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Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 115
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Captivation Want Nothing But You Chapter 115 by Adolf Dunne
Her First Prenatal Checkup
Outside the inpatient building, a black Maybach pulled over at the foot of the stairs. The driver glanced at the rearview mirror,
and said, “Mr. Sullivan, we’re here.” Victor was currently sitting in the backseat, resting his eyes. When he heard the driver
speak, he looked outside the window. Since it was already lunchtime, there were several food delivery men walking in and out of
the building.
The look on Victor’s face made it hard for anyone to tell what he was thinking at the moment.
As a matter of fact, he didn’t even know why he went here. After the meeting at the International Conference Center, he
immediately got into his car. When the driver asked him if he was going back to the company building, Rachel’s ghastly pale face
as she lay on the bed the other night flashed through Victor’s mind.
This wasn’t the first tthat he just thought of her out of the blue. Over the past few days, whenever he was idle, he would think
of what Rachel told her that night. She said that out of everyone in this world, he was the one who wanted her dead the most.
Every word that cout of her mouth was like a needle, stabbing into his heart. And every the thought of it, he could feel
his heart ache. The feeling wasn’t that strong, but it was enough to make it difficult for him to ignore.
“Taketo the hospital,” he said to the driver. And before long, they arrived at the hospital. A long silence ensued inside the car.
The driver vigilantly glanced at the rearview mirror, hoping to see the look on Victor’s face. However, it was too dark inside the
car to see his face clearly. While the driver was hesitant to speak, Victor finally broke his silence. “You can go back first, but
cback to pickin an hour.”
Having said that, he opened the door, and got out of the car. The driver respectfully responded to his command, and watched
him walk into the inpatient building before stepping on the accelerator and driving away. After Victor entered the hospital, he went

straight into the elevator. At that very moment, his phone started ringing.
“Sir, Tripp has been staying at hsince he left the police station. He hasn’t contacted anyone for the past two days, and no
questionable source of inchas been found in any of his family member’s bank accounts,” Ivan reported. “But when we
checked the surveillance footage recorded by the nearby cameras, we found someone suspicious.
This perpetrator must’ve been following Miss Befor a long time. Unfortunately, he had covered himself well enough to
prevent the cameras from capturing his face,” Ivan continued. 1 Victor raised his head to look at the screen above the elevator.

His eyes glinted when he saw that it was currently on the fifth floor.
“Mr. Sullivan?” Ivan asked when he heard no response from Victor. Confused, he glanced at the screen and found that the call
was still in progress. “Who do you think it could be?” Victor asked tentatively. Finally, the elevator arrived at his floor. Victor
entered the elevator, and pressed the button for the floor where Rachel’s ward was located.
“I’m not sure, sir,” Ivan said with a frown. Two years ago, everyone believed that Odin would inherit the Sullivan Group, but to
their surprise, Victor inherited the company instead. Once he assumed office, their business reached greater heights within a
short period of time. However, Victor changed so many things within the company that invoked the ire of almost all the members
of the board. Thus, it was harder to narrow down the list of suspects that would go after Rachel.
It was highly likely that they noticed that Victor got even closer to Rachel after their divorce. And as a result, they wanted to take
advantage of her to get back at Victor. After all, they still wanted Odin to return and take charge. It wouldn’t be surprising if those
scheming lowlifes were up to something just to get rid of Victor. Or perhaps it could be one of the rivals of the Sullivan Group.
The news that Victor had taken Rachel to Yaprye to attend his mentor’s birthday party, and went hwith her had already
spread throughout the city.
If their business rivals knew that, they would definitely not let this ripe opportunity to destroy Victor pass. Of course, there were
still other possibilities. As Ivan’s expression turned grim, the image of a woman appeared in his mind. ‘Maria...’ He had worked
for Victor long enough to have seen all sorts of people. But out of every wicked person Ivan had ever met, Maria was the worst of

all. He could still remember how she uttered the most vicious words with the most elegant smile plastered on her face. The mere
thought of her made Ivan sudder.
“For sreason, I feel like the culprit looks a little familiar. I think I’ve seen him somewhere.” At this moment, the elevator
arrived at the designated floor. Victor strode out and headed towards Rachel’s ward. “Got it,” he said to Ivan. Upon hearing his
answer, Ivan was confused by what he meant. “Mr. Sullivan, would you like us to proceed with the investigation? Perhaps we
can...” “Ivan, how long has it been since the incident happened?”
Victor interrupted him. Ivan fell silent for a moment before he replied, “Three days, sir.” From where Victor was standing, he could
see Rachel’s ward. The door was closed, so he couldn’t see anything inside. He stopped in his tracks with a glum expression on
his face. “It’s been three days, Ivan. Do you honestly think that he’s still within Apliaria?” “No, sir,” Ivan replied. ‘The probability of
that happening is zero percent,’ he thought.

Judging by the culprit’s abilities, he’s elusive and vigilant enough to avoid detection. Now that Rachel had suffered through the
accident, he would definitely stop following her. Instead, he’s going to leave Apliaria right away. Three days is more than enough
for him to go anywhere.’
Victor decided to drop this subject and talk about something else. “Cancel my ten o’clock meeting. I’ll be back later.” “Yes, sir,”
Ivan answered. After disconnecting from the call, Victor opened the door and entered the ward. “Mr. Sullivan,” said a woman
from behind him. When Victor turned around, he found Clara whispering a few words to the nurse beside her. After the nurse had
left, Clara walked up to Victor and asked, “Mr. Sullivan, are you here to visit Miss Bennet?”
Silence befell Victor as he stared at Clara. The door was ajar. Clara peeked inside through the crack of the door, and glanced at
the ton her wristwatch. “I thought you wouldn’t ctoday.” Victor was confused by what she was implying. “What are you
trying to say?”
surprised to hear him say that. She initially thought that Victor was here to accompany Rachel for the prenatal checkup. She
specially cto Rachel’s ward to ask Rachel if she should inform Victor about the checkup.
After all, he was the baby’s father. However, Rachel refused decisively. But Clara could tell that Rachel was just pretending to be
strong. After all, what woman wouldn’t want the father of her child to accompany her for the prenatal checkup?
The look on Victor’s face froze, but he soon regained his stoic expression. “Where is she now?” “She’s on the third floor of the
Department of Gynecology building. But I think her checkup is almost finished by now,” Clara said as she put her hands into her