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Chasing My Rejected Wife by J.Liu

Chapter 109
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The robbers brought Amber into a house. They locked the door of the house and began to plan how to

get the ransom. A kidnapper called the Hammond family. Madam Hammond was very straightforward

and said that she was asking someone to prepare the ransom and asked them to wait for a while.

The kidnappers didn’t believe what she said and warned her not to try to rescue the hostages through

the police. If they were unhappy, they would kill them. Old Grandma naturally promised not to call the

police, but Breanna’s eyes lit up.

Hanging up the phone, several kidnappers sat together and discussed. One of them reminded them

that the Hammond family was famous, and it was not enough to get 100 million in cash. The chief of

the kidnappers also felt a little regretful and felt that the money was too little.

It was common for kidnappers to go back on their word. Amber’s heart sank when he heard their

words. Until now, Amber was no longer as scared as he used to be. She carefully observed the terrain.

She was brought into the room by the kidnappers with her eyes covered. She did not know where the

kidnappers had taken her to.

Now the kidnappers in the room took off the black cloth on her eyes. She could clearly see that she

was in an apartment. The kidnappers pushed her into the room, and the others gathered in the living

room to talk.

There was a window in Amber’s closed room. There was an iron railing on the window, so there was no

way to escape. Generally, the window of the bathroom would not be equipped with an security window.

So Amber asked the kidnapper to go to the bathroom, and the kidnapper did not refuse her request to

go to the bathroom.

When Amber entered the bathroom, she found that there was no security window in the bathroom.

Standing on the toilet, she looked out and found that she was on the third floor. If she jumped down,

she would definitely hurt her body.

However, there was an air conditioner hanging next to the bathroom where she was. Below the air

conditioner was the air conditioner on the second floor. If she climbed out of the window to the air

conditioner and jumped from it to the air conditioner, it would be much better.

However, it was also very dangerous to do so. If she was not careful, she would get hurt. But now, she

did not have to think about it. If the Hammond family did not agree to the terms of the kidnappers, the

kidnappers would be likely to be torn apart. She had to fight for a while.

Amber returned to his room quietly and continued to wait. In a flash, another two hours passed. The

kidnapper called the Hammond family again. The Hammond family said that the money was ready, and

they made a deal with the kidnappers.

The kidnappers sent out two men to get the ransom, but they did not intend to take Amber with them.

Amber knew that the kidnappers were trying to change their mind. It did not take long for the two

kidnappers who went to get the money to go out. She immediately went to the bathroom. The

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kidnappers were happy in their hearts, but they still did not refuse Amber’s request.

Amber entered the bathroom, locked the door, and immediately began to move. She thought that it was

easy to do, but not easy. It took her a lot of effort to climb out of the window. Standing on the outside of

the air conditioner, she looked down and felt dizzy. Subconsciously, she squatted down.

Seeing that she hadn’t come out to knock on the door for such a long time, Amber panicked and

jumped down from the air conditioner with his eyes closed. When he landed on the air conditioner

below, he couldn’t bear the weight of Amber, who had been out of repair for a long time, and fell down

as well.

Fortunately, she was at the bottom of the car. She jumped down upright, and her ankle was the one

with the greatest force. As soon as her foot touched the ground, a heart-wrenching pain came from her

ankle. Amber couldn’t care so much and struggled to run out. The kidnapper on the upper floor began

to kick the door hard.

Soon, the door was kicked open, and there was no one inside. “Boss, the hostage has run away!” The

chief of the kidnappers panicked. “What are you waiting for! Hurry up and chase him!”

The group of people ran downstairs while cursing. Amber’s feet hurt so much. She knew that she

couldn’t escape the pursuit of the kidnappers at her speed. The most dangerous place was the safest

place. She didn’t run out and then turned back. She hid in the forest downstairs.

The robbers stayed here for the time being and were not familiar with the houses and the terrain. After

going downstairs, they chased after the kidnappers. After chasing for a while, the kidnappers who went

to get the ransom called.

“Boss, we were fooled. There is no ransom at all. They chose to call the police. Now there are

policemen everywhere. Let’s run away quickly!”

When the leader of the kidnappers heard that the situation was not good, he fled in a panic with several

of his men.

Breanna went to the hospital in a good mood to visit Lannie. Lannie had recovered a lot and was

talking to her aunt. When she saw Breanna, she was very happy. “Breanna, you don’t have to come to

see me every day.”

“I’m fine anyway.” Breanna sat down by the bed and spoke to Lannie in a gentle voice. Elliot came back

from smoking. When he saw his mother and Breanna’s happy faces, he looked gloomy.

Breanna left the ward and saw Elliot standing in the corridor, leaning against the wall, in a daze. She

reached out and pushed him. “Why didn’t you go in?”

Elliot came to his senses. “Breanna, I have something to ask you!”

“Is it about me? Don’t worry, I’m in a stable mood now…”

“No, it’s about you and me.” Elliot stared at her beautiful face. “Breanna, do you really want to marry


Breanna looked at Elliot in shock. She did not understand why he would say that. Elliot added, “Even if

I don’t love you, do you want to marry me?”

Breanna nodded. “Elliot, I want to marry you. Even if you don’t love me, I want to marry you!”

“You’ve thought it through. I won’t give you love. I won’t love you for the rest of my life. If you marry me,

we’ll be a perfect couple. I’ll spend a lot of time with you outside, and you can also sing with me every

night. We don’t care about each other. Even if that’s the case, are you willing to marry me?”

“I do!”

“Well, Breanna, I am willing to get engaged to you. If you can stick to it for the next three years, I will

marry you!” After that, he pushed the door open and entered the ward.

Breanna pinched her wrist in disbelief. It hurt a lot. It was not a dream! Joy filled her brain and she ran

out of the hospital regardless of her image.

A few hours later, Pierce was taken hostage by Amber. He rushed to the Tang residence and asked,

“Grandma, why didn’t you inform me of such a big thing?”

“I’m afraid you’ll be worried, so…” The old lady didn’t dare to look at her grandson. “It’s all because of

me. I just wanted to ask for money, so I wanted to save her. I didn’t know that the kidnappers wouldn’t

keep their word.”

“The kidnappers are nowhere to be found, and Amber is missing.” Pierce was very anxious. “You

should have told me at that time. What should we do now?”

While talking, the person who sent the money came back. “We arrived at the place where we agreed to

send the money. The police also went. The kidnapper probably didn’t show up because he saw the


“Why would the police appear at the trading place? I didn’t inform the police, did I?” Madam Dowager

was surprised.

“I don’t know,” the person who sent the money replied. “When I drove there, I saw police everywhere.”

“Who on earth notified the police?” The old lady looked at the people in the room and found that

Breanna was not there. “Where is the young lady?”

“Miss has gone to the hospital to visit Mrs. Wang!” A servant answered. The old lady’s face darkened

and she was about to lose her temper when the phone rang. The police called and said that they had

found Amber and were on their way to the hospital.

The old lady and Pierce arrived at the hospital immediately. Amber’s ankle was sprained and there

were some slight bruises on his body. His overall condition was fine.

Seeing that Amber was fine, the old lady heaved a sigh of relief, and so did Pierce.

Hearing Amber talk about the escape process, Pierce was sweating. He only sprained his ankle when

jumping from such a high place. It was really a blessing in misfortune. Fortunately, the kidnappers did

not catch her, and the consequences would be unimaginable.

The old lady was filled with gratitude for Amber. Her attitude had undergone a drastic change in the

past. She held Amber’s hand and instructed him to take good care of her injuries. She didn’t have to

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worry about anything else.

The old lady left the hospital and went home. Breanna had been waiting anxiously in the living room.

When she saw the old lady, she greeted her. “Grandma, I have something good to tell you!”

However, the old lady was not as kind as usual. Instead, she ordered coldly, “I’ll do it.”

Breanna followed the old lady into the study. After closing the door, the old lady raised her hand and

slapped her. “Bastard, did you call the police?”

“Grandma! I…” Breanna covered her face with her hands, and the joy in her heart turned into

grievance. She wanted to deny that she didn’t call the police, but she didn’t dare to deny it in the face of

the Old Madam’s fierce eyes, so she had to lower her head and said nothing.

However, the old lady stared at her coldly. “You’d better be honest. If I find out…”

“Grandma, I’m also thinking for her. If the kidnappers were to be kidnapped, the police would be able to

rescue them.”

“How dare you defend yourself? Are you afraid that the police will appear on the scene in public

because you are afraid of the kidnappers tearing up the tickets? Are you trying to kill Amber?”

The Old Madam was shocked by Breanna’s heart. She had always watched her granddaughter grow

up. She was gentle and obedient, and she could talk. She was very adorable. She had always been

with Breanna, but she did not expect that everything she saw would be fake.

“I didn’t expect you to be so vicious. You can’t even distinguish right from wrong. You really let me


“Grandma, I’m so angry that I’m confused. Amber delayed my elder brother like this, and you can’t bear

it. I…” Breanna still didn’t give up. “Amber may have his own purpose in doing this. As long as you are

soft-hearted, she can be with my elder brother!”

“How dare you lie to me at this time? Do you think I’m old and confused?” The old lady looked at

Breanna with disappointment in her eyes.

“You dare to boast that you’re your big brother? I think you’re doing this for that kid from the Thomson

family, right? Do you think that Elliot can only marry you after Amber’s death? Let me tell you, if things

are so simple, then all the rich people will go kill and set fire to achieve their goal. What kind of police

do you want? What kind of justice do you want?”

“Grandma, I was wrong!” Breanna suddenly knelt on the ground. “I was wrong today. I was possessed

and did that. Grandma, please forgive me!”

“Fortunately, Amber was lucky enough to escape this disaster, otherwise…” The old lady was really


However, since Breanna was his biological granddaughter, she did not pursue the matter further.

Instead, she ordered Breanna to reflect on her actions. “Go back and think about it yourself. Breanna,

it’s not good for your future life to be so selfish, vicious, and cruel.”