry about gender.” Itzel comforted him.

“How can I not be worried? Rodney said today that it would be best if it was a pair of boys or twins, so

that his career could be inherited.”

“Did he really say that?” Itzel and Shannon looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise.

“Yes, so I’m worried. What should I do if she’s a boy or not?” Celia frowned bitterly. “Amber is pregnant

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now, and she already has a son. If she gives birth to another son, it will be terrible. If I give birth to a

daughter, my child will definitely not be able to compete with her.”

“I don’t think she’s my daughter.” Itzel was a little uncertain.

When Shannon heard this, she was completely anxious. If Celia was pregnant with two daughters, her

daughter would not be able to get her hands on their property. She asked, “Is there any other way to

find out the gender?”

“Yes, the doctor said that we can have a blood test and a blood test,” Celia replied.

“Then you can wait for a few days. Isn’t your blood pressure tested? At that time, I’ll ask your mother-

in-law to pay attention to the results.”

“No, you don’t understand what I mean. I’m sure you’ll know the results of the test before me. What if

it’s a daughter?” Celia expressed her concern. “I have to know the results before the test results are


“Then you can take a blood test to see the result first. The result will be faster than the result of the

blood test in about two days.” Itzel also knew that this was a big deal, so she immediately arranged a

blood test for Celia.

Two days later, the results came out. The baby in Celia’s belly was a pair of boys. When she heard the

results, Celia was completely relieved. With a boy in her belly and the love of Rodney, Amber and her

child could not compete with her.

Celia was not worried about Itzel. Although Rodney and Amber had made such a scene, Amber’s child

was still his flesh and blood. The existence of the child was always a problem. She had to find a way to

let Amber leave quietly like before and hide in a place that Rodney could no longer find to avoid


Itzel then went to find Issac and told him that Rodney accompanied Celia to do the pregnancy check-up

and buy tonic for Celia.

“Rodney loves Celia very much now and has no feelings for Amber anymore. I was worried that he

would snatch Amber’s child, so I came here to tell you that we are all Amber’s family. We have to think

of Amber. If in the future, after the child is cured by Mel disease, Rodney really wants to steal Amber’s

child, how sad will she be? In order to prevent this, I advise you to find a way out as soon as possible.”

“Do you have any good idea?” Issac asked.

“What I mean is that you and Amber should leave South City with your child. As long as you leave

South City and find a place that Rodney can’t find, you can avoid these things from happening.”

Issac looked at Itzel’s face and wished he could slap her in the face. Itzel was treating him like a fool. If

it weren’t for the fact that he was afraid of affecting Rodney’s plan, he would really like to ask Itzel in

person what kind of agreement she had reached with Shannon. Why did she spare no effort to help

Shannon and her daughter deal with Amber?

After much difficulty, Issac put down his anger and replied faintly, “Thank you for your reminder.

However, it has nothing to do with us who Rodney likes. As for stealing the child’s authority, the court in

South City is not run by his family. I don’t believe that he can control the whole world!”

“Brother, why don’t you think about Amber? How can you bear to see her fight with Rodney for the sake

of her child?”

“As the saying goes, disaster cannot be avoided. If Rodney really wants to start a lawsuit, we can’t

avoid it.”

“I mean, you should hide for a while first. When the court removes Amber’s ban, you can go abroad. At

that time, there will be no way to find you when you go abroad to Rodney.”

“Go abroad?” Issac laughed. “How can we go abroad if we don’t have money?”

“Well… If you really don’t have money, I can give you some.” Itzel was generous.

“How much can you give us?” Issac couldn’t help asking, “Tens of millions or a few hundred million?”

“Brother, I’m just helping you out of kindness. How can you…”

“Thank you for your kindness.” Issac interrupted Itzel. “To be honest, I really can’t find a reason to

leave. Rodney is so rich, so it’s at least much better for the child to follow him than to follow Amber. The

Barron Enterprises is so big, so Rodney can give the child some shares. At that time, you and Amber

can also enjoy a happy life together. Only a fool will leave.”

“You…” Itzel’s expression changed. Issac had never valued money. What was going on now? “Don’t

forget about Rachel. When the child is born, Rodney will definitely get even with Amber.”

“She wouldn’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door if she didn’t do anything wrong. Amber didn’t do

anything to Rachel. Why should she be afraid of Rodney?” Issac sneered. “But you, I haven’t seen you

care about Amber before, but now you spare no effort. Why do I feel that you have other purposes?”

“You’re so kind. What’s my purpose?” Itzel asked. She was not confident at all.

Issac looked at Itzel and said, “I know your purpose, but I want to tell you that Amber will never leave

South City, and I don’t want to have anything to do with you. Last time I told you very clearly that you

should never come to me again!”

Itzel and Issac eventually parted unhappily. On the way back, Itzel’s face was full of resentment. Now

that Issac was stubborn, it would not work on his path. In this case, don’t blame her for being cruel. It

seemed that she had to tell Amber that Issac was not Ashton. As long as Amber knew that Issac was

not Ashton and had other relations with Ashley, this play would be fun.

At that time, if Issac’er jumped into the Yellow River and couldn’t be washed away, Amber would

despise him because of the chaos between him and Ashley’an. Of course, he wouldn’t miss the place

in South City, nor would he stay with Issac’er.

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The more Itzel thought about it, the more excited she became. “That’s it! I’ll do it right away!”

After breaking up with Itzel, Issac went home. When he entered the door, he saw Amber sitting on the

sofa with a serious look on his face.

Seeing her uncle Amber’s complicated expression, she took Mel to the hospital for an examination

today. When she came back and saw Ashton and Itzel enter the tea room one after another, she was

very confused. Last time, Noemi had told her that Ashton and Itzel had met here. At that time, she also

asked Ashton. At that time, Ashton looked a little abnormal and said that she had gone in for tea.

She didn’t want to doubt her uncle, so she chose to believe him. She saw such a situation again. It was

not strange for Ashton to go to the tea room to drink tea. What was strange was that he appeared at

the same time with Itzel twice. Amber really didn’t want to suspect anything about Ashton. But recently,

too many things had happened around him. She didn’t want to waste her time suspecting, so she

decided to ask Ashton about it.

“Uncle, where did you go just now?”

“I went to see someone,” Issac replied.

“Who is it?”

Issac wanted to find an opportunity to reveal his true identity to Amber, but he didn’t know how to say it.

He felt that he couldn’t delay any longer when he met Itzel today. Now that Amber was asking, he said,

“I went to see Itzel.”

Amber was relieved. Since her uncle didn’t want to hide anything from her, she just breathed a sigh of

relief. Issac said, “Amber, I have something important to tell you.”

Amber looked at him. In her impression, her uncle had always been gentle and harmless. He would

never lose his temper. But now her uncle looked serious. She had a hunch that something bad would

happen. Sure enough, Ashton said something that surprised her, “I’m not the real Ashton. The real

Ashton is dead. My name is Issac…”

Issac Shao revealed his true identity to Amber. Amber didn’t dare to imagine that his honest uncle had

suddenly become a famous designer. It sounded too absurd. Seeing Amber’s shocked look, Issac

Shao was a little worried. “Amber, I didn’t mean to lie to you, but I had my own difficulties. Don’t blame

your uncle. I have no choice but to forgive him.”

It took Amber quite a while to recover from his shock. She forced a smile when she saw Issac looking

at her with concern as he kept apologizing to her.

No matter whether Issac was her biological uncle or not, the love he had given her over the years was

no different from that of her real uncle. There was no reason for him to apologize to her. “I don’t blame

you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t know what would have happened. I just want to know why you told

me your real identity now.”