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Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 132
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Captivation Want Nothing But You Chapter 131 by Adolf Dunne
The manager, Dwayne, stared down at his phone with a dull expression. He pulled his mouth into a thin line then nibbled on his
bottom lip. He didn’t know how to explain to the waiter what kind of person Mr. Sullivan’s ex-wife was. He supposed he could
start with the fact that she was the daughter of the Befamily.
It didn’t help that he didn’t know much about her as a person. The only knowledge he had of her was what he’d heard from the
rumors circulating through the upper-class. But one thing he knew for sure was that Mr. Sullivan didn’t like Rachel, and that
Rachel had done a lot of crazy and scandalizing things.
The most recent gossip on her was that she had bashed someone over the head with a wine bottle. The manager gritted his
teeth, trying to convince himself to make the call. But in the end, he couldn’t. He turned to the waiter and held out the phone.
“You call Miss Beand ask her to come.” He didn’t give the waiter a chance to disagree. He pushed the phone into his hand
and left, leaving the waiter to stare down at Rachel’s number with a dazed expression.
After a while, he dialed it. Rachel had just hung up the phone after arranging a meeting date with Andy. She tossed her phone
onto her bedside table and headed towards the bathroom to take a shower. She was hungry, and wanted to wash up before she
went to get something to eat. But she couldn’t have taken more than two steps before her phone rang. She turned her head to
glance over her shoulder at the number displayed on the screen. It was an unknown caller.
Who on earth would be calling her at this hour? There were a very select few people who knew her personal phone number. She
declined the call and turned towards the bathroom again. Her phone immediately started ringing. She groaned in the back of her
throat and looked over at the screen. It was the snumber as before.
She had a feeling that whoever was calling her would persist until she answered. Rachel hesitated for a second longer before
she picked up. “Hello, who’s speaking?” “Excuse my calling at this hour, but... Is this Miss Rachel Bespeaking?” the waiter
said after he glanced briefly at the non the manager’s phone.
He wanted to be as respectful as possible in this situation. Rachel frowned. “This is Rachel Bespeaking. How can I help
you?” She could have sworn she heard the caller heave a sigh of relief when he heard her name. “Miss Bennet, I’m terribly sorry
to bother you. This is the Crown Club calling.”
The waiter paused and took a deep breath to calm his racing heart. He’d rehearsed this in his head multiple times. All he had to
do was repeat it out loud. In a slow, measured voice he said, “Mr. Sullivan is here drinking. He’s been here for a couple of hours

now, and usually that wouldn’t bother us. But he looks haggard and uncomfortable. He won’t let anyone else enter the room, and
we are starting to get worried about him.” 2 ‘Victor is uncomfortable?

Has something happened to him?’ Whatever it was, she was sure it didn’t have anything to do with her. “We first called Mr. Scott.
He gave us your nand number and told us to call you, Miss Bennet. He said...” the waiter trailed off and nibbled his lip. After
a moment of careful consideration he said, “He said you were the only one who would be able to get through to Mr. Sullivan.”
The corners of Rachel’s mouth twitched as if she couldn’t decide whether she wanted to smile or grimace. She would have liked
to think she’d heard wrong, but she knew that was impossible. How was she the only person who could get through to him?
What made those people think she was willing to go to the Crown Club for that man?
And even if she did go, she was almost certain that Victor would throw her out the room as soon as he saw her. “Miss Bennet?”
the waiter said when she remained silent. “Is he really uncomfortable?” Rachel asked as she sat down daintily on the edge of the
“Yes.” “How uncomfortable is he really? Does he look like he’s dying?” Rachel asked.
The waiter blinked in confusion.
He couldn’t understand why Rachel was asking these types of questions. He wanted to put the phone down, but he immediately
thought back to the manager’s order to get Rachel to the club as soon as possible; even if that meant entertaining Rachel’s odd
questions. “Mr. Sullivan locked himself in the room two hours ago. We haven’t heard any noise from inside, aside from
something falling just now.” It sounded like Victor really was in skind of trouble. But it was not her problem, and she had
nothing to do with it.
There was a saying that said when one’s enemy was ill, it was the best tto take them down. While Rachel knew she wasn’t
that vicious and vindictive, she thought it couldn’t hurt to give him a little push in the right direction. “Sounds serious,” Rachel said
in mock concern. If the waiter had been able to see her face, he’d have seen the sinister smile on her lips, and the cold light
twinkling in her eyes. “So, are you coming to help him?”
the waiter asked, hopeful that she was going to swoop in and save the day. But then just like that, his hopes were dashed when
Rachel said, “Unfortunately I’m busy at the moment and can’t cand help. I guess you’ll just have to find someone else.”
Without giving the waiter a chance to answer, Rachel hung up. The waiter stood dead still with the phone pressed against his ear
and his mouth half open.

The steady beeping of the line was the only thing that eventually dragged him back to his senses. “So?” the manager asked
when he saw the waiter had finished on the phone. “Is Miss Becoming to fetch Mr. Sullivan?” Slowly, the waiter turned to
look at the manager. He stiffly shook his head. “Miss Besaid that... That she’s busy.”
The manager stared at the waiter in shock. Rachel held her phone loosely in her hand and headed to the bathroom. Before the
call, she’d wanted to take a shower, but now a bath felt more appropriate. She had just turned on the taps when she suddenly

had a wondrous idea.
Seeing as Victor wasn’t feeling well, she wondered if she’d be able to take advantage of his weakened state and ask for
something. Like... Her freedom? Rachel pouted as she looked down at her phone. She wondered what chance she had of
making an honorable deal with that bastard. She unlocked her phone and went back into the call log
The most recent call was from Crown Club. The one under that was from Andy.
She’d arranged a meeting with him for the day after tomorrow. Now that she had freedom to move around in Sue Garden, she
had planned to climb over the wall and escape to the meeting But that plan was still too risky. If she was caught, Victor would be
more suspicious than ever.
If there was a chance she could find an easier solution, then surely that was something worth fighting for. Rachel stood silently
staring at her phone as she mentally made a list of all the pros and cons of the situation. Then she gave a small shake of her
head and quickly pulled on the clothes she’d already removed. She clutched her phone and headed towards her bedroom
She snatched up her coat and threw open the bedroom door, only to find Lukas was already standing there with his fist raised to
knock. His eyes darted from her face to the coat in her hand, and then he asked, “Miss Bennet, are you heading out?”
“Yes.” “Miss Bennet, you know Mr. Sullivan permits you to only walk within Sue Garden. If you want to leave...” Lukas’ tone
becmore serious, and a small frown played on the corners of his lips. “Lukas. I’m going to fetch him,” Rachel said seriously.
“Mr. Sullivan?” Lukas asked in confusion.
Rachel nodded. When Lukas still didn’t look convinced she added, “If you don’t believe me, you can have the driver follow me.”
“No, please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. I’m just worried about you going out by yourself this late at night,” Lukas
explained. Rachel gave a faint smile. While Lukas sounded convincing enough, she knew he was only worried that she would
make trouble for herself and everyone else if she left.

She couldn’t blhim really, not after she’d pushed Alicia into the lake in front of everyone. “Will you please ask the driver to
taketo him in that case?” Rachel said pleasantly. “Okay,” Lukas said obediently and turned to look for the driver. Rachel
leaned her shoulder against the doorfrand watched his retreating form. She looked like she was in no great hurry, and like
she was content to wait for as long as she needed. Then she suddenly had a thought. “Lukas,” she called out to him. 2 “Yes?”
“Would you please also ask the kitchen staff to prepare ssoup to cure a hangover?” Rachel casually asked. This was
enough to tell Lukas that Mr. Sullivan was probably drunk. Lukas nodded slowly and said softly, as if he were telling her a secret,
“Mr. Sullivan has serious stomach problems.
He’s had gastritis since he was a child. I still remember he was always in hospital during middle school because of his ulcer. I
have no doubt that he’s going to have terrible stomachache when you fetch him. His medicine is in the car if he needs it. Drinking
aggravates the ulcer, especially if he’s been drinking on an empty stomach.”
This was the first tRachel was hearing about Victor’s stomach problem. And drinking on an empty stomach would give him
terrible stomach ache? She never would have guessed this by the way he’d been forcing her to drink with him up on the rooftop
that night. ‘I don’t think it would be a bad thing if he died of stomach ache. The world would be rid of one more evil person,’
Rachel thought, pursing her lips.