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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 160
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Originally, Pierce wanted to accompany Amber back to the country. However, after the incident at the

factory last time, a worker made trouble and brought him to court. Now as a criminal, he couldn’t be

arrested. Pierce was anxious and had to make a phone call to Elliot.

When Elliot heard Pierce say that Rachel brought Mel back, he was so angry that he jumped up.

“What’s wrong with you? Didn’t you promise me that you would protect Amber and Mel well? How

could you let that crazy woman Rachel take Mel away?”

“It was indeed my negligence. I didn’t expect Rodney’s mother to come over. I’m really worried about

Amber’s return to our country alone, and Mel’s health is more important. If you’re convenient, help

Amber. I’ll go there as soon as I handle the company’s affairs.” Pierce blamed himself. The culprit of

this matter was his sister, Breanna. If she hadn’t told Rodney about Mel’s background, Rachel wouldn’t

have gone to the United States to rob Mel. Mel’s health was so poor now. If something bad happened

to her because of this matter, Amber would have been in great pain, and he would never forgive

himself for the rest of his life.

“All right, I know. I will take care of Amber and help her get Mel back. The Barron family is so

unreasonable. I will make them happy this time.”

Elliot also knew that he couldn’t blame Pierce for this, so he could only blame Breanna. He hated his

fiancee more and secretly regretted that he was so impulsive to make a three-year promise with her.

He didn’t know that the reason why Mel was brought back to our country by Rachel was because of

Breanna. Otherwise, she would be so angry that she would spit blood.

Pierce hung up the phone after saying a few more words of thanks. After thinking for a while, he made

a phone call to Noemi, asking her to pick up Amber at the airport when she was free, and then

accompany her to find Mel.

After everything was arranged properly, Pierce returned home. The old lady was anxiously waiting at

home. Seeing Pierce come back, she immediately greeted him. “How is it? I heard from Breanna that

Rachel took Mel away. Is it true?”

“Almost. Deon said that she took two people and a child with her. The child was covered with clothes.

He didn’t see her face clearly. It must be Mel. The two people were the doctors she hired.”

“This Rachel is really a troublesome person. How can she be so unreasonable?” The old lady sighed.

“Mel is her grandson anyway. Why is she so cruel?”

“Yeah, it’s so hateful!” Pierce sighed. “I was going to go with you, but I haven’t dealt with what

happened in the factory last time, so I have to ask Elliot for help. When the matter here is settled, I’ll go

there in a hurry.”

“Well, that’s good. Otherwise, I’m really worried that Amber won’t be able to deal with Rachel and her

son alone.”

The grandfather and granddaughter were talking about Amber and Mel. No one expected that Rachel’s

accomplice, Breanna, was standing on the second floor and listening to their conversation.

Yesterday, Breanna was very happy to see Rodney and Amber leave the Hammond family together.

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This time, she finally let out a sigh of relief and let Amber suffer a lot. She was very clear about Mel’s

position in Amber’s heart. Now that Rachel had taken Mel away, Amber was bound to go back to fight

Rachel to the death and take Mel back.

However, the Barron family was rich and powerful. Amber would not be able to defeat them unless she

went to Channing for help. Then, there would be a good show. Anyway, she had already promised

Rachel that she could learn about the situation at any time.

Now, when she heard that Pierce had called Elliot and asked him to help Amber, Breanna was so angry

that she almost couldn’t help rushing downstairs to lose her temper at Pierce.

Pierce clearly knew that she loved Elliot deeply, but he did not consider her feelings. He kept asking

Elliot to take care of Amber. In the past, she had not been engaged to Elliot, but now she was Elliot’s

fiancee. It was too much for Pierce to ask Elliot to get close to Amber.

In addition, the show that she had worked so hard to design was only halfway through. She couldn’t let

Elliot ruin it again. She had to book a flight back to the country as soon as possible. She had to tie Elliot

down so that he couldn’t get in touch with Amber.

Having made up her mind, she turned around and went back to her room.

Hanging up the phone, Elliot looked at his watch, got up, picked up his coat, and walked out of the

office. Just now, Pierce said that Amber and Rodney had taken a plane back to our country. At most,

there was an hour before the plane arrived. He was going to rush to the airport to pick Amber up. He

was really worried that Amber and Rodney would be together. If Rodney treated her like before, it

would be terrible.

In addition, Amber would definitely go to find Mel as soon as he came back. Rachel, that crazy woman,

was so unreasonable. If he didn’t accompany her, Amber would definitely suffer losses.

Although Pierce had just told him that Rodney was also very angry about Rachel taking Mel away, and

he had promised Amber that he would help her get Mel back, he did not believe it.

He knew full well that Rodney had never given up on Amber. Now that Rachel had brought Mel back to

the Barron family, who knew if Rodney would take the opportunity to threaten Amber with Mel to reunite

with him.

Thinking of Amber’s current situation, Elliot was anxious. He immediately asked Walter to send

someone to the major hospitals in South City to find out if Rachel had sent Mel to the hospital. Then he

didn’t ask Walter to drive for him. He jumped into the car and drove quickly to the airport.

When they arrived at the airport, Elliot locked the car and walked to the hall. As soon as he reached the

door, he heard someone calling him. He quickly turned his head and found that it was Noemi who was

walking toward him.

“Mr. Thomson, are you here to pick up Amber as well?”

Elliot said, “That’s right. Are you here to pick up Amber as well?”

Noemi nodded and said, “Just now, Pierce called me and told me that Amber will be arriving in South

City soon. He asked me to pick you up when I had time and accompany her to pick up Mel in the

Barron family. He also told you about it and asked you for help if we needed anything. When I saw you

coming here, I naturally guessed that you were here to pick up Amber.”

“Well, let’s go!” Elliot secretly praised Pierce. This guy was really careful. He knew that Amber would

definitely need his friends and relatives to help her at this time. Noemi was a shrew, so it was

appropriate for her to deal with that crazy woman, Rachel.

Besides, he was engaged to Breanna now. Pierce might not want him to accompany Amber alone. It

would be more convenient for him to have Noemi by his side.

They arrived at the hall. Seeing that it was still early, they found a place to sit down and waited.

Noemi looked at Elliot’s slightly furrowed brows and sighed with emotion in her heart. How nervous was

this man to Amber? Now that Amber was about to marry Pierce and he was already engaged, he still

put Amber in his heart. As long as something happened to Amber, he would come to help him as soon

as possible. She didn’t know when she would meet such an excellent and infatuated man like him.

Seemingly aware of Noemi’s strange look, Elliot tilted his head to look at her and asked, “What’s wrong

with you?”

Noemi blushed and hurriedly lowered her head. “No… nothing. I’m thinking about Amber. I don’t know if

she will immediately go to the Barron family to have a happy life.”

“That goes without saying. How can she bear it? She will definitely go and find Mel right away.” Elliot

was furious when he mentioned this. His deep eyes were burning with flames.

Noemi sighed and said, “Amber is really pitiful. She has suffered so much over the years. Now she is

about to marry Pierce and can live a stable life. However, the mother and son of the Barron family are

unwilling to let go of her and Mel. Now that Mel has been taken away by Rachel, Amber doesn’t know

how anxious he is!”

“Don’t worry. As long as I’m here, I’ll definitely take Mel back.”

“I’m afraid that Rachel will hide Mel so that we can’t find her.”

Elliot said calmly, “I can’t find it. If I’m right, Mel should be in the hospital now.”

Noemi’s eyes lit up. “Yes, I’m so confused. Why didn’t I think of that? Just now, Pierce told me that Mel

hated Rachel very much. She didn’t want to come back with her at all. Rachel threw him to the ground

and scared him.

“Now that Rachel has insisted on bringing him back, he must be very scared. How can his body

withstand the shock again and again? It will inevitably worsen his condition. Rachel will send him to the

hospital. If we had known this, we would have split up and gone to the hospital alone to find Mel. If we

came to pick up Amber alone, we would have saved time.”

Elliot glanced at her. How could this girl be confused? She was obviously very smart. “I’ve already sent

someone to look for her. Once there’s news, they’ll inform me.”

Noemi couldn’t help laughing. She was really stupid. How could she forget who Elliot was? With his

ability, he could find Mel in an unknown alley, not to mention a hospital in South City.

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At this time, Elliot’s cell phone rang, and Noemi was delighted. “Did your subordinate find Mel?”

Elliot took out his mobile phone and took a look. There was a smile on his face. It was Walter who

called him. He must have found Mel.

He pressed the answer button and asked, “What do you think? Is there any news about the child?”

Walter said, “Yes, Mr. Thomson, we have found Mel. He is now living in the blood department of The

First Hospital in South City. The doctor said that his current situation is relatively stable. You don’t have

to worry.”

“Okay, I got it.”

Hanging up the phone, Elliot told Noemi that he had found Mel. Noemi was relieved. She was worried

that Rachel would hide Mel so that Amber could not find her. Now, she could go straight to the hospital

after receiving Amber.

The plane finally landed at the airport. Amber quickly unfastened his seat belt and stood up to walk out.

Rodney sat near the aisle, his long legs blocking Amber’s path. She looked coldly at his long legs and

squeezed out two words. “Excuse me.”

Rodney raised his head and looked at her pale face. His heart ached. For more than ten hours on the

plane, this was the only sentence she had said to him. During this period of time, no matter what he

said to her, she would ignore him.

When she learned that Rachel had taken Mel away, she was like a mad mother lion. She grabbed his

clothes and said fiercely that if anything happened to Mel, she would fight with him to the death.

He apologized to her countless times and promised that he would help her get Mel back and

immediately accompany her back to the country, but she still didn’t give him a good look.

In the past ten hours, she had been lying on the chair and looking out of the window blankly. She had

not eaten anything except a glass of juice.

Looking at her haggard face, he felt extremely distressed. He persuaded her to eat and then persuaded

her to close her eyes to have a good rest. She ignored him as if he didn’t exist.

He had never seen her like this. He knew that she hated him. She hated him for coming to the United

States and asking for Mel. She hated him even more for telling Rachel about Mel’s family background,

which resulted in Mel being taken away.

At that moment, he began to regret it. He shouldn’t have come to the United States so impulsively to

force her. He shouldn’t have told Rachel about Mel’s background. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have ended

up in this situation.

He had already thought about it. After returning to South City, he would immediately help her get Mel

back and never let Mel leave her again.

Before getting on the plane, he had already called his subordinates in the company and told them that

Rachel had taken Mel back to South City and asked him to keep an eye on Rachel and see where she

would take Mel.

He believed that with their ability to handle things, they must have sent Mel’s message to his mobile

phone at this time. As long as he got off the plane and turned on the phone, he could receive the


He withdrew his leg and let Amber go over. He stood up and followed her silently to the cabin door.