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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 157
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Rachel was startled. She stopped and punched the table a few more times. Rachel’s heart ached for

him as she stepped forward to stop him. “Son, don’t do this!”

Rodney looked at Rachel with red eyes. “Mom, if you really love my son, you should go back to our

country immediately. Now that Mel is like this, I don’t want you to disturb them. Amber and I will find a

way to cure the child’s illness!”

“How to cure it? This is not a minor disease. How can I rest assured?” Rachel was unwilling to leave.

“There’s already a way. Amber is pregnant now. When the child is born, we’ll do the blood transplant.”

“Amber is pregnant again? It’s yours?” Rachel was shocked. A grandson had surprised her, and now

she had a grandson. She didn’t know how to express it.

“It’s mine. You should go back quickly. You’ll only cause more trouble here.” Rodney’s tone was gentle

as he tried to persuade Rachel to leave.

“I won’t go back! My grandson is sick, how can my grandma rest assured? I can’t go, I have to stay

here and look after my grandson.” Rachel insisted. Seeing Rodney staring at her, she immediately

added, “I promise not to disturb Amber. Don’t worry, I won’t disturb her!”

Rodney let out a long sigh. What should he say about his mother? She was not a wicked person. She

had sympathy for him, but she had a bad temper and a bad tongue. With such a mother, it was

destined to be very difficult for him and Amber.

After staying in the hospital with Celia until dawn, Shannon was discharged from the hospital. As a

result, when she walked to the parking lot, she saw that her car was dumbfounded. The window was

opened and the bag in the car disappeared. Shannon was so angry that she couldn’t speak. She

immediately called the security guards of the hospital.

The security guard adjusted the surveillance video and found that it was a man in a military coat who

did it, which also alarmed the director. The secretary’s wife’s car was damaged in the hospital, so he

couldn’t sit back and do nothing. So he personally came forward, sent the car to repair, and asked for

compensation and compensation.

Shannon was very angry at first, but when she thought about it, she couldn’t make it worse. She and

her daughter came to the hospital for the operation, but Channing didn’t know that they went to the

hospital for an operation under the guise of going on a vacation. If Channing knew the truth, he would

be in big trouble.

So Shannon settled the matter, accepted the compensation from the hospital and asked the director to

keep it a secret. The mother and daughter would definitely feel uncomfortable after such a thing

happened. The car could not drive, so they took a taxi to the hotel and planned to stay there for two

days before going home.

Kelsey stayed in the intensive care unit for two days and finally woke up. The guard called excitedly

and told Pierce that she had woken up.

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Pierce rushed to the hospital, and a native doctor was talking to Kelsey on the hospital bed. “Are you all

right? If you can hear what I said, please blink.” The patient blinked.

“Do you think it’s difficult to breathe? If you feel good, please blink your eyes.” The patient blinked


“She seems to be really cured?” The nurse on the side said in a low voice.

“Now, you can help her remove the oxygen mask.” The doctor ordered the nurse.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” This was the first sentence the patient said. Although his

voice was not loud, it was very clear.

“We are doctors. We are in the hospital. You were hit by a car. We are treating you,” the doctor


“I was hit by a car? Why can’t I remember anything?”

“Look, it’s him who sent you here.” The doctor pointed to Pierce next to him.

“Did you send me here?” Kelsey looked at Pierce and he nodded. “Then, you must know who I am.

Can you tell me who I am?” She looked at Pierce with expectation.

Wait, Pierce was stunned. He didn’t know who she was. What was going on? How could she forget

him? How could such a thing happen in the world?

“Don’t worry.” The doctor comforted her. “Think about it carefully. Maybe you’ll remember.”

“I can’t remember anything, and I feel my head hurting. Not only a headache, but also a pain all over

my body!”

“That’s because you’re injured. Have a good rest. You’ll remember it when you get better.” The doctor

quietly pulled the corner of Pierce’s clothes and pouted at the door. Pierce followed him out


“Is there anything wrong with her body?” Pierce asked impatiently as he followed the doctor back to the


“His life is no longer in danger, but it will take some time for him to recover.”

“Why can’t she remember who she is? Did she break her brain?”

“More or less! Judging from her injury, she must have lost her memory.” The doctor invited Pierce to sit


“You lost your memory?”

“Yes, because of the severe injury, the brain is hurt, and the memory is stored in the brain. Once the

brain is hurt, there will be a phenomenon of losing memory, and those who are slightly injured will

temporarily lose part of the memory, but the most serious is to lose the memory forever?”

“Then what kind of situation does she belong to now?”

“It’s hard to say what’s going on with her. It’s really a miracle that she survived such a heavy blow…”

“Do you mean that she may lose her memory forever?”

“I’m not very sure. But with her current situation, the situation is not optimistic. I’m just waiting for her to


After the conversation with the doctor, Pierce went to see Kelsey. He stood outside the door and

watched the nurse feed Kelsey food. This girl looked so helpless and pitiful. He couldn’t help but feel

sad. If her relatives knew that she had become like this, they would be very sad!

Rachel refused to go back. Rodney had no choice, but he made an appointment with her to prevent her

from harassing Amber and Mel. Rachel promised him, but she couldn’t control her own heart. When

she learned that Mel was in the hospital, she went secretly again.

Amber was in the ward, so Rachel naturally had no way to enter. She could only watch outside the

door. Seeing Amber and Pierce chatting happily with Mel in the ward, she felt very uncomfortable. Her

son said that Amber was going to marry Pierce, and she was very happy to marry Amber. But how

could she solve this child’s problem?

Amber wouldn’t give up his right to raise her. With Pierce backing her, she didn’t have much of a

chance to win. The most important thing was that Amber had another child in his belly. Would she just

watch as Amber brought the two children of the Barron family to the Hammond family?

Back at the hotel, she had been feeling uncomfortable. At this moment, Breanna suddenly came to


Seeing Breanna and Rachel were not happy at all. She was a vengeful person. She did not forget what

Breanna had said to her in the Hammond family that day. However, Breanna was obviously much more

experienced than her. She smiled and sat down without an invitation. “I’m here to help Mrs. Barron

solve the problem.”

“How can you be so kind?” Rachel snorted.

“Mrs. Barron, please listen to me before you make a decision, okay?” Breanna ignored Rachel’s

hostility. “I’m in the same mood as Mrs. Barron when it comes to Amber.”

“What do you mean?”

“Amber seduced not only my brother Pierce, but also entangled with my fiance. Do you think I will like


This was true. Rachel finally felt like she had found an ally. “Do you have any good idea?”

“Of course there is a way. It depends on whether Mrs. Barron is willing to cooperate or not.” Breanna

smiled coldly. “Ask Rodney to warn Amber that if he marries my brother, he will fight for the child’s right

to raise him. On the other hand, he will not compete with her for the child’s right to raise him.”

“Is this a good idea?” Rachel smiled sarcastically. “Ms. Hester, I’ve already thought of this idea. It’s

useless. Rodney won’t fight against Amber.”

“It’s true that Rodney doesn’t want to lose face. If he doesn’t want to go, why don’t you go?” Breanna

reminded him. “You’re going to warn her on behalf of him. Let’s wait and see how it works. If it doesn’t

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work, I can still find a way.”

“What is it?”

Breanna whispered a few words in Rachel’s ear, and Rachel’s face suddenly changed. “No! I can’t do

this! My grandson is ill. This will have an impact on my grandson.”

“Mrs. Barron, when did you become so timid? I didn’t ask you to hurt him. I just helped you, but I have

something on my mind.” Breanna looked down on her. “You can hire a few doctors first. What are you

afraid of?”

Rachel still hesitated.

“It’s just a bad idea. You can talk to Amber first. If she knows what’s good for her, you will save trouble.

On the other hand, you can use the method I told you.”

Seeing the hesitation on Rachel’s face, Breanna sneered and said, “Think about it carefully. There will

be no such shop after this village. If Amber marries my brother, you will not be in charge of the child.

This is the United States. In this case, the child will never be raised by his mother.”

Rachel thought for a moment and said, “I’ll talk to Amber first.”

Rachel made an appointment with Amber. Amber looked at her with a cold face. “What’s the matter,

Mrs. Barron?”

“I came here to tell you something.” Rachel was still as arrogant as before. “Rodney and I have

discussed it. We can not compete with you for Mel’s rights, but I have conditions.”

“What is it?” Amber asked with a sneer.

“The condition is that you can’t marry Pierce.”

“Mrs. Barron, what right do you have to say this to me!” Amber sneered. She said that how could

Rodney be so calm? It turned out that he was waiting for her here. “Let me tell you, Mel was born after

our divorce. The Barron family has no responsibility for his growth. You have no right to ask me like


“It’s not that we don’t want to take responsibility, it’s that you don’t want to take responsibility for us.

Amber, if I had known that you were pregnant, I wouldn’t have forced Rodney to divorce you back


“It’s useless to say these things now. Mrs. Barron, you can’t be so despicable. As the old saying goes,

you want countless people to live for Rodney. You don’t lack a grandson like Mel, but I’m different. Mel

is all mine. I won’t let anyone take him away.”

If Rodney was willing to give birth to someone else, would I be able to find you? Rachel thought in her

heart, “If Rodney was willing to listen to me, I would have already had a grandson who had fallen for

me. How could I live so lonely?”

However, it was impossible for her to say these words to Amber. If Amber knew that Rodney was not

her, things would definitely get worse. She would definitely make things worse. “Amber, am I here to

discuss with you today? I’m here to inform you that as long as you marry Pierce, Rodney and I will

definitely not sit idly by. We will definitely take back Mel’s right to raise her, because neither I nor

Rodney will look at the flesh and blood of the Barron family calling another man father.”

“Then let’s wait and see!” Amber stood up with a sneer. She hated threats the most in her life. It was

undoubtedly a dream for Rodney and Rachel to threaten her!