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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 134
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After that, Itzel left South City and went to City A. After more than ten years of hard work, she became

a famous expert. But this was not the life she wanted. If it weren’t for Channing and Ashley, she

wouldn’t have ended up like this. She would have slept with Reece, and she would have lived a rich life

instead of being a doctor like this.

Although she was quite famous in the medical circle, she was nothing compared with the madams of

hundreds of millions of rich and powerful families. If not for that incident back then, how could she end

up in such a state? She hated Ashley and Channing. She had never hated them so much.

When Itzel became a famous doctor in City A, Channing was transferred to City A as a secretary. Itzel

was sincerely happy to see her daughter go down. Of course, if it weren’t for her terrible father, she

would have been even happier.

To be honest, she didn’t intend to deal with Amber. Amber was courting death by falling in love with the

man her daughter liked. Her behavior was as shameless as her mother’s.

Therefore, she continued to help Shannon deal with Ashley’s daughter. She and Rachel used to be old

friends. She knew Rachel very well. The Barron family had been simple for generations. Rachel was

both snobbish and wanted to have grandchildren. She had come up with a vicious plan to deal with her

and Shannon. She asked Riya, the nanny of the Barron family, to secretly take medicine for Amber so

that she could not get engaged.

Amber had been married to Rodney for two years without any news. He held his grandson in his arms

and began to take Amber to the hospital for an examination. Naturally, he wanted to find her, a well-

known expert and a good friend.

Because Amber had taken an aphrodisiac, the results of the examination were naturally unable to do


There was no way to get engaged, which meant that she could not have a baby. She exaggerated that

it was difficult for Amber to get pregnant for the rest of his life.

Rachel, who had been dissatisfied with Amber, was extremely angry when she heard that. Her attitude

toward Amber was extremely bad.

Amber swallowed his anger and thought that it was because of his relationship, so he looked around

for the treatment method actively.

Wu Yuzhen was worried that other hospitals would find out Amber’s real situation. After discussing it

with Shannon, they decided to give Amber a warm-up surgery and stop her from getting pregnant.

The servants of the Barron family, Riya, were stunned by Amber when he was not at home. They

secretly arranged for someone to perform an operation for Amber.

After they cleaned up the administrative department, they stopped drugging Amber. Later, Amber went

to other hospitals for several tests, but they used various means to switch the examination report, so

that Amber did not know his physical condition at all.

Those bitches thought that she would never have a baby in her life, so they began to actively think of

ways to help Celia and Rodney get along with each other.

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All the results were carried out according to their expectations. After being pestered by Rachel, Rodney

was extremely annoyed and finally agreed to take over the pregnancy.

Celia was successfully pregnant. As long as Celia successfully gave birth to the child, Amber would be

kicked out. But at this critical moment, she had a problem with having a child. In the end, after

discussing it with Shannon, she decided to expose this relationship to Amber and frame him.

The plan went well. Amber was expelled from his house and left his hometown.

She and Shannon’s plan was not an ordinary one. It was difficult but the medicine was going to be

done soon. She didn’t expect such a thing to happen after the engagement. Amber and Channing had

just reconciled, and she didn’t expect that Channing would be investigated.

Rachel wanted to change her mind not because Celia was the daughter of the mistress, but because

Channing had just lost his power.

However, she still had a trump card in her hand right now. That was the genius designer, Issac’er, who

was pretending to be Ashton.

Rachel would definitely change her mind as long as she had a picture of the arena designed by Issac.

She had to ask Ashton about the Forging Design. As long as she got the Forging Design, she could

negotiate with Rachel in this way. Rachel only cared about profit. She would never give up such a big


Thinking of this, Itzel went to find Ashton. Ashton was very cold to see her. He did not say much and

directly took out the drawings and gave them to her. Itzel was very happy to get the drawings. She

pretended to thank Ashton and left.

With this money, Itzel calmed down a little. When she got home, she began to calculate. This drawing

was just a chip, not all. Rachel was too snobbish. She changed her mind at will. This time, she must

plan carefully and not make any mistakes.

After seeing Amber wearing the same jade pendant as herself, Kelsey firmly believed that her

background must have something to do with Amber. Rodney had the same idea as her. Naturally, the

investigation began from Ashley.

It took Rodney a lot of effort to find out the origin of Ashley. His mother was remarried, and his

clansmen raised her and Ashton. Later, after the death of the people who raised Ashley and Ashton,

they were adopted by a kind-hearted person and lived in the Parkview Street. Therefore, Rodney and

Kelsey went to the Parkview Street to investigate.

Ashley and Ashton were adopted by the servants ordered by Johnson to live in the cat’s alley. Although

they lived in the cat’s alley and did not have much contact with the people around them, the people in

the cat’s alley knew little about them.

Everyone only remembered that Ashley was admitted to college and married an official. Later, she

settled down and took her younger brother’s adoptive father away. As for where she went, there were

many different opinions. Some said that she lived in a house in another place in South City, and some

said that she was taken to another city.

Rodney guessed that Ashley did not take her brother and adoptive father away at that time. Instead,

she settled down in the tube-shaped building, so Ashton had been living in the tube-shaped building all

the time.

However, there was a clue that more than 20 years ago, Ashley had lived in Parkview Street for a

period of time. At that time, it was winter. She was dressed in thick clothes and looked fat. Usually, she

had no contact with others except for a flower.

The flower was Shannon’s nickname. The person who provided the clue took Itzel as Ashley. Itzel

looked like Ashley. They didn’t have much contact with others, so the person who provided the clue

regarded Itzel as Ashley.

At this time, wasn’t Ashley married to Channing? Why did she go back to the cat’s alley? Was she


Rodney found it unbelievable. According to his calculations, Amber was already several years old at

this time. Why did Ashley leave her daughter and husband behind and return to the cat’s alley for such

a long time?

The most important thing was that according to the time, Shannon was already pregnant with Celia at

this time, and Kelsey was about the same age as Celia. Did Ashley come back to the cat’s alley to

have a baby at this time?

However, Ashley had a good relationship with Shannon. Since they were both pregnant at the same

time, how could they not know about the baby in Shannon’s belly?

It was Channing who gave birth to Shannon’s child, which was also the reason why Ashley became so

close to Shannon.

This matter was very strange. Wasn’t the person who returned to the cat’s alley Ashley? But who could

it be?

Rodney and Kelsey’s investigation in Parkview Street had not made any substantial progress, but Deon

had found a lot of news about Ashley’s mother and Johnson.

After Ashley’s mother married Johnson, she had a daughter named Queena. Later, Johnson and

Ashley’s mother both passed away. Queena and her brother, Issac, were missing.

Deon put Itzel’s and Issac’er’s photos in front of Rodney. “Why does Issac’er look exactly like Ashton?

And Queena, don’t you think she’s very similar to Dr. Lott?”

Rodney took the photo and was shocked. Although the photo had been taken for a long time and

looked a little yellow, the person in the photo was very clear. That Issac young master did look the

same as the current Ashton, while Queena and Itzel looked very much alike.

“What’s going on?” Rodney couldn’t figure it out. He couldn’t figure out the relationship between Ashton

and Issac, but he had a big guess about how he and Ashley had lived in the cat’s alley that year.

At that time, the person who lived in the Parkview Street and Shannon were not Ashley, but Queena. If

this inference was true, then Queena might be Kelsey’s mother.

Rodney and Deon were discussing this matter. Zico, the designer he invited, came in to talk to Rodney

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about something. He glanced at the photo in front of Rodney and couldn’t help but let out a cry of

surprise. “Isn’t this D threatened? Did you find him?”

Rodney was stunned. “What did you say?” Of course, he had heard of the name “Ding” before. When

he suddenly heard Zico’s words, he was quite surprised.

Zico picked up the photo and looked at it. He told Rodney with certainty, “This is the genius designer,

D! I saw him when I went to study in France.”

“D*mn, aren’t you a French?”

“Just like you, I thought he was French. Later, I learned that he was not a native, but his identity has

always been kept secret. Very few media magazines can see his photos. I only saw him at a children’s

party. He was in a hurry and left a few minutes later. I saw that the French at the party were very polite

to him. Later, I inquired about him in private and found out that he was a D.”

“Do you know his native name?”

“I don’t know.” Zico shook his head.

Zico left after talking to Rodney. Rodney waved to Deon to come over. “Did you find out that he studied

in France when you investigated him?”

Deon nodded. “Yes, I haven’t had time to report.”

Rodney rubbed his brows. This matter was too strange. Ashton was Issac’er? Then where had the real

Ashton gone?

“Is Issac D? Why is he so incredible? In my impression, Ashton has always been so obedient and

honest. How could he have anything to do with a genius designer?”

Rodney pondered for a moment and asked Deon to call the French translator of the company. He

asked the French translator to call Ashton in French. The phone was soon connected. The interpreter

asked in French instead, “Excuse me, are you Mr. Mason?”

Ashton replied in French, “No, you hit the wrong person!”

The interpreter said sorry in French and hung up the phone. Beside him, Rodney and Deon clearly

heard Ashton’s French answer. He waved his hand to motion for the interpreter to go out.

Ashton had dropped out of school after graduating from junior high school. He knew very well that this

Ashton was a fake. Why did Issac Shao have to disguise himself as Ashton?

“Does Amber know about this?”

Rodney thought for a while and called Kelsey in. Now he was sure that Ashton was Issac. However, he

was not sure whether Itzel was the same person as Queena. In that case, he might as well ask Kelsey

to meet Itzel and ask her about the jade pendant in person.

Amber had a meal with Noemi at noon, so they met Kelsey in the restaurant. When she saw Amber,

she took the initiative to come over and say hello. She reached out to greet the smiling man. Amber

was also very polite to her. After exchanging a few words of greetings, Kelsey entered the private room.

When Amber opened the door, he glanced inside and found that the person Kelsey saw was an old

acquaintance, Itzel, who once treated her stomach disease.

Strangely, why would Itzel meet Kelsey? Could it be that Kelsey’s purpose in seeing her was also to

treat her stomach disease?