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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 180
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“What’s this?” Amber didn’t take it.

“This is the key to the safe of the bank. There are some jewelry and gold bars in the safe. I’ll leave Dad

to you today,” Channing replied.

“Why do you want to give this to me?” Amber thought that Channing had just come to question him, but

he didn’t expect that he would give him his property. But why did he give it to him at this time? He had

come several times before, but why hadn’t he given it to him several times?

“Amber, I have something to ask of you.” Channing did not dare to look at Amber.

“For Celia?” Amber sneered. She just wondered why Channing was so kind.

“You know what’s going on with Celia. There’s something wrong with her body. If she loses her baby,

she won’t have a child for the rest of her life. So Dad came to see you and wanted you to…”

“Mr. Black, don’t you think you’re looking for me in the wrong way?” Amber interrupted him. “Celia is

pregnant with Rodney’s child. If you want to find him, you should go and find Rodney and Rachel.”

“Rodney is very angry and will definitely kill this child… This is not Celia’s fault, and she is innocent. I

don’t want to see her lonely in her next life.”

“So it’s better for you to look for Rodney?”

“Amber, Rodney will listen to you. If you persuade him, he will definitely listen to you.” Channing saw

that Amber didn’t buy it at all, so he had to say bluntly, “You and Celia are sisters after all. You can help

her this time.”

“Mr. Black, I’ve told you many times. My mother only gave birth to me. Please don’t drag those

disgusting things with me. And I have nothing to do with the illegitimate daughter you want to help you,

but please don’t bother me!”

Amber got up. Channing was so detestable. He clearly knew that she hated Celia, but he wanted to

take advantage of her. It made her disappointed.


“I used to sympathize with you, but now I really feel sorry for you. Mr. Black, I don’t want to have

anything to do with you. I don’t need your so-called property. You’d better leave it to your illegitimate


Channing looked at Amber’s determined figure and sighed. Did he do anything wrong? There was

nothing he could do about it.

Rodney told Deon to investigate the sperm warehouse of the Southern City Hospital. Sure enough, he

found traces of Itzel. On the night when the little nurse met her, Itzel did go to the hospital to get the

sperm, but the sperm was not registered in the rogue warehouse of the hospital, but was stored by


The Peony Store staff told Deon that the sperm was stored here by Itzel four years ago. When Deon

reported the news to Rodney, both of them contacted a problem at the same time. Was it the sperm

that Rodney had given to Rachel? Had Itzel not used it up at that time and chose to keep it and then

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used it for Celia this time?

If that was the case, it would be a good show.

Rodney felt that he should do his best and remind Celia, so he called Celia. When Celia saw Rodney’s

call, she didn’t dare to answer it for a long time. In the end, she picked it up nervously. Rodney’s voice

was cold.

“Ms. Black, I advise you to go to the hospital to get rid of the baby in your belly, lest you get into


Celia was unwilling to listen. “Rodney, there’s nothing I can do. I won’t have any more children in my

life after I give birth to this child. I beg you, let me give birth to this child. I promise I won’t disturb you

and my sister!”

“Ms. Black, I asked you to abort the baby for your own good. You can not listen to me, but you will bear

all the consequences in the future.”

Rodney saw that Celia was stubborn and did not want to say anything more. This woman was too

disgusting. If she was willing to give birth to this child, then she could do whatever she wanted.

Rodney went to see Amber again and told him everything he had found. Amber was too surprised by

what Rodney had said.

If that was the case, Celia would give birth to another man’s child. Celia carefully planned that if she

knew that the child was the child of another man, she would definitely go crazy.

She had a different feeling for Celia. Suddenly, she remembered what she had said in the Dream of the

Red Chamber. The mechanism was too smart. Celia probably belonged to this type.

Rodney asked for a marriage request again. “Amber, let’s go get our marriage certificate and give Mel

and the child in your belly a complete home.”

Amber shook his head. “Now is not the time to talk about this. Mel is about to wake up. You should go!”

Rodney sighed softly. Amber was tactfully rejecting him, and he knew that this was not the time to force

her. It was time to do what had always been between them.

He would never let go of those who had stirred up misunderstandings and made him and Amber

separate! He would never let go of anyone who had tried so hard to ruin his and Amber’s happiness!

He would never let anyone off!

Itzel’s heart ached when she saw that Celia was beaten black and blue. As the saying goes, a mother

and a son are closely related. She regarded Celia as her daughter. She didn’t expect that her plan

would be seen through by Shannon and she would be caught again. Of course, she didn’t know that

Celia was not her daughter, but Kelsey, who had been chased by her.

Itzel was a vicious person to begin with. Back then, she could even kill her sister, Ashley, because of

her personal gain, let alone Amber, who had taken the initiative to attack Celia. She gritted her teeth in

hatred when she left the hospital and thought that she had to take revenge.

Itzel thought about it but could not come up with a good idea to deal with Amber. In the end, she could

only think of a way to report to Rachel. Rachel had been looking forward to her grandson for a long

time, and she did not have a good impression of Amber. If she heard that Amber treated Celia like this,

she would definitely dislike Amber even more.

With Rachel in his way, it would be a dream for Amber to reunite with Rodney.

Thinking of this, Itzel went to find Rachel. She first asked about Rachel’s health condition, and then told

her about Amber’s attack on Celia.

She described Celia’s injury in an exaggerated way, which was too horrible to look at. “It’s too vicious.

Celia’s face was swollen like a steamed bun. If the driver hadn’t been present and sent to the hospital,

Celia would have had a miscarriage!”

Rachel was shocked. “My grandson is fine, isn’t he?”

“The doctor said that she had a miscarriage and asked her to rest in bed.”

Rachel was very worried when she heard that. Celia was pregnant with two of them. If anything

happened to her, she would be distressed to death. So she was so angry that she scolded, “How could

Amber be so vicious? How could Celia be her sister? Why didn’t she even let go of her sister?”

“How can such a vicious woman have family affection?” Itzel was full of hatred. “As long as she is a

little kind, she will sympathize with Celia. Celia is now pregnant with two children. You know how small

the chances of the twins are. She is both vicious and jealous. She is afraid that Celia will give birth to

the baby and compete for the favor with her child.”

Rachel cursed angrily, “She’s too cruel. No, I have to tell Rodney to expose her true colors.”

Rachel immediately called Rodney and told him about Celia’s misery on the basis of what Itzel had

said. Rodney sneered and said, “She was lucky this time. She didn’t have a miscarriage. If she dares to

provoke Amber again, I will let her have a miscarriage.”

Hearing her son’s answer, Rachel was so angry that she scolded her son for being cold-blooded.

Rodney ignored her and hung up the phone.

Generally speaking, it was a big deal for people to have twins, so Itzel had taught Celia how to give

birth to twins. At that time, she had made a good idea, hoping that Rodney would change his attitude

toward Celia because of the twins. However, she did not expect that Rodney did not buy it at all.

Rodney’s ruthlessness made Itzel’s heart turn cold. She was an experienced person. She had seen

Reece’s attitude towards Lannie very clearly.

In the past, Itzel had hoped that Rachel would be able to forcefully suppress Rodney so that Celia

could successfully marry into the family. Now that she saw that Rachel was also at a loss, she began to

realize that it was not a wise choice to let Celia get pregnant this time.

Rachel couldn’t live for the rest of her life. In the future, she would definitely be Rodney’s girlfriend.

Since Rodney didn’t like Celia, it was easy to imagine her life in the future.

Although she had this kind of consciousness, she was now forced to a dead end. Celia’s child had to

be born. Otherwise, she would be pitiful for the rest of her life. Itzel had to comfort herself in her heart.

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If she could not give birth to the child, she would make some money. The child belonged to Rodney. He

would not treat his son badly with so much money.

Itzel did not know that Rodney had already given his property to Amber and her two children. Although

Rachel knew about it, she would definitely not tell her about it. After the two of them spoke a few words,

Itzel left angrily.

Itzel’s anger after leaving the Barron family had not been eased at all. On the contrary, she was even

more upset. She could no longer control things. She was worried about Celia’s future, so she had to

find a way to keep Amber away from South City.

Naturally, she had no way to control Amber. Luckily, he had Ashton by his side. Itzel decided to look for

Ashton and try to persuade him to leave South City.

After Itzel left, Rodney came back. His car and Itzel’s car passed by each other. In the incident of

Celia’s pregnancy, Itzel was an accomplice. When she saw Itzel coming to her home again, she felt

extremely disgusted.

There was definitely nothing good about Itzel’s arrival at home. The news that her mother’s leg hadn’t

fully recovered was quite blocked. It seemed that she was the one who told her mother that Celia had

been beaten. If Itzel helped Celia like this, what benefits did Celia give her?

Thinking of this, he stopped the car and strode into the house. Rachel heard the sound of the door

opening and turned around. “You’re back?”

Rodney walked over and asked bluntly, “What is Itzel doing here?”

“She was worried about my body, so she came to visit me by the way and chatted with me by the


“She’s worried about your health? Why is she so kind?” Rodney sneered. “I think she has ulterior

motives, right?”

“She’s my best friend, so it’s normal for her to care about me.”

“Don’t try to hide anymore. Itzel should be the one who told you about Celia’s beating, shouldn’t she?”

Rodney sneered. “I said that she was just spouting nonsense. What other bad idea did she come up

with for you?”

“What nonsense? Is what she said not true? Is it false that Amber beat Celia like that?” Rachel was

also angry.

“It’s true that Celia was beaten, but it’s her own fault!” Rodney sneered. “She is shameless to plot

against your pregnancy, and she still dares to provoke Amber. She deserves it!”

“Son, Celia is pregnant with your child and twins. Even if you don’t want to see a monk, you have to

see a Buddha. Fortunately, Celia was sent to the hospital in time, otherwise, my two grandsons…”

Rachel dared not imagine.

“It’s good to have a miscarriage. That kind of vicious woman is not worthy of a child.” Rodney never

attacked people, and this time it could be said that he hated Celia to the extreme.

“How can you be so heartless?” Rachel was even angrier. “You like Amber, and all you see is his

kindness. You can’t see how vicious she is. She even wants to deal with her own sister. How vicious is

such a woman? My grandson can’t be raised by her, and he will be ruined by her.”