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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 156
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Emmett was already very skilled in taking off her clothes. And he could easily find her sensitive spots.

Emmett was already very skilled in taking off her clothes. And he could easily find her sensitive spots.

Alyssa didn’t want to do such a thing with Emmett under such circumstances, but she didn’t have the

strength to resist. Furthermore, in front of Emmett’s strong passion, her body was already yielding. In

the end, she let Emmett succeed.

When he did this, he was not gentle at all but very rough and domineering, just like his usual style of

handling things, but he did not touch her swollen and painful ankle as if he had paid special attention to


This bath took a long time.

When she was carried out by Emmett wrapped in a towel, Alyssa was so tired that she could not even

lift her eyelids and directly fell asleep.

The next morning.

When Alyssa woke up, she heard a very subtle sound of walking in the room.

Although the people walking back and forth had deliberately lowered their footsteps, the room was too

quiet and Alyssa could still hear it.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Emmett coming out of the cloakroom dressed in formal attire.

As soon as he came out, he shifted his gaze to the bed and coincidentally met Alyssa’s sleepy eyes.

Emmett paused for a moment and then walked over. “You’re awake.”

Alyssa snorted softly. “You have eyes. Can’t you see?”

After saying that, she turned her back to Emmett.

When she came back last night, she was unhappy. Emmett even bullied her.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

Emmett looked at the back of Alyssa’s head with an unfathomable expression.

In the end, he only spoke indifferently. “I have something to do, so I have to go out first, but I will be

back soon.”

Alyssa replied indifferently, “Okay.”

Emmett was not satisfied with her indifferent attitude. He frowned slightly and tightened his grip. He

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suddenly stood up and pulled her shoulder. He kissed her randomly and felt better.

“Emmett, are you done or not? If you have something to do, hurry up and leave!” Alyssa finally could

not help bursting out.

She turned over and sat up, shouting at Emmett.

Alyssa had just woken up. Her hair was messy and her bangs were messy. Her innocent face looked a

little childish.

Emmett was not angry. Instead, he felt that she looked cute. He smiled.

Alyssa felt that he looked like a mentally ill person.

She could not be more shameless than him to someone as shameless as Emmett.

If she could not defeat him, then she would just ignore him!

Alyssa got off the bed. She forgot that she had sprained her ankle. She stepped on the ground and her

forehead was covered in cold sweat due to the pain.

Emmett frowned and came over to help her. “Are you a pig?”

“As my husband, don’t you know if I am a pig?” Alyssa retorted.

Although she had forgotten that it was stupid of her to sprained her ankle, she could not just be scolded

like that.

Emmett raised his eyebrows and did not say anything. However, he did not leave immediately. Instead,

he stood at the bathroom door and stared at Alyssa washing up, as if he was afraid that she would step

on her sprained foot again.

Alyssa came out of the bathroom and saw Emmett throwing a sports suit on the bed.


“Wear this.”

“You don’t need to care what I wear!” Alyssa felt that this man was very long-winded. Half an hour ago,

he said he had something to do and had not gone out until now. He even went to get clothes for her.

Emmett did not say anything. He only gave her a deep look. His ink-like eyes were deep and dark.

Alyssa suddenly felt a little afraid.

Thinking about this, she felt that her attitude towards Emmett the entire morning was very bad. She had

been talking back to him, but he was not angry.

Could it be that because of what happened yesterday, he felt guilty and so indulged her?

Just as she was deep in thought, the sound of the door opening suddenly came.

Alyssa raised her head and saw Emmett’s back disappear outside the door.

He finally left.

In the end, Alyssa still wore the sportswear Emmett prepared for her.

The sportswear was originally loose, and it was winter style. When she wore it, it made Alyssa look

very fat. She was not beautiful at all, but she could only wear this.

When Alyssa went downstairs, the hall was empty.

However, a bodyguard suddenly jumped in front of Alyssa out of nowhere and said. “Young Madame,

what do you want to eat?”

“Whatever.” Alyssa was stunned for a moment. The sudden appearance of security guards was similar

to Emmett’s style.

Alyssa sat in front of the dining table and called Hazel while she could eat.

“You let Emmett take me away just like that last night? What about the promise of being friends for the

rest of our lives?”

“If I want to be friends with you for the rest of my life, I have to ensure my safety first! Emmett is my

boss now. If I dare to disobey him, won’t he pinch me to death?”

She and Hazel might not have any friendship.

The two chatted for a while and then hung up.

There was a notification on WeChat.

Alyssa opened it and saw that someone had added her.

The profile picture was a picture of the sea. The nickname was a very simple. “Dylan.”

Alyssa’s finger paused and she hesitated on the option of adding a friend.

She roughly guessed who this was.

What happened last night made Alyssa feel somewhat separated from Dylan and Emmett, these two


After hesitating for a while, Alyssa still added him.

Once she added him as a friend, this person quickly sent her a message.

“Hi Alyssa, I am Dylan.”

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Alyssa did not immediately reply to him, and Dylan continued to send her a message.

“I am very sorry about what happened last night. There will be no next time.”

“Are you and Emmett okay?”

He sent three messages in a row but Alyssa did not reply.

She actually did not know how to reply.

After a while, Alyssa replied, [Yes.]

She finally understood why Emmett liked to use the word “yes” to answer questions. It was simple and

convenient, and it could also avoid unnecessary awkwardness.

Dylan replied. “That’s good.”

“I want to treat you and Emmett a meal sometime.”

This time, Alyssa said without thinking, “You can ask Emmett about this.”

After sending the message, Alyssa stared at the phone in a daze.


Justin’s voice came from behind Alyssa.

Alyssa turned to look at him. “Have you eaten?”

Justin yawned and sat opposite her. “Yes.”

He came down to eat in the morning and went back to sleep.

“You haven’t answered my question yesterday.” Alyssa suddenly opened her mouth.

Justin did not react for a moment. “What’s the problem?”

Alyssa asked quietly. “It’s about Rosalie.”

This was the most appropriate question for her to ask Justin.

Justin was stunned for a moment. The expression on his face disappeared. “She is our neighbor. She

often comes to our house to play. She is very nice.”

Alyssa had already guessed that this “Rosalie” had a good relationship with them. Hearing Justin say

this, she did not feel surprised.

She asked the question she wanted to know the most. “Does Emmett know her?”

“Yes, my cousin knows her too. At that time, my cousin, my brother, and she were all good friends.

They were all very nice to her.”

After Justin finished speaking, he realized that he seemed to have said something he shouldn’t have
