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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 133
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As for Ashley and Ashton, they had a hard time. The people who often took care of them would beat

and scold them. Later, the people who took care of them also died. Ashley and Ashton became

orphans without anyone taking care of them. When their mother heard the news, she asked someone

to pick up Ashley and Ashton, but she refused.

She didn’t know what the Stone family had taught her, but she hated her mother very much. She said

that she didn’t have a mother who didn’t want to be so shameless. She had two hands to feed herself

and her younger brother. Her mother was in great pain because of this. Later, Johnson thought of a

way to let a servant in her family adopt Ashley and Ashton in the name of a kind-hearted person, so

that Ashley and Ashton could enter the school to study and study.

Ashley’s grades were very good. Along the way, she successfully studied from primary school to

university, but Ashton was not interested in studying. Before she graduated from junior high school, she

would quit school at home.

When Ashley was in college, she was the most beautiful girl in the school. Many boys liked her,

including her brother, Issac. At first, Ashley hated Issac, but later he didn’t know why their relationship

had become better.

Itzel saw that Issac had gone to find Ashley. She had never seen her brother’s high spirits when he was

with Ashley.

What was so good about his family that he finally thought of Ashley, which made Itzel very jealous. She

was brother and sister with Issac young master. Why did Issac young master treat Ashley, who had no

blood relationship with her at all, better than his biological sister?

Because Itzel slowly began to hate Ashley. Especially when she heard that the people around her were

praising her beauty, intelligence, and talent, she was even more unconvinced.

Because of his excellent grades and his specialty in architectural design, a famous foreign university

took the initiative to invite him to study abroad.

After Issac went abroad, he quickly became a famous designer in the design industry in an English

name. Because Issac was abroad, Itzel went on vacation at her brother’s place during the summer


Issac’s acquaintances were all from the upper class, and there were many rich and powerful families in

the country. Reece was one of them. Reece liked carving, so he slowly became friends with Issac at a

gathering. Because he often came to see Issac, he naturally began to get familiar with Itzel.

Reece was handsome and unrestrained, and he was also the heir of a rich and powerful family. Itzel

took a fancy to him at a glance. She began to have a crush on Reece and would approach him with

such a reason every time.

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Because of Issac, Reece treated her well. He answered her every request. At the party, he would also

invite her to be a female companion.

The short two months of interaction made Itzel very happy. She had always thought that Reece liked

her, otherwise, he would not have invited her to be his female companion.

Itzel began to fantasize about Reece. Her thoughts could not escape Issac’s eyes. He warned Itzel not

to have any other fantasies. Reece only treated her as a friend’s younger sister and had no other

thoughts. Moreover, Reece’s family background was not something that people like them could get

along with.

But how could Itzel listen to it? She fell in love with Reece as if she was possessed. She didn’t spend

much time abroad and was about to return to our country. She hoped that Reece could make full use of

the time to confess his love for her and achieve a love story between a prince and a princess.

Reece did not confess his love to her, but he went back with her when she returned to the country. At

that time, Reece returned to the country to see a famous carving master in the country, but Itzel did not

think so. She thought that seeing the carving master was just an excuse for Reece. His real purpose

was to send her back to the country.

Because of Reece’s return, Issac asked Reece to send a gift to Ashley. When Reece sent a gift to

Ashley, he was shocked and fell in love with her at a glance.

For this reason, Reece gave up going abroad and settled down in the country on the grounds of

learning carving. It was a good thing for Itzel that Reece stayed in the country. She had always happily

thought that it was because of her that Reece stayed in the country.

It wasn’t until she saw Reece and Ashley begin their date that she realized that Itzel began to have an

inexplicable grudge against Ashley. She hated her for shamelessly taking away her lover.

Looking at the romance between Reece and Ashley, Itzel’s heart was as sharp as a knife. She would

never allow her man to be taken away by another woman, even if this woman was her sister.

She began to find ways to separate them. Coincidentally, Channing also liked Ashley at that time, so

Itzel set her eyes on Channing.

Channing was a well-known talent in the school. He was also good-looking and won the hearts of many

girls. He also fell in love with Ashley at first sight, but she was not very interested in Channing.

No matter how Channing pursued her, he didn’t say anything. Itzel hinted to Channing that she could

help him get Ashley, and she also told Channing about her relationship with Ashley.

Channing was naturally very happy that she took the initiative to extend an olive branch. The two

began to form an alliance. Itzel took the initiative to show her kindness to Ashley. She liked her sister

Ashley a lot and did not object to her approach. Therefore, Itzel often thought of ways to bring

Channing to Ashley.

However, the effect of this was not obvious. Ashley had no interest in Channing at all. Itzel saw that

Channing was unable to do it, so she set her eyes on Reece. Reece’s domestic affairs were known by

the Thomson family because of a woman, so Remington naturally did not allow him to do so.

Therefore, as Reece’s fiancee, Lannie came to Reece in person. Reece made it clear that he had no

feelings for Lannie.

Itzel was the typical thing that others could not get what they wanted. Since Channing was useless, she

could only think of a way. Anyway, she could not let Ashley take advantage of her. Lannie’s arrival gave

her an opportunity. She took advantage of the fact that Reece was on guard against her and directed a

good show.

Itzel had drunk Reece and Lannie so that they could put on a play in the Spring Palace. She also

informed Ashley to come and watch. Ashley was heartbroken when she saw Reece and Lannie

together. In the end, she chose to be with Channing.

Things had already come to an end, but for Itzel, it was just the beginning. She thought that she would

have a chance to break up with Reece and Ashley, but she didn’t expect that Reece would choose to

marry Lannie, who she didn’t love. She thought that Ashley and Channing would have a mediocre life

after they got married, but she didn’t expect that Channing would have a successful official career and

began to grow step by step.

As a person who was scheming everywhere, she didn’t benefit at all, while others were living happily.

Itzel was very unwilling to give up. Of course, the thing that made Itzel most angry was that they were

all living a good life, but she was beginning to live a bad life.

Issac had been entrusted by a rich businessman from France to buy a famous painting. In the end, he

entrusted the famous painting to Ashley to keep, but the famous painting he brought back in the end

was a fake. Because of this, Issac had lost all his fortune and his reputation. His father, who was old,

had also suffered such a blow and returned to the west. After his father died, his mother also followed


In one night, Itzel changed from having nothing to having nothing to worry about. Her brother, Issac,

was disheartened and looked like he wanted to see through the mortal world. Itzel blamed everything

on Ashley. If it weren’t for her, they wouldn’t have fallen to such a state.

After her parents died, her brother returned to the South City to live in seclusion. Itzel had no choice but

to go to the old servant who took care of Ashley. The old servant lived in the cat’s alley. From this, she

knew Shannon, who lived in the cat’s alley, also known as a flower.

In the end, Itzel and Issac ended up like this. Ashley felt guilty. She had sent all her work money to Itzel

for her studies. Itzel had been studying at the Medical College at that time, so she was naturally in

need of money. She did not reject Ashley’s money, but she was not grateful. She had been thinking

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about how to get revenge.

She was not grateful to her sister, but she was angry with Shannon. At that time, Shannon was popular

in Parkview Street. Those ruffians coveted her beauty and treated her very well.

On the summer vacation of the year when Itzel graduated, Channing had just gone on a business trip

to South City. He was entrusted by Ashley to visit Itzel and to deliver money to her. Itzel brought

Shannon and her cousin to meet Channing.

At that time, Channing was young and handsome. Shannon fixed her eyes on him for a while. Seeing

this scene, Itzel secretly guessed that a vicious plan had been made.

She wanted to make Ashley suffer the pain of betrayal, and it was the betrayal of her most trusted

friend. So Itzel put medicine in the water that Channing and Shannon had drunk, but she didn’t expect

that the last thing would be beyond her imagination.

Shannon had just had sex with Channing, and she was not in a good condition. When she woke up,

she was naked and lying with Shannon’s cousin, because Shannon’s cousin began to be entangled

with her.

Shannon’s cousin was a local ruffian in Parkview Street. The local ruffians in Parkview Street were all

bloodthirsty people. Previously, Shannon’s cousin treated her well, but since she had sex with her, he

had threatened her openly and asked her to have friends with him. Otherwise, he would have made

this matter known to others. Itzel chose to maintain a relationship with Shannon’s cousin for her sake.

She did not expect that she would be pregnant.

She was supposed to go to the hospital to give birth to this child, but the doctor in the hospital told her

that her body was not allowed. If she gave birth to this child, she would never have another child in her


Shannon’s cousin also got the news and followed her to the hospital. In the end, Itzel didn’t give birth to

a child, but gave birth to a child. On the day she gave birth, Shannon also gave birth to Channing’s


Itzel hated Shannon. She wasn’t a fool. She was the one who schemed against Channing and

Shannon, but Shannon must have played tricks on her. Itzel hated Shannon. She persuaded

Shannon’s cousin to give birth to Shannon’s child, so she wouldn’t raise a child that didn’t belong to

her. So she asked Shannon’s cousin to send Shannon’s child away.

Itzel knew that the purpose of Shannon’s child was not to be full of love. She must have wanted to

replace Ashley to get Channing, so she began to negotiate with Shannon. She helped Shannon get

Channing, and Shannon helped her get rid of the cousin who pestered her.

In the end, they were all very happy. Ashley died in a car accident, and Shannon successfully became

the wife. Her child also became Shannon and Channing’s child. Shannon’s cousin was also sent to the

prison by her and Shannon.