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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 162
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At that moment, Rodney had arrived.

Seeing his mother rolling down the stairs, he was shocked and hurried forward to save her. “Mom, are

you okay?”

Rachel screamed, “My leg, my leg hurts so much!”

Amber was also shocked when he saw Rachel rolling down the stairs. However, when she saw

Rodney, she did not care about her footsteps and continued to walk out with her son in her arms.

Elliot and Noemi followed her closely. The three of them walked to the front desk. Amber told the

nurse’s identity on the surface and asked her to go through the discharge formalities for Mel.

The nurse frowned. “You said you’re the mother of a child. Do you have any proof?”

“Yes, I’ll show you my ID card and household register.” Amber hurriedly took out his ID card from his

bag. She had just gotten off the plane, so she carried her ID card and household register with her,

which could prove her relationship with Mel.

The nurse looked at her certificate and said, “The child’s mood is very unstable now. I suggest that you

don’t be in such a hurry to get the child out of the hospital. You’d better stay for two more days to

observe his condition.”

“No, I have to get him out of the hospital immediately.” Amber did not dare to let Mel stay here any

longer. With that woman Rachel around, Mel’s illness would only worsen.

The nurse had no choice but to say, “If you insist, you have to sign an automatic discharge application.”

“Okay, I’ll sign it.” Amber only hoped to leave quickly and get her to sign anything.

Rachel screamed on the ground, and Rodney was also frightened. He immediately called the doctors

and nurses to save her. Rachel was pushed into the examination room. After checking, the doctor told

Rodney that Rachel’s leg was broken and she was going to have an operation immediately.

Rachel was pushed into the operating room for an operation. Rodney leaned against the outside and

waited for the result. His mother was old and couldn’t stand any torture. Seeing his worried face, Deon

comforted him. “Nothing will happen. Don’t worry!”

It was not easy to complete the operation. Rodney and Deon pushed Rachel into the operating room

together. Although Rachel had done the operation, she still felt painful. Seeing her son crying and

cursing, she forced Rodney to take Mel back.

He also said that he would not let go of Amber. Looking at such a mother, Rodney had a headache. His

previous worry was ruined by Rachel’s scolding. He ordered Riya to guard Rachel, and then he turned

around and left the ward.

Seeing her son leave, Rachel was so angry that she cursed again. She even blamed Riya. Riya was

silent and hated Rachel to the extreme.

After Rodney went out of the hospital, he called Amber to ask about Mel’s situation. He thought that

Amber would not answer his phone, but the phone was soon connected. Amber said to him in a cold

tone, “Rodney, from now on, I hope you will never disturb us again. Otherwise, I will make sure that you

will never see Mel for the rest of your life.”

After saying that, Amber hung up the phone. Rodney stared at the phone and felt a sense of emptiness

in his heart.

He didn’t expect things to turn out like this. He originally thought that as long as he worked hard and

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expressed his sincerity to Amber, Amber would definitely be moved by him. He would make Mel

acknowledge him as her father and get married to him again. The family of three would reunite happily.

Who would have thought that after being disturbed by Rachel like this, all his previous efforts would be

in vain. Now, not to mention letting Amber agree to marry him and let him reconcile with Mel, it would

be difficult for him to get Amber’s forgiveness.

After Rachel called Itzel in the United States and told her that Mel was Rodney’s child, she did not tell

Celia and Shannon the news immediately. The matter had been confirmed and they could not change

anything. Now that Celia had just had an operation, she was afraid that the news would affect Celia, so

she hid the news first and planned to talk about it later.

Of course, Itzel wasn’t idle either. She had to think of a way to incite Rachel to put on a big show. At

that time, she would let Amber and Rodney fight to the death. She would then come and reap the


Itzel was thinking about how to scheme when Rachel called and said that she was injured in the


Itzel immediately went to see her. Rachel was lying on the hospital bed, gasping. The feeling of fracture

was not good. When she saw her confidant Itzel, she immediately told Itzel what had happened. “Damn

Amber, I will not let her go! I have already called the police. This time, I will never let her be safe and


Itzel was secretly delighted when she heard that. She didn’t need to worry about it at all. That was

great. Of course, she had to cheer for it.

“It’s so hateful. After all, you are an elder. Is she so mean? Don’t let her go, or she will be insatiable in

the future.”

“I think so too. I must cure her this time.”

“It’s just that Rodney won’t let you touch her, will he?” she asked tentatively. Last time, Amber rushed to

the Barron family and slapped Rachel in the face. Wasn’t it better for Rodney to let go of the matter?

Wasn’t it a little better this time?

“Don’t mention that heartless thing. I called the police and he even said it was a family affair and asked

the police to close the case. This is a typical example of a married woman forgetting her mother. This

time, I will never give in!”

After thinking about it, Rachel was still angry. “Look at me, I’m injured like this. He left me in the

hospital without a shadow. He doesn’t care about my life at all. He called the nanny to serve me. I’m

really cold-hearted. This time, I must make them restless!”

“Yes! Find a lawyer to sue Amber immediately and sue her for intentional injury. Anyway, you are now

seriously injured in the hospital. She must be responsible for the crime!”

With Itzel’s encouragement, Rachel became more determined. She was confident that she would teach

Amber a lesson. Wasn’t she looking down on him? She was determined to let him know how powerful

she was.

Amber took Mel out of the hospital after handling the discharge formalities. After getting in the car, Mel

quieted down in Amber’s arms.

The scene just now frightened the little girl. He held Amber’s neck tightly and looked in the direction of

the hospital in horror, for fear that the bad mother-in-law would catch up with him and take him away.

Amber kept comforting him, repeatedly saying that the bad mother-in-law would never take him away

again. Only then did he feel relieved.

“Amber, where are we going now?” Elliot, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, glanced at Amber and

slowed down slightly.

Amber looked down at Mel, who was tired and half-closed, and whispered, “Let’s go to the Second

People’s Hospital.”

Mel moved and suddenly opened her eyes. She stared at Amber in panic. “No, mom, I’m not going to

the hospital. I want to go home.”

Amber’s heart tightened and she hurriedly comforted him. “Okay, okay, we won’t go to the hospital.

We’ll go home soon.”

Noemi sat next to them and coaxed Mel. The child soon quieted down. She sighed, gently pulled the

corner of Amber’s clothes, and said what to do with her mouth.

Amber frowned slightly. She was also worried. Now Mel’s mood was very unstable, and she had a

resistance to going to the hospital. If she insisted on sending him to the hospital, he would definitely cry

again. But his physical condition was very bad, and she would be worried if he did not go to the hospital

to continue to observe and treat.

Elliot suddenly said, “Why don’t we take Mel to my house first? I’ll call a doctor and a special guard to

take care of Mel right away. In this way, we don’t have to worry about Mel’s illness and he won’t be

afraid. Besides, it won’t be so easy to find you.”

Noemi immediately agreed. “That’s a good idea. If you go to the hospital, Rachel will definitely find you

and scare Mel.”

“I’m sorry to trouble you. Why don’t we go home first?” It was possible to invite a doctor and a special

guard to take care of Mel, but it was too inconvenient to live in Elliot’s house. Amber was really

embarrassed to trouble him again. Besides, he was engaged, so it would be criticism for her and Mel to

live in his house.

Elliot, of course, understood Amber’s concerns. He thought for a moment and said, “If you find it

inconvenient, you can live in my villa in the west of the city. It’s very close to the TV station. Miss

Herrera can move over and live with you for a few days so that I can accompany you.”

Amber thought for a moment and agreed.

After Riya called Shannon and told her the news of Rodney and Amber’s return, Shannon began to

calculate in her heart.

Mel was a big problem for Rodney’s son. Maybe all their previous plans would be wasted. She had to

discuss it with Itzel. She called Itzel and Itzel was ready to meet her. The two of them signed a contract

to meet at the coffee shop.

As soon as they met, Shannon told Itzel that Riya told her that Mel was Rodney’s son. Itzel sighed and

said, “I knew about it a long time ago. I was worried about Celia. She just finished the operation and

was afraid that it would affect her mood, so I didn’t say anything. Now that you know it, I won’t hide it


“You should have talked to me earlier.” Shannon complained. “Rodney has a deep affection for Amber.

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Now that he has a son, he will definitely persuade Rachel to agree. Rachel has a big son. You should

tell me earlier so that I can find a way sooner.”

“You don’t have to think of a way. Now Rachel and Amber are fighting.”

Itzel told him about the dispute between Rachel and Amber. “Don’t worry. Rachel will never let Amber

marry into the family. She is now asking a lawyer to sue Amber. With Rachel there, Amber and Rodney

are destined to be enemies.”

Hearing that, Shannon felt a little relieved. “It’s just that the child is always a problem.”

“The child is sick. He has leukemia. Whether he can be cured or not is still a problem.” Itzel did not

think that the child was a problem. “Anyway, Rachel wants a grandson and doesn’t want a mother.

What are you afraid of?”

“It’s not easy to explain to Channing,” Shannon reminded him. “Without this child, Celia, who is

pregnant with Rodney’s child, will marry him. Now that I have this child, I have to spend more time to

explain it. It’s a headache to think about it.”

“It’s not a big deal. It’s okay to blame it on Rodney. It’s not Celia’s fault that Rodney was drunk.” Itzel

sneered. “Kelsey has gone abroad and can’t come back. We’ll blame everything on her.”

“That’s the only way to explain it.” Shannon couldn’t come up with a good idea for the time being. Itzel

told her her personal information and told her to have a good discussion with Celia. She didn’t want to

expose herself in front of Channing.

After a discussion, they broke up and left the coffee shop.

With Itzel’s encouragement, Rachel rubbed her hands together and tried to make things difficult for

Amber. After Itzel left, she immediately called her lawyer to the hospital and asked him what

punishment Amber would receive in such a situation.

The lawyer repeated the case and said that such a situation could result in three years of

imprisonment, imprisonment, and supervision. Of course, it could also be compensated and reconciled.

It was mainly up to her.

Rachel was secretly happy after listening to the lawyer’s analysis. This time, she wanted Amber to beg

her. She had to kneel down and beg her for forgiveness. Otherwise, she would definitely let her go to


As soon as the lawyer left the hospital, he called Rodney and told him about Rachel’s intention to sue

Amber. Hearing this, Rodney rushed to the hospital without stopping. “Mom, how long are you going to

make trouble for no reason? Stop now! Stop making trouble!”

“Am I being unreasonable? Look at what I’m like now. You just watched that woman beat me like this

without showing any sign. Are you still my son?”

“Wasn’t this caused by accident?”

“What carelessness? She did it on purpose. She hated me so much that she wanted me to die, so she

tortured me like this!”

“Are you being unreasonable? If you hadn’t brought Mel back on your own initiative, Amber wouldn’t

have worried about you.”

“Is it wrong for me to see my grandson?” Rachel shouted at the top of her voice, “You ungrateful

b*stard! I’ve worked so hard to raise you up, but you treat me like this for a woman. Is your conscience

eaten by a dog? Let me tell you, I’m going to sue her this time. I must let her have a taste of the
