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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 166
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Rodney got out of the car and entered the pharmacy. He saw Riya and Clem at the place where he

was collecting the medicine. Although Clem was standing beside Riya, his eyes had been looking


When Rodney appeared in the elevator, he saw him at a glance. Seeing him, he subconsciously moved

away from Riya and took the initiative to come over to greet him. “Mr. Barron!”

Mr. Barron’s voice made Riya, who had her back to Rodney, turn her head. She was obviously shocked

to see him. Fortunately, Clem stopped him from greeting her, which gave her a buffer period.

After her face became abnormal for a moment, she immediately recovered. After Riya adjusted herself,

she walked to Rodney as if nothing had happened. “Mr. Barron, when did you come back?”

“I just came back today,” Rodney replied. “How’s my mom doing?”

“Madam is recovering well, but she has a bad temper. You can go and see her,” Riya replied.

Seeing that Rodney and Riya were talking about private affairs, Clem said goodbye to him politely, “Mr.

Barron, I have something to do and have to go first.”

Rodney nodded, and his eyes followed Clem’s figure. Why did he feel that Clem was a little flustered?

Was he thinking too much? Looking at his eyes following Clem’s figure, Riya’s heart jumped. She

forced a smile. “Who was that just now?”

Rodney was stunned by her question. What did Riya mean? Did she not know Clem? It was just that

he saw the two people greeting each other and entering the pharmacy at the door. Why didn’t they

know each other in a twinkling of an eye? What was going on?

He had some doubts in his heart, but he didn’t reveal them. “Mr. Black’s driver.”

“It turns out to be the secretary’s driver!” Riya responded monotonously and then explained, “I’m a little

popular these days, so I came to buy some Honeysuckle soup.”

“You’ve worked hard!” Rodney knew his mother’s temper. If he didn’t show up during this period of

time, she would definitely vent her anger on Riya. Riya didn’t dare to talk back. It was normal for her to

be angry. “I’ll find two more nurses for her right away. You can rest for a while.”

“You don’t have to rest. I can take care of Madam.” Riya quickly stated. Rodney was generous.

Although she was often scolded by Rachel when she worked in the Barron family, she had an

unusually high salary. For the sake of money, she had no complaints no matter how Rachel insulted


Of course, in addition to the money, she had another purpose to stay in the Barron family. The salary

that Shannon gave her was also extraordinarily high. How could it be cost-effective to get two of her

wages? If Rodney really asked to take care of Rachel and let the new one take care of her, how could

she have a status in the future?

She was afraid that Rodney would really ask her to take care of him, so she immediately confessed her

feelings. “I’ve been by Madam’s side for a long time, so I’m more familiar with her preferences. Madam,

don’t worry. I’m sure she won’t be satisfied with my new care.”

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These words made sense. Rodney nodded and said, “If you can’t hold on any longer, just tell me.”

Amber waited in the car for a while before Rodney came out. Seeing him get in the car, Amber couldn’t

help asking him, “Is your mother okay?”

“Riya said she’s fine. She’s recovering quite well.”

“Go and see her.”

“I’ll find some time to visit her,” Rodney replied. He started the car and asked Amber a question. “Did

Riya and Clem say hello at the door just now?”

“Yes?” Amber was a little confused. “Why do you ask this?”

“Nothing. I’m just trying to verify if my eyes have any flowers.”

After sending Amber back, Rodney and Deon left together. On the way, he told Deon everything he

saw today. “The two people you know pretend not to know each other. There must be something fishy

about it. Go and find out who Clem is.”

Deon nodded in agreement.

Although Channing had just said that Celia was not allowed to go out, how could Celia stay at home?

Not to mention anything else, Rachel was in the hospital, so she had to find time to be attentive and

see Rachel’s attitude to her.

Seeing that Channing was not at home, she bought Rachel’s favorite food and went to the hospital.

Seeing Celia coming to see her, Rachel was very happy. She took her hand and asked for a long time.

Celia naturally answered with her words, which made Rachel very happy. The more she looked at it,

the more she felt that Celia was more pleasing to the eye than Amber. “Celia, do you have any news?”

Celia smiled shyly. “That one didn’t come.”

“Really?” Rachel was overjoyed. “Did you check it out?”

“Not yet.”

“Hurry up and check it out. If there is good news…” Rachel suddenly felt like the clouds were setting in

the morning. If Celia was pregnant, it would be a dream for Amber and Rodney to start with.

Celia saw that Rachel had returned home. She told Shannon about Rachel’s reaction and the mother

and daughter were talking about their experiences. Channing had just returned. When he entered the

door, he told Shannon to clean up the room immediately and set up a children’s room.

Shannon didn’t need to ask to know that she wanted Amber’s son to live in the house. She hated him

in her heart, but she didn’t show it on her face. “Does Amber want to live in the house with the child?”

“Yes!” Channing replied briefly. “It’s beautifully arranged.”

Aunt Maleah was very excited when she heard that. “Secretary, leave this to me. I will definitely

arrange it very beautifully.”

“Thank you.” As soon as Channing finished speaking and sat down, Celia served him tea. Channing

took the tea and took a sip. He looked at Celia and said, “It’s been several years since you graduated.

Do you have any plans?”

Celia was stunned by his question. She didn’t have any other plans except to marry Rodney, the

envious wife of the president, and Rodney. She hesitated and said, “I haven’t thought about it yet.”

Channing frowned. An adult didn’t even have plans for the future. How could he be called a human?

Thinking of Celia and Amber, he began to feel uncomfortable. They were both his daughters. Why did

they look like two different people?

Amber kept a low profile and kept a low profile. Even when he married Rodney and became the wife of

a rich and powerful family, Amber kept a low profile. He had never seen her go to any high-end place.

Celia, on the other hand, was different. She only knew how to go to high-end places and fight with

those rich young ladies all day long, as if she only knew how to enjoy herself. He hated her, and his

eyes became colder. “Since you haven’t planned well, I’ve thought about it. Why don’t I send you to

study abroad?”

“Going abroad?” Celia was stunned. She had planned to marry Rodney. Wasn’t going abroad clearly to

disturb her good things? “Dad, I don’t want to study abroad.”

“What do you want to do if you don’t want to study abroad? Others like you start work early and run

around for life. Only you have nothing to do all day long and only know how to eat, drink, and have fun.

Do you think it’s interesting for you to live like this for the rest of your life?”

“I…” Celia couldn’t answer his question. She just looked at Shannon for help.

“Celia didn’t have nothing to do. She also wanted to go to work at the beginning, but she was delayed

for a long time. Later, she got sick and stayed at home to recuperate…” Shannon immediately spoke

up for her daughter.

Channing said with a faint smile, “The previous things were our fault as parents, which wronged you.

Now I want to compensate you and send you to study abroad. As long as you study hard, I believe you

will achieve something.”

“Why should I send Celia to study abroad? I’m not familiar with the place and I don’t want my daughter

to suffer.” Shannon quickly took over.

“Are you suffering? Why do you treat it as suffering when someone else wants to go abroad with a

sharp head?” Channing raised his voice unnaturally.

“Dad, I don’t want to go out. I don’t want to leave you,” Celia begged.

“You can’t bear to leave us? What are you talking about? Do you want to stay at home with us all your

life?” Channing just sneered. Celia lowered her head and said nothing. Shannon quickly interrupted,

“Mr. Black, if I don’t want to, you don’t have to force her. I’ll ask her to find a job and start working

another day.”

“Now it’s not about work, it’s about Amber. Amber and Mel will move back soon. At that time, Rodney

will inevitably come over. Celia is at home all day long. I don’t think it’s good, so I think it’s better to

send you out to study. It’s good for everyone.”

Celia bit her lip and said, “Dad, if you are worried about this, I will move out.”

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“You still don’t understand what I mean. If you stay here, it will only make troubles for Amber and

Rodney, so the best way is to go abroad.” Channing had just made it more clear. When he said this,

Celia’s face changed greatly. She looked at Shannon and said, “Mom, I don’t want to go out. I won’t go

out even if you beat me to death!”

Shannon’s heart was as uncomfortable as a cat’s paw, but she still had a smile on her face. “Since it’s

for Amber, let Celia study abroad. Mr. Black, you go and arrange it. I will persuade Celia to agree.”

Seeing that Shannon was reasonable, Channing looked better. He ignored Celia, who was crying, and

said, “I’ll ask someone to do it right away. You can prepare for it in the next few days.”

Seeing that Channing had just entered the study, Shannon and her daughter also went back to their

room. After closing the door, Celia said with a sad face, “Mom, Dad forced me to leave in order to make

Amber comfortable. I am also his daughter. How can he be so partial?”

Shannon didn’t say anything. Channing had been kind to her and Celia just now. Why was he acting

out of normal now? Was it because of Amber’s return, or was it because he was beginning to suspect


Celia became more anxious when she saw that her mother did not speak. “Mom, why did you promise

him just now? You should find a reason to refuse him.”

“What are you arguing about?” Shannon frowned. “Aren’t you sitting here now? I’m just trying to stall for

time. I’m more powerful than you. Don’t worry, I won’t let you go abroad.”

“What can you do now?” Celia was really anxious. “Mom, why don’t we tell Dad about my pregnancy?

Maybe he won’t let me go abroad.”

“Idiot!” Shannon glared at her. “Tell him at this time that you want to die soon. With my understanding of

him, he will definitely force you to go to the hospital to have a baby.”

“What should we do? Don’t tell him until he is born?”

“There’s no need to wait so long. I’ll think of a way. Stay at home obediently these days and don’t go


As soon as Channing entered the study, he frowned. It was normal for Celia, who was crying and

unwilling to go out, to react. She was used to having meals in the South City, so she was definitely

unwilling to go abroad and go abroad.

Shannon spoiled Celia so much. According to common sense, she would also object. Channing just

thought that she would also stop her like Celia, but she just raised her objection and immediately

agreed. This was not like a normal reaction as a mother. Although Shannon paid attention to him after

she married him, why did she feel that what happened today was not normal?

Aunt Maleah knocked on the door and came in to serve him tea. She looked at him and comforted him

with a frown. “Don’t worry, secretary. The young lady just lost her temper for a while. She will be fine

after a while.”

Channing nodded. After thinking for a while, he suddenly asked, “Is your family still normal recently?”

“Nothing’s wrong,” replied Aunt Maleah.

Channing replied with a “Hum” and said, “You have to work harder at home.”

Aunt Maleah nodded. “I’ll be careful.”