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Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 105
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Chapter 105 Alicia Invited Rachel To Lunch
When Rachel’s bodyguards saw Alicia coming towards her, they immediately stood in front of her to protect her. Rachel was
actually surprised to see Alicia here, so she raised her eyebrows with interest. Startled by the bodyguards, Alicia’s eyes
darkened. “Rachel, what the hell is this? Why did you ask them to attack me?”
When Rachel heard that, the corners of her mouth twitched. ‘Why does she think that these men will attack her?’
The passersby around all looked at them because of Alicia’s shrill voice. Rachel immediately kept her distance from Alicia. She
didn’t want to embarrass herself because of this woman, and besides, she had nothing to say to Alicia. In order to avoid the
trouble, Rachel passed her by, and proceeded to the venue.
At this point, Alicia realized that she had overreacted, and embarrassment flashed through her face. Upon seeing that Rachel
was about to leave, she grabbed her sleeve when the bodyguards weren’t looking. “Rachel, didn’t you heartalking to you?
Why didn’t you answer my question?”
Displeasure was written on Rachel’s face as she shook off Alicia’s hand. “Miss Schultz, your words are quite interesting, you
know that?” “Wait... what?” “I just got off the car when you ambushedwith all your questions! You even slanderedby
claiming that my bodyguards were going to attack you. I didn’t argue with you because I had no idea what you want to do. I’m
worried that if I answer your question, you’re going to bombardwith more questions and slanderous claims. dear reader daily
new latest chapters uploaded on www.heartSo tell me, why should I answer your question?”
Rachel looked at Alicia indifferently. “You...” Alicia was taken aback, but she soon regained her usual arrogance. “Haven’t your
parents ever taught you to answer questions when you receive one?” Rachel sneered, “Sorry to disappoint you, but they
haven’t.” Having said that, she walked away without another word.
Meanwhile, Alicia stood frozen before she cto her senses, and her eyes turned red with anger. As she watched Rachel walk

away, she clenched her fists. She remembered what Maria told her when she saw Rachel’s belly. A few seconds later,
determination appeared on her face, as though she had made up her mind.
She then caught up to Rachel, and stopped her again. “Hang on!” Alicia strutted briskly and soon caught up to Rachel, grabbing
the latter’s arm. Out of the corner of her eye, Alicia glanced at the stalls around her, and then turned her gaze back to Rachel.
“Look, I’m sorry. It was my fault.” ‘She’s apologizing, huh?”

Rachel’s eyes narrowed as she looked into Alicia’s. She hadn’t had much contact with this woman, but according to the old
Rachel’s memories, and considering their interaction in Yaprve last time, she was a hundred percent sure that Alicia saw her as
her number one rival in love. ‘I’m positive this woman will find fault inevery chance she gets. So why the hell is she
apologizing? It’s so unlike her!’ “Hey!
Why are you not responding to me, Rachel?” Alicia said with a frown. Obviously, she was annoyed that Rachel wasn’t
responding to her apology. Rachel’s eyes lingered on Alicia for a while before she looked away and said, “Oh, okay.” Alicia’s
eyes widened in disbelief. Ever since she was a child, everyone had spoiled her, and there were very few people she would
lower her pride enough to apologize to. ‘In the past, any person that I apologize to would be flattered.
But, not Rachel... This bitch has the gall to treat it like it was nothing!’ Alicia gritted her teeth. Truthfully, she wanted to turn
around and walk away right now, but she remembered the decision she made just now, so she took a deep breath and said,
“Since you’ve accepted my apology, you wouldn’t mind having lunch with me, would you?”
The look on Rachel’s face right now made it hard for Alicia to tell what she was thinking. Right before Alicia had grown tired of
waiting for her answer, Rachel finally said, “Yes, I would mind.” dear reader daily new latest chapters uploaded on
www.heartAfterwards, she walked past Alicia.
“You!” cried Alicia. She never imagined that even though she had lowered her pride so much, Rachel would still be so indifferent
towards her. This time, she was really frustrated. “I’ve already apologized to you. What else do you wantto do?” However,
she still received no response. Rachel turned a deaf ear to her. Through gritted teeth, Alicia shouted as Rachel walked away,

“Are you that afraid of me?” That remark successfully halted Rachel in her tracks, and turned around to look at Alicia. Upon
seeing Rachel react, Alicia move forward until she was standing face to face with Rachel.
“Rachel, you won’t even have the common decency to have a meal with me. Are you afraid that I’ll find out your secret?” she
said while raising her chin proudly. “My secret?” Rachel’s eyes glinted with curiosity. Alicia’s eyes fell on Rachel’s abdomen
inadvertently, and jealousy flashed through her eyes. “Why don’t you agree to have lunch with me? If you don’t have any secrets
to hide, you wouldn’t mind, right? Believe me, I won’t do anything to you.”
Alicia thought she had hidden her ulterior motives well, but Rachel noticed them all. First, she apologized, and then she invited
Rachel to lunch. And because of that, Rachel instantly figured out that Alicia was up to something. ‘I can tell she’s provoking me.
I suppose Alicia thinks she can coerceinto accepting her invitation because of this. Unfortunately for her, I’ve seen too much
of this kind of trick, and I’ve becimmune to provocations.

However, I am interested to know this ‘secret’ that Alicia blurted out, and I do want to know why she’s so eager to have lunch
with me.’ “Fine, I’ll have lunch with you,” Rachel replied as her eyes glinted. After a while, they found a nice, quiet restaurant in
the shopping mall and found a table by the window “One of this, this, and this.” Alicia must’ve ordered five or six items on the
menu before handing it back to the waiter.
She then turned to Rachel and said, “I’m familiar with the food in this restaurant, so I took it upon myself to order for us. Is that
okay with you?” Rachel took a sip of lemonade and answered, “It’s not a problem.” Alicia’s face relaxed a little, and she gestured
the waiter to start preparing the dishes. Rachel rested her elbows on the table, and rested her chin on her hands. Silently, she
turned her gaze towards the window.
From tto time, Alicia glanced at Rachel’s flat abdomen. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t tell whether Rachel
was indeed pregnant or not. After a while, the dishes that she had ordered were finally served on the table. dear reader daily
new latest chapters uploaded on www.heart.com
Rachel glanced at the dishes and her eyes suddenly dimmed. In stark contrast to Rachel’s reaction, Alicia had an imperceptible
smile on her face. She studied Rachel’s expression carefully There was a garlic amaranth, red bean and barley porridge, stewed
turtle soup, cashew nut with shrimp, and king crab.
It was a culmination of both meats and vegetables. All these dishes looked scrumptious, and they smelled really good. However,
they both knew that each of these dishes contained something that pregnant women shouldn’t eat. “The dishes are ready,
Rachel. Let’s eat!” Alicia looked at Rachel tensely, eager to know whether the latter would eat these dishes or not.