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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 117
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Finally, the love story between them came to an end, and the car also stopped at the entrance of the

Sichuan restaurant.

“Although this Mexican restaurant is small, it’s very authentic.” Rodney opened the door and got out of

the car. He told her, “I’ve eaten it twice here. It tastes very good.”

Amber followed him in without saying a word. He was obviously a frequent visitor here. When the boss

saw him, he immediately came up to him and greeted him very familiarly.

Soon, they were led to the private room and sat down. Two dishes were sent by the waiter. They were

the common carrot and chicken feet of the Mexican restaurant. Rodney took the initiative to pick up a

piece of carrot with chopsticks and looked at Amber. “Try this. This is the best carrot I’ve ever eaten in

the Sichuan restaurant.”

Amber looked at the carrot that was sent to her mouth and smiled bitterly in his heart. The most

delicious carrot! For a rich man like Rodney, it was indeed delicious to occasionally eat American

carrots in the world. But for her, it was just a piece of cake.

After being cleaned up by Rodney, she ate this kind of thing most when she was pregnant. It was easy

to make carrots, and it was not expensive. At that time, she ate a lot of sour carrots every day, which

made her feel uncomfortable when she saw sour teeth.

Seeing that she didn’t move and was looking at him like that, Rodney frowned and said, “Open your


The chopsticks had already been raised to her mouth. Looking at the radish on Rodney’s chopsticks,

Amber frowned and finally opened his mouth to bite it. It was not as delicious as what Rodney had said.

It was no different from all the American carrots she had eaten. Amber frowned slightly. It took him a lot

of effort to swallow the carrot, but he was not willing to eat the second one.

Her actions were seen as a negative treatment in Rodney’s eyes, which made him feel a little unhappy.

However, when he remembered that today was a special day, he finally suppressed his anger.

The dishes ordered by Rodney were served one after another. The cooked beef in the pot, boiled fish

and spicy shrimps were all Amber’s favorite dishes. Seeing these dishes that he liked, Amber picked

up his chopsticks and began to eat them.

Seeing that he ate sweetly, Rodney’s heart suddenly felt comfortable. He sat opposite her and looked

at her eating without hiding anything. The tenderness in his eyes was released little by little.

Suddenly, he couldn’t believe it. Yesterday, when he called her to ask when she would move in, he was

looking forward to it in his heart, hoping that she could remember what day it was today.

Sure enough, she didn’t let him down. She promised to move in today, so she probably didn’t forget

what day it was today, did she?

This was the first time she had gone on a date with him eight years ago. To think that the two of them

would start dating again eight years later. No matter what, this was a good start for him.

He hoped to start over with her and recollect his old dream. He would compensate her for everything

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that he owed her.

Amber was really hungry. She basically ate without any image. When she was half-full, she suddenly

looked up and found that Rodney was staring at her.

She thought that her appetite must have stunned him. Celia was gentle, noble, and elegant. Rodney

had always been facing such a beauty. It was no wonder that he would be in a daze when he saw her

starving look.

Amber admitted that his way of eating and elegance had nothing to do with it, but it didn’t surprise Mr.

Barron, did it? Suddenly, he found that Mr. Barron was becoming more and more pretentious. She had

never seen him like this in the past!

“Mr. Barron, why don’t you eat?” Amber couldn’t help asking.

Rodney came to his senses and said, “Let’s see how you enjoy it.”

It seemed that she had listened to him before, but when did he say that? She couldn’t think of it. She

was slightly surprised. “Mr. Barron, you are really good at joking.”

“Amber, do you want to call me Mr. Barron like this all the time?”

“What else can I do? Call you brother-in-law?” Amber asked.

The atmosphere suddenly dropped to the freezing point. With a livid face, Rodney picked up a piece of

fish with his chopsticks and ate it fiercely. Then, something unexpected happened. There were

fishbones in the fish. Coincidentally, they were stuck in Rodney’s throat.

He drank water, drank vinegar, and swallowed his food desperately. However, the fishbone had been

tightly pinched in his throat. He couldn’t get down. Finally, Amber proposed to go to the hospital to see

a doctor.

Rodney felt extremely embarrassed. He had planned to have a good dinner, but it had been messed up

by a fishbone. Although the doctor later helped him take out the fishbone, his mood had been ruined.

On the way back, he kept a straight face and did not speak. He did not speak, neither did Amber. Just

like that, the two of them returned to Scent Villa’s villa in silence.

After entering the villa, Amber sat down on the sofa. He turned on the TV and began to watch the TV

series. Rodney sat next to her with a dark face. He was angry. This woman was definitely doing this on


He hadn’t eaten anything in the restaurant and had been watching her all the time. Later, he had been

busy in the hospital until now, so he was so hungry. According to common sense, shouldn’t she cook a

bowl of noodles for him in the kitchen?

He remembered very well how good her cooking skills were. In the past, when he stayed up late at the

company until late Club Cobalt, this woman always brought him delicious food with her skillful hands.

Amber looked at the TV, but he was a little nervous. He only hoped that Rodney was not interested in

soap opera. He immediately rolled into the study to deal with his affairs, which made it easier for her to

think of a solution.

However, there seemed to be something wrong with Mr. Barron. He sat motionless beside her, staring

at her with a deep gaze. Amber was a little scared by her gaze.

Just when she was about to give up, she suddenly heard a strange cooing sound. Amber looked at

Rodney, and his white face had turned a little red. “Amber, what are you doing!”

“Mr. Barron, I’m not Mr. Barron. What can I do for you?” Amber asked respectfully.

“Don’t you know that I didn’t eat?”

“I’m sorry. I’ll order takeout for you right away!” Amber got up and went to get the phone. Rodney

gritted his teeth and said, “It’s so late. What’s the name of takeout? Won’t you be able to cook a bowl of


“I’m sorry. The noodles I cooked are very bad. I’d better order takeout.” The reason why she made

soup for him in the past was that she loved him because he was her husband. What was he now? He

was just planting horses. She did not have the leisure.

Seeing that Amber remained unmoved and picked up the phone to broadcast it, Rodney was truly

furious. He grabbed the phone in Amber’s hand and threw it out. “I want to eat the noodles you cooked


Amber looked at the broken phone on the ground. After a while, he got up and went into the kitchen.

“It’s just a bowl of noodles. Mr. Barron, since you forced me to cook it, I’ll cook it for you. As for whether

you can eat it or not, it’s another matter.”

Soon, a bowl of egg noodles was placed in front of Rodney. Looking at the egg noodles in front of him,

Rodney’s face was livid. Didn’t she know that he didn’t like to eat eggs? Amber did it on purpose!

“You! Very good!” Rodney stared at Amber for a few minutes, then slammed the door and left angrily.

Amber clapped his hands and turned to go upstairs. After such a mess, the man Rodney would

probably not come back. She could sleep soundly.

Amber was worried that Rodney would bring some dirty people back, so she cleaned up the bedroom.

She changed all the sheets and covers on the bed into new ones. Then, she went into the bathroom to

have a big cleaning before she began to take a shower.

After taking a shower, she saw Rodney sitting on the sofa in the room at a glance. She was shocked

and her voice changed. “Why are you back?”

“This is my home. How can I not come back?” Rodney asked in reply.

“I’m sorry for the slip of the tongue!” Amber apologized.

Rodney stood up and walked up to her. A delicate fragrance wafted into his nose and he felt

comfortable all over. This was his normal reaction.

He never had any desire to be with another woman. When he saw her, he felt that she was alive.

Seeing his expression, Amber subconsciously took a step back. Rodney reached out and held her in

his arms. “Are you afraid that I will eat you?”

His voice was magnetic and extremely tempting, but Amber was not obsessed with it. She reached out

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and pushed him away. “We can’t do it tonight…”

Seeing that his deep eyes were locked on her, she immediately explained, “I just moved here tonight,

and I’m not ready for anything…”

“What are you going to prepare?” Rodney felt a little sad when he saw how she looked like a ferocious


Amber instinctively wanted to retreat, but Rodney held her waist and looked her in the eye. She

lowered her eyes in panic. “I… I’m very tired tonight. I can’t sleep in another strange place. I can’t

sleep. I’m in bed. I’m depressed…”

“Well, let’s talk. I’ll let you relax!” Rodney interrupted her, took her to the sofa and sat down. But he

didn’t let go of her. Instead, he let her sit on his lap. Amber felt that there seemed to be needles under

his butt, which made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

However, Rodney didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. His hand was still on her waist, and his head was

leaning against her back. He asked in an extremely gentle voice, “Where have you been these years?”

He was the one who drove himself out of the house, but now he pretended to be affectionate, as if they

were a couple who loved each other very much. For some reason, they met again. Amber felt

extremely uncomfortable.

She didn’t want to share her past with him, and she wouldn’t have any contact with him in the future.

She wouldn’t be so stupid as to fall in love with him. She yawned and said in a weak voice, “Mr. Barron,

I’m so tired. I just want to sleep now. Let’s talk about it later!”

A minute ago, he said that he was sleeping, but now, he said that he was sleepy. Only a fool would

believe it. Rodney sighed in his heart. Amber didn’t want to have anything to do with him at all. He held

her in his arms and turned around to let her face him. “Do you remember what day it is today?”

Amber shook his head. “I’m a little sleepy. Maybe because I’m old, I can’t remember anything when I’m

sleepy. I’m confused.”

Rodney did not force her. Instead, he took out a box from his pocket and said, “This is a gift from me.

Open it and have a look.”

“Mr. Barron, you’re too polite. I don’t need a gift!”

“Open the box and put it on!” Rodney ordered. Amber was unwilling to open the box. There was a

beautiful bracelet inside.

If she remembered correctly, Rodney had given her such a bracelet eight years ago. That was their first

date. It was the first time he had given her a bracelet. Later, he had given her many gifts, one more

expensive than the other. But later…

Today was her first day as a lover for Rodney. He gave her the exact same bracelet, which made

Amber feel ironic. She did not wear the bracelet. “Thank you, Mr. Barron. I don’t need a gift. Please

take it back.”

“What do you mean?” Rodney was truly a little angry.

“My memory is very poor. I often lose things, and maybe I will lose your things. If you want to take back

your gift that day, I can’t find it…”