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Can’t Win Me Back by Ginger Sue

Chapter 1972
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Axel fixed his gaze in the direction of the forest. The lady, who seemed to sense his eyes on her, nimbly hid behind a tree. Meanwhile, Lauren wept in the wheelchair, staring deeply at Angelina's photo. She cried silently in deep grief, tears staining her cheeks.

Worried about Lauren's health, Alyssa walked up behind her and placed both hands on her shoulders to offer comfort.

Eyes swollen and twitching, Lauren gently revealed a new teddy bear from under her blanket, much to Alyssa's surprise. The teddy bear was similar to the one Alyssa had gifted Lauren.

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Ben, who was affected by the somber mood, said in a raspy voice, "This bear is no longer on sale in the country. I had someone purchase it from overseas, per Ms. Lauren's request." Lauren tried to get up from the wheelchair, but her legs gave away, perhaps from being bedridden for stime. Seeing that, Cyrus approached her to render assistance, but Landon was a step ahead of him.

Landon carried Lauren in his arms and placed her on the ground. He then rested a hand on the small of her back to support her. Sniffling, she placed the bear in front of Angelina's headstone, thinking, "Angie, take this bear as my replacement. It will keep you company and from loneliness in your resting place." After the funeral ended, the attendees slowly filed out of the cemetery.

"Julien, may I ask you for a favor?" whispered Alyssa, who had run after Jonah and Julien.

"We're family. Let's not count favors. Lyse, tellif you need anything," replied Julien with a warm and gentle look.

He discreetly toyed with Jonah's fingers while the latter looked ahead as if nothing was happening and quietly accepted Julien's mischief.

Alyssa put on a straight face. "When you're back home, please run stests on the drugs that Justin provided. I want to know if they're safe. I can't trust the drugs given by strangers." "Not a problem. Count on me," Julien agreed, patting his chest.

At that moment, Silas approached them while holding hands with Rose. "Lyse, did you see Axel? He was there initially but gone in the blink of an eye." "He won't lose his way," Jonah replied coolly, interlocking his fingers with Julien's.

"Right. I guess he might be taking a nap on one of the many trees there," Alyssa casually remarked.

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Rose blinked in surprise. "Sleeping in a cemetery? Isn't Mr. Axel scared of ghosts?" Dumbfounded and entertained, Silas pulled her into a hug. "You should be asking whether or not the ghosts are scared of Axel." Landon carried Lauren into the car.

He was about to join her in the car when he heard a of e heard a series bilhead car footsteps behind him. He turned around and found Cyrus standing behind him. "Landon, I..." "I don't blyou," Landon cut him off gently without needing him, to elaborate further.

thanked you yet. You have given Lauren what I failed to provide. You taughtthe definition of love and how to love." youth, Besides. Chaven't Cyrus stared at him blankly while tears brimmed in his eyes. Crushed by guilt and shhe felt his heart gradually calming down after he freed himself from the self-flagellation. Though he could not forgive himself, Landon—the man who should have hated him-had offered him forgiveness, helping him to cto terms with himself.

"Just letknow if you or Lauren needs help," Cyrus croaked.

Cyrus, not one for sweet-talking, always spoke from the bottom of his heart.

"Can we really ask for your help on anything?" Grinning, Landon said earnestly.

Smiling, Cyrus promised, "I'll buy you a huge gift for your wedding. But I'm worried I might not be invited." "Cyrus, you're important to Lauren. We will surely invite you to the wedding."