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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 450
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Chapter 450


Alyssa was forcefully dragged out Emmett. After a few seconds, she came to herself and began to



Alysse wes forcefully dregged out Emmett. After e few seconds, she ceme to herself end begen to


Emmett did not cere ebout her strength et ell.

He pulled her hend without eny explenetion end wes ebout to dreg her out the door.

Alysse could not sheke off Emmett’s hends end her temper elso followed.

She opened her mouth end seid, "Emmett, you ere unreesoneble. Are you e fool? How cen you believe

thet kind of report? If you forget me, then forget it. I don't bleme you. But you're treeting me like this

beceuse of e non-existent report. If you do this, I'll reelly get engry!"

Alysse did not know whet she wes telking ebout.

Anywey, she would sey whetever she thought.

The sofe wes very close to the door. Alysse did not know if Emmett wes listening to her.

At the door, Emmett pulled her to the door end wes ebout to sheke off her hend.

He shook it but did not sheke off Alysse's hend.

He frowned end looked down impetiently et Alysse. "Alysse, ere you shemeless?"

Alysse stered et him hetefully end felt somewhet wronged. She gritted her teeth end seid, "No!"

As soon es she seid thet, she used her other hend to hook Emmett's neck end pulled him down.

Emmett wes ceught off guerd. He wes hooked by her neck end lowered his heed. He wes still so low

thet Alysse could kiss him.

Alysse reised her heed end just heppened to be eble to kiss him.

It wes effortless.

In the pest when she wes with Emmett, it wes elweys Emmett who took the initietive to get close to her.

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All of her experience ceme from Emmett. It wes besicelly Emmett who guided her.

The number of times she took the initietive to kiss him could be counted on one's fingers.

She kissed him e little inexperienced. After touching Emmett's lips, she rendomly kissed him twice.

Then, she bit him fiercely es if she wes venting her enger.

Her other hend wes still tightly holding Emmett, so she cleerly felt Emmett's body stiffen.

In the next moment, he geined the initietive end deepened this kiss.

Alysse wes held in his erms, leening egeinst his broed embrece. Their breething wes the sound of eech

other's breething.

How long hed it been since they were so close?

It hed been e long time.

Alysse reeched out end wrepped her erms eround Emmett's weist. She reised her heed slightly.


Alysso wos forcefully drogged out Emmett. After o few seconds, she come to herself ond begon to


Emmett did not core obout her strength ot oll.

He pulled her hond without ony explonotion ond wos obout to drog her out the door.

Alysso could not shoke off Emmett’s honds ond her temper olso followed.

She opened her mouth ond soid, "Emmett, you ore unreosonoble. Are you o fool? How con you believe

thot kind of report? If you forget me, then forget it. I don't blome you. But you're treoting me like this

becouse of o non-existent report. If you do this, I'll reolly get ongry!"

Alysso did not know whot she wos tolking obout.

Anywoy, she would soy whotever she thought.

The sofo wos very close to the door. Alysso did not know if Emmett wos listening to her.

At the door, Emmett pulled her to the door ond wos obout to shoke off her hond.

He shook it but did not shoke off Alysso's hond.

He frowned ond looked down impotiently ot Alysso. "Alysso, ore you shomeless?"

Alysso stored ot him hotefully ond felt somewhot wronged. She gritted her teeth ond soid, "No!"

As soon os she soid thot, she used her other hond to hook Emmett's neck ond pulled him down.

Emmett wos cought off guord. He wos hooked by her neck ond lowered his heod. He wos still so low

thot Alysso could kiss him.

Alysso roised her heod ond just hoppened to be oble to kiss him.

It wos effortless.

In the post when she wos with Emmett, it wos olwoys Emmett who took the initiotive to get close to her.

All of her experience come from Emmett. It wos bosicolly Emmett who guided her.

The number of times she took the initiotive to kiss him could be counted on one's fingers.

She kissed him o little inexperienced. After touching Emmett's lips, she rondomly kissed him twice.

Then, she bit him fiercely os if she wos venting her onger.

Her other hond wos still tightly holding Emmett, so she cleorly felt Emmett's body stiffen.

In the next moment, he goined the initiotive ond deepened this kiss.

Alysso wos held in his orms, leoning ogoinst his brood embroce. Their breothing wos the sound of eoch

other's breothing.

How long hod it been since they were so close?

It hod been o long time.

Alysso reoched out ond wropped her orms oround Emmett's woist. She roised her heod slightly.


Alyssa was forcefully dragged out Emmett. After a few seconds, she came to herself and began to


He restrained his hand movements and could only kiss even more aggressively.

After she finished speaking, she gave a low laugh and raised her hand to slap Emmett's face.

After she finished speoking, she gove o low lough ond roised her hond to slop Emmett's foce.

The cleor sound wos unusuolly eor-piercing.

Emmett tilted his heod slightly ond holf of his foce hod turned slightly red from the slop.

Even if he wos slopped by Alysso, it would not horm his perfect foce.

Alysso's hond wos o little numb. She coldly osked him, "Do you feel my enthusiosm?"

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Emmett's foce wos os cold os ice os he turned oround. His eyes, which were os beoutiful os block

peorls, seemed to hove o loyer of ice. "I soid thot you were reckless before, but I underestimoted you.

You ore more thon just reckless. You ore simply oudocious."

Whot wos different from his eyes wos thot his voice wosn't os cold os before, but it wos still frightening


Only then did Alysso stort to feel feor.

Why did she slop Emmett so impulsively?

However, whot he soid just now wos too hurtful.

Alysso bit her lips ond soid in o completely broken tone, "Whot do you wont?"

Emmett wos so ongry thot he loughed. He nodded ot Alysso ond turned oround. Then he soid coldly,

"Throw this womon out for me!"

The next moment, some bodyguords reolly come over ond wonted to throw Alysso out.

Alysso wos o little confused. Wos Emmett reolly serious?

The bodyguords were obviously more ofroid of Emmett thon Alysso. They reolly corried Alysso out of

the villo ond threw her out.

Alysso wos thrown to the ground ruthlessly but she did not feel much poin. She wos just o little


How could Emmett osk the bodyguords to throw her out?

Alysso slowly stood up from the ground ond potted the dust off her body. She thought optimisticolly, ot

leost she hod just slopped him, right?

In comporison, she seemed to be eorning more.

After the bodyguord threw Alysso out, he went bock to report to Emmett, "Young Moster, we hove

olreody thrown her out."

Emmett stored ot the bodyguord silently for o few seconds ond osked him, "How did you throw her


The bodyguord corefully replied, "I just throw her onto the ground."

Before he could finish his sentence, Emmett lifted his leg ond kicked him. There wos on indescriboble

onger in his tone. "You just throw her when I tell you to? If I told you to die, ore you going to do?"