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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 131
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Shannon had always acted as if he was the most important person in the world, which led him to think

that he was Shannon’s son.

But now, Shannon said, “What should we do if something happens to you?” She didn’t think of him at

all in her words. Channing was already suspicious, so he suddenly felt unhappy.

“I didn’t mean that. I was just worried and worried about you!” Shannon was also a quick-witted person.

She immediately realized that she had said something wrong. “Mr. Black, what can I do now?”

“If you really worry about me, stay at home obediently. Don’t forget to come to the hospital every day to

see me!” Channing said lightly.

Shannon stayed in the hospital for a while before leaving with a heavy heart. Instead of going home,

she took a taxi to the beauty salon where she often went. After entering the beauty salon, Shannon

went straight into the VIP room.

Wendy, the beauty designer who often served her, immediately came over and asked, “Why are you

here today?”

It was no wonder that Wendy was surprised. Every time Shannon came, she would call in advance.

The sudden arrival had never happened. “Call him and ask him to come over. I have something to tell

him.” Shannon ordered.

Wendy immediately picked up the phone and dialed. The phone was quickly connected, and a female

voice came. “What’s the matter?”

“Ask Malone to answer the phone.” Wendy subconsciously glanced at Shannon.

“Malone is taking a shower,” the female voice replied. “I’ll get him to call later.”

When Shannon heard that it was a female voice who answered the phone, her face darkened. When

she heard the female voice’s reply, she gritted her teeth after taking a shower. She grabbed the phone

in Wendy’s hand and said, “I’ll call Malone to answer the phone immediately!”

“Who are you?” The female voice asked.

“It’s not up to you to ask who I am. Call Malone to answer the phone immediately, or you will be in great


Shannon’s arrogant tone made the woman feel stressed, so she went to knock on the bathroom door.

“Malone, a phone call!”

Malone opened the door with his naked body. “Baby, who is your phone number?”

“Your sister’s phone number, but the woman who spoke is not your sister. She is very fierce.”

Shannon heard it clearly and was very jealous. She gnashed her teeth and roared, “Malone, get over

here now!”

Twenty minutes later, Malone arrived at the beauty salon. He pushed open the door and smashed a

teacup on his face. He leaned to one side to avoid it. “Bastard! You bastard! How dare you cheat on

me! I won’t beat you to death!”

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Shannon pounced on him like a tiger, grabbing and biting at him. He was in so much pain that he

gritted his teeth, but he didn’t dare to do anything. He pleaded, “It’s not a lover, it’s just a nanny. Don’t

get me wrong.”

“Bullshit, do you think I’m so easy to cheat? I can’t even tell who my nanny and lover are. Bastard! I’m

so tired of working for you, but you f*cking raise my lover behind my back. I’m not done with you!”

“Shannon, don’t be angry! I really didn’t have a lover behind your back. I don’t have a second woman

except you!”

“I believe that a sow can climb a tree. I’m telling you, Malone. I’m not easy to bully. Don’t even think

about it. If you piss me off, don’t blame me for turning against you.”

“I don’t dare to mess with you. You are my god. Don’t you know how I feel about you? I don’t like any

other woman except you.”

“If you dare to fall in love with another woman, I will not let you go!” Shannon said fiercely, “I have

endured the humiliation for you for so many years. I have to help you raise your daughter and deal with

that b*stard Channing. Do you think it’s easy for me? By the way, your daughter is going to die now, but

you are still drinking and drinking. Are you a human?”

“What’s wrong with Celia?”

“What’s wrong? Why don’t you watch TV? Didn’t you hear others say that Mr. Barron was going to

break off the engagement, and Celia was going to commit suicide!”

“Damn it, what does this Mr. Barron want to do?” Malone scolded angrily, “He is a divorced man, and

our Celia is still a virgin. Does he have eyes on the top of his head?”

He smiled and said, “Baby, I’m not angry. You persuade Celia not to be sad. It’s hard to find a toad with

three legs. There are many men with two legs. With our appearance, Celia can find a good man with

her eyes closed.”

“Is this a problem of looking for a man? Celia likes the man Rodney. Do you know?” Shannon was so

angry that her liver ached.

“But Mr. Barron doesn’t like her. It’s not sweet to force her…” As soon as she finished speaking,

Shannon made a fierce claw, which made the scholar grimace. “You murdered your husband!”

“I still expect you to think of a way, but now it seems that I can’t count on you. It’s better to go and

discuss it with Itzel. Her idea is much better than yours.”

“You’d better stay away from Itzel. She has been involved in many things in the past. If she revealed it,

everything would be over.” Malone reminded him.

“Don’t worry. She won’t do any harm to anyone, nor will she do any harm to Celia.” Shannon was


“There are exceptions to everything. If she finds out that Celia is not her daughter, with Itzel’s vicious

character, she will definitely make a scene. So you’d better be careful!”

“Itzel will never suspect that Celia is not her daughter. Don’t worry about that.” Shannon didn’t want to

mention it. “I’m thirsty. Get me a glass of water!”

Malone immediately poured her a glass of water. Shannon drank up the glass of water in one gulp.

Malone sat down beside her and stared at Shannon’s towering chest with his eyes narrowed. “Baby, is

there anything else other than Celia’s matter?”

“What are you doing?”

“If there’s nothing else, I’ll make you comfortable!” As he spoke, he reached out to touch her chest with

a lewd smile.

“Be serious. I have something important to tell you today.” Shannon opened his hand and told him what

had happened to Channing. “If he really has trouble, we have to think of a way out.”

Malone frowned and thought for a moment. He shook his head and said, “There won’t be any trouble.”


“Channing is sophisticated and cunning. How could he let others catch him so easily?”

“But he admitted it himself.”

“The mayor is still in the provincial capital, but Channing is resting in the hospital. What does this


“Don’t keep me guessing. Just say it.”

“It means that there must be something wrong with the mayor, and he must be fine.”

“I still don’t understand.” Shannon was confused.

“If something happened to Channing, he would stay in the provincial capital like the mayor and would

never come back to recuperate, got it?”

Seeing that Shannon still didn’t fully understand, Malone added, “Now that I know about this, I will

definitely let people pay attention to it. Don’t panic, just stay with him obediently. I will inform you if

there is anything.”

Shannon was relieved to hear that. She reached out her hand with lust again. This time, Shannon did

not refuse. Soon, the room was full of sunshine.

After that, Shannon put on her clothes and left. After sending Shannon away, she went back to her

room. There was a lascivious smell in the room. Wendy began to tidy up quietly. Malone reached out to

hold her hand and sighed. “Wendy, you’ve been wronged!”

“Brother, we have everything now. Why don’t you cut her off?” Wendy looked at the scars on her

brother’s face, and her eyes were full of pity.

Shannon was too vicious. She had a man and lived a happy life, but she didn’t allow her brother to

have other women. Her brother was so old, but he had always been single. Was the Wen family going

to have no descendants?

“I want to do that, but I have no choice. Everything was given by Shannon at that time. I can’t turn

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against her like this. Besides, she gave birth to a daughter for me. For the sake of my child, I can’t let

her down!”

“Brother, you are too soft-hearted. Celia said that she was your daughter, but I didn’t find any

resemblance to you on her face. Shannon used to be a dirty woman. I don’t know which wild man she


“Wendy, don’t talk nonsense.”

“I know. I feel wronged for my brother! You shouldn’t go on like this! Why can’t Shannon allow you to

get married and have children?”

“It’s my brother’s idea. It has nothing to do with her.” Malone shook his head. “Anyway, you don’t have

to worry about this. My brother knows what he should do!”

“Brother, you are not young anymore. Listen to my advice. Get married as soon as possible. The Wen

family can’t have no descendants!”

Wendy said earnestly, “We are not short of money now. If Shannon is unwilling to let you go, let’s leave

the business here. I don’t believe that her hands are so long!”

Malone didn’t say anything. He knew that his sister was kind to him, but it was not easy for Shannon to

get rid of him. If she could get rid of him, she wouldn’t have waited until now. He had a fatal weakness

in Shannon’s hands.

“If I hadn’t been confused at that time, I wouldn’t have ended up like this.” Malone sighed deeply in his


The sky was bright. Rodney opened his eyes, and the person in his arms fell asleep. Just like before,

he gently put her hand, which was placed outside the quilt, back under the quilt. He saw the red mark

on her chest, which was caused by him.

Rodney could not help but lower his head and kiss her face. He hugged her tightly and placed his chin

gently on her forehead. “Amber, do I really have you again?”

A kind of unspeakable happiness surrounded him. Rodney really wanted to laugh out loud. This was

the first time in three years that he had been so happy since he left.

He hugged her for a while before he slowly got up and went to the room next door to wash up. After

washing up, he made ham sticks. In the past, when he lived with Amber, she used to make nutritious

breakfast for him every day.

The breakfast he could make was only fried eggs and ham sticks. Rodney put the bread into the oven

and roasted it. Then he fried the eggs and cut the tomatoes. Everything was ready, and two rather

good sticks were ready.

He heated up the milk and went upstairs along with the already-prepared chalk. When he pushed open

the bedroom door, he saw that Amber was still asleep. He reached out to push her away, but Amber

turned over and went back to sleep.

Seeing that Amber was sleeping soundly, Rodney couldn’t bear to disturb him, so he walked out of the

room. He finished his watch and called Celia to meet him.

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