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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 146
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Elliot followed Amber’s gaze and saw Rodney and Kelsey. A cold smile appeared on the corner of his

mouth. “Rodney is trying to enjoy a happy life with his lover. He wants to get back together with Amber

while having a fierce fight with his lover.”

However, he didn’t expect to bump into Amber so coincidentally today. It was such a coincidence. He

thought to himself as he looked at Amber. When he saw Amber’s face, his face darkened instantly.

She put down the chopsticks in her hand. “I’m full!”

“I’m full too. Let’s go!” Elliot left with Amber thoughtfully. Along the way, Amber had been silent with a

gloomy face. Although she didn’t say anything, Elliot knew that she had made a conclusion about

Rodney. The man Rodney probably had no chance this time.

Kelsey said that she would leave the day after tomorrow, so she invited Rodney out for a meal to

express her gratitude for taking care of him over the years. The most important reason why she was

with Kelsey was that her experience was similar to Amber’s. Not only that, but she also looked a little

similar to Amber. Kelsey comforted him on those lonely days in the past.

Kelsey was a good girl. She knew when to advance and when to retreat. She had never caused him

any trouble. Now that she was going abroad to further her studies, Rodney would naturally not reject


Kelsey had never drunk before, saying that she was allergic to alcohol. But today, she took the initiative

to ask for wine and poured a cup of wine for him. “Rodney, I propose a toast to you on behalf of tea!”

Rodney raised his wine glass and said, “I wish you a smooth journey!”

After the two of them drank a glass of wine, Kelsey poured another glass for Rodney. “I know that

Rodney’s stomach is not good, so I don’t advise you to drink more. You should drink three glasses of

wine today.”

Rodney nodded. “Alright, let’s have three cups!”

Kelsey enthusiastically served the dishes for Rodney. “Rodney, it’s all because of you that Kelsey is

here today. You are my benefactor. In this life, Kelsey has no way to repay you. In your next life, I will

do anything to repay you!”

“Why are you saying such things?” Rodney was stunned.

“I’m just happy and excited.” Kelsey poured Rodney a second glass of wine. The two clinked their

glasses. “I wish Rodney a happy and happy life.”

“I love to hear that.” Rodney smiled and drank it up. “He’ll marry Amber soon. He’ll be happy for the

rest of his life.”

Kelsey poured a third glass of wine for Rodney. “Kelsey is young and ignorant. What’s there to be sorry

for, Rodney? Please forgive her. Don’t argue with Kelsey!”

Rodney quickly drank the third glass of wine. It was still early after the meal. Rodney could not drive if

he drank, so he called the designated driver. Rodney ordered the designated driver to send Kelsey

home first and then sent him home, but he did not expect to see Celia on the way.

Her car was out of order and she was standing on the side of the road in a hurry. Rodney didn’t want to

pay attention to it. Kelsey reminded him, “Rodney, isn’t that Ms. Black? She seems to be in trouble.

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Let’s go and have a look.”

Hearing Kelsey’s words, Rodney couldn’t pretend that he couldn’t see, so he ordered the driver to stop

the car. “What happened?”

“Brother-in-law, my car is broken.” Celia was pitiful.

“Did you call the repair plant?”

“Yes.” As they were talking, someone came over. Kelsey warmly invited Celia to get in the car. “Ms.

Black, get in the car. It’s cold downstairs!”

“Is that okay?” Celia looked at Rodney pitifully.

Rodney frowned. Thinking of the designated driver and Kelsey, he nodded and said, “Come on up!”

Celia got in the car, and Kelsey suggested, “This is relatively close to my apartment. Rodney, send me

back first before sending Ms. Black back!”

Rodney nodded. He didn’t drink much, but he felt a little dizzy. So he sat in the back row and closed his

eyes to rest. Unconsciously, he fell asleep.

Seeing that Rodney was asleep, Kelsey and Celia sent him back to the Barron family home together.

Rachel and Itzel had been waiting impatiently for a long time. When they saw them coming, their faces

were filled with joy. They immediately helped Rodney up the stairs together with them.

At this point, Kelsey’s task was completed. She got up and left the Barron family. Rachel and Itzel

motioned for Celia to enter Rodney’s room. “Take this opportunity and try to get pregnant!”

After closing the door, a cold smile appeared on Celia’s face. Today, she had an old friend with her, so

how could she get in touch with him when he was unconscious?

She didn’t come here tonight to have a relationship with Rodney, but to fake a scene that had

happened so that Rachel could believe it.

Itzel had told her that the sperm provided by Rodney had been kept. After tonight, she would take her

to use frozen sperm as a test tube baby. By then, as long as she got pregnant successfully, with

Rachel’s protection, she would see where Rodney could run off to.

In the past, she only knew how to pretend to be gentle and win Rodney’s favor. But now, she

understood that she did not want to be a subordinate of a man. She also wanted to live for herself. Her

mother was right. If a person did not have self-esteem, she would never succeed. But now, she could

change everything.

Elliot sent Amber back to the Scent Villa and left. Amber was in a bad mood and felt that she had no

energy to do anything. She watched TV in the living room for a while, but Rodney had not come back

yet. She went upstairs to take a shower. When she came out of the bathroom, she heard the phone

ringing. Noemi complained, “It’s really hard to get through to your phone.”

“I was taking a shower just now,” Amber replied.

“Guess who I saw on the way? Rodney and Kelsey…”

“I saw them in the Huston Palace.” Amber interrupted her.

“No, I haven’t finished my words yet. In addition to Kelsey, there is also Celia. What do you think

Rodney wants to do? You have to be on your guard and don’t be silly enough to believe his words.”

“I got it,” Amber replied.

“By the way, you and Rodney have been together for some time. Do you have any news?” Noemi

asked again.

“I’m going to the hospital in a few days.”

After hanging up the phone, Amber was in a daze for a while. Why did Rodney and Celia, Kelsey, get

together? She couldn’t figure it out. She rubbed her forehead and thought, “Forget it. No matter what

Rodney does, it has nothing to do with me. I don’t need to worry about this. I’ll go to the hospital to

have a check in a few days. If there is any news, I’ll leave.”

This was what she was thinking in her heart, but she still couldn’t fall asleep. When she saw that

Rodney hadn’t returned after 12 o’clock, she thought for a moment and called him. The person who

answered the phone was Rachel. She said in a strange tone, “Rodney is sleeping. Why are you so

shameless to call him?”

Amber was stunned. Wasn’t Rodney with Kelsey and Celia? Why did he come home again? Rachel

said something unpleasant over there, “Amber, you are a good person. Why do you have to do such

shameless things? I’m telling you, don’t dream of marrying Rodney again. I will never agree!”

Knowing that Rachel didn’t have any good words, Amber didn’t want to make things difficult for her, so

he hung up the phone before she could finish. Listening to the beeping sound from the phone, Rachel

muttered, “It’s still impolite. I really don’t know what Rodney likes about her.”

It was already noon the next day when Rodney opened his eyes. When his eyes met the familiar

decorations in the room, he was shocked. How could he be on the bed at home? The door was

knocked. Rachel came in with a bowl of soup and said, “Son, Mom made a bowl of soup for you. Drink


“Why am I here?” Rodney looked at her in shock.

“Don’t you remember? It was Celia who sent you back.” Rachel kept silent about what had happened

last night. Celia left Rodney’s room in the middle of the night. It was still unknown whether Itzel could

get pregnant. She asked Rachel not to tell anyone about it. She would tell Rodney about it when she

got pregnant, so as not to mess up the plan.

There was a fragrant smell in the room. Rodney rubbed his forehead and sat up. He found that he was

not wearing clothes. “Who helped me take off my clothes?”

“It’s my mother who helped you take off your clothes. I’m afraid you won’t be able to sleep well if you

wear them,” Rachel explained.

“Didn’t he just drink a few cups of wine? How could he be so drunk?” Rodney had an intuition that there

was something wrong. Seeing Rachel standing by the bed with a bowl of soup in her hand, Rodney

was a little impatient. “Mom, can you go out?”

“After you drink the soup, I’ll leave.”

“I don’t dare to drink your soup!” Rodney sneered. “You’d better go out.”

“You don’t know what’s good for you.” Rachel muttered and turned to leave. Rodney hurriedly put on

his clothes and got up. He reached out to touch his mobile phone, but it was not on him. He opened the

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door and shouted at Rachel, “Mom, where is my mobile phone?”

“Over here.” Rachel pointed to the tea table in the living room.

Rodney hurried downstairs to pick up his phone. When he saw that there was a call from Amber, his

face changed. “Did you answer the phone from Amber?”


“What did you say to Amber?”

“I didn’t say anything. I just said that you were sleeping, so I told her not to disturb you.”

How could Rodney believe it? He was very clear about his mother’s identity. How could he give up

such an opportunity to humiliate Amber? He had to ask Amber about the situation immediately. Rodney

called Amber while driving, but it was an excuse. He called Kelsey again. “What happened last night?

Why was I sent home by Celia?”

Kelsey was very innocent. “I don’t know. Dai Fang sent me home first.”

Rodney felt that things were not that simple. Of course, he did not doubt that Kelsey lied to him. He just

thought that there was something wrong with Celia, so he called Deon and said, “Keep an eye on Celia

and see what she is doing recently.”

Amber felt uneasy that Rodney did not come back. Noemi’s call reminded her that it had been more

than half a month since she and Rodney came back. She would be able to find out within ten days. She

had to try to buy a box of drug products. As she promised, she immediately went to the pharmacy

outside to buy a set of drug products.

She couldn’t sleep well that night. On one hand, it was a matter of health care. On the other hand, it

was a matter of Rodney. As soon as the sky began to brighten, Amber got up. It wasn’t a good idea to

climb up a test. She opened several test papers at once.

A few minutes later, there were two red lines on the tickets. She won the prize!

Amber stared at the red line and was stunned. She couldn’t believe it at all. She and Rodney had only

been pregnant for five years, and this only lasted for one month. She couldn’t believe it.

She rubbed her eyes again. “That’s right. There are two red lines on it.” Amber squatted down and

cried with his hands covering his face. This was tears of joy. Her Mel, her Mel, could be saved!

Almost instinctively, she grabbed the phone and wanted to call Pierce to tell him about the good news.

When she was about to dial, she stopped again. She was still worried that there would be some

mistakes in the call, so she had to make sure that nothing would go wrong.

Amber decided to go to the hospital to see the result. She had breakfast in a hurry and took a taxi to

the South City Hospital.

She came too early and the hospital had not started to work yet. Although the hospital did not officially

go to work, there were still many people waiting in line to register in the hall.

Amber also joined the crowd of people who lined up to register. Soon, she hung up the account and

saw that there was still a while before the doctor’s work time. Amber was really bored, so she stood

next to the publicity board of the hospital and looked at the news board. She still felt that the time was


Every five minutes, she looked at her watch and heard a familiar voice behind her in a hurry. “Mom, we

came too early.”