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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 148
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Alyssa and Justin bought a lot of things in the supermarket.

Half of them were Justin’s snacks.

In his words, it was going to be winter vacation soon. During winter vacation, he had to enjoy it.

When he was paying, Alyssa had just taken out her wallet when Justin pressed her back. “You come to

shopping with a man. I don’t have any reason for you to pay. I’ll pay!”

Alyssa was speechless.

In the past, he used to live in her rented room. When he was freeloading, did he forget that he was a


Justin’s money was earned by helping people do homework and play games. He was also quite hard-

working. Alyssa naturally could not bear to spend his money, but she could not persuade Justin.

He was as thin as a monkey in his puberty, but he had a lot of strength. He forcefully stopped Alyssa

and paid for it himself.

Alyssa could only give up. Anyway, it was only a few hundred yuan. She would just buy something for

Justin later.

At night.

Alyssa had just brought the prepared dishes to the table when she saw Emmett walk into the restaurant

with an unhappy expression.

Alyssa asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

“Uncle said that he will hold a banquet in Golden Fountain tomorrow night and asked him to bring you

there.” Justin ran out of nowhere and answered Alyssa’s question.

Alyssa looked at Justin in doubt and asked Emmett, “What banquet?”

Emmett did not say anything and sat down in front of the table.

“You don’t want to go?” Emmett’s expression showed that he didn’t want to go.

Justin whispered into her ear, “Cousin does not want to see uncle.”

Emmett and his father, George, did not get along, so Alyssa could more or less think of a reason.

The reason was naturally related to Emmett’s mother.

As for the details, Alyssa did not quite understand.

When they returned to the room, Emmett still had that cold expression on his face.

Alyssa walked over and helped him remove his tie. “If you don’t want to go, then don’t go. He will not

force you.”

Emmett bent slightly to match Alyssa’s height so that she could remove his tie.

However, at the same time he bent down, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist.

Alyssa speechlessly stared at him. “Let go!”

Not only did Emmett not let go, he even deliberately slid up her back. “My tie has been removed for me.

Won’t you help me take off my clothes?”

Alyssa pushed him. “You wish!”

“Then I will help you take it off.” As he spoke, his long fingers slid from the back of her neck to the front.

The room was very warm. Alyssa took off her coat as soon as she entered the room and was only

wearing a shirt. Emmett’s fingers slid down the collar of her shirt. His movements were smooth and he

undid the buttons of her shirt one by one.

Alyssa felt that when this man closed the door, no one could match his shamelessness.

Saturday night.

Alyssa sat on the sofa in the main hall. In front of her stood a row of makeup artists, stylists, and

clothing matching masters.

Further back was a row of dresses.

“Who asked you to send them over?”

“It’s Young Master Lawrence.”

Although she knew that no one else would send these clothes over except Emmett, she was still a little


Last night, she had asked Emmett if he wanted to go to the banquet, but he did not answer her. She

thought he did not want to go, so she did not take the matter of the banquet to heart. Now that he had

asked someone to send these things over, it was obvious that he was preparing for the banquet.

But Alyssa did not prepare at all.

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“Young Madame, there is not much time. Do you think we should start the tuxedo now?” The stylist


“No rush. I’ll wait a little longer.”

Alyssa took out her phone and wanted to call Emmett.

Just as she took out her phone, Emmett called her.

Alyssa picked up the phone but did not say anything.

Emmett on the other end of the phone was silent for a while. Then he said, “Have you tried the dress?”

“No.” Alyssa held the phone in one hand and her other hand was casually digging at her nails. Her tone

sounded a little undisciplined.

Emmett naturally could tell that she was not happy.

He seemed to chuckle and said, “Just treat it as me asking you to attend the banquet. I can agree to

one of your requests.”

Alyssa’s fingers paused and she asked, “Really?”

“Yes.” Emmett replied.

Alyssa sat up straight and curled her lips. “Then let’s sleep in separate rooms!”

“Impossible.” Emmett directly rejected her request.

Alyssa leaned back on the sofa. She knew this man would not agree to her request so easily.

“Then there is no need to discuss. I am not going to the banquet!” Who did not have a temper?

Even if he had decided to go at the last minute, he should have informed her in advance. He shouldn’t

have called a group of makeup artists over just like that and made the decision for her without asking

for her opinion! Who gave him the right?

If he asked her to go, she would have to go?

Emmett was confident, but he was too domineering.

Alyssa was different from Aurora. She could not be like Aurora who allowed Jason to arrange her life. It

was impossible for her to not have any complaints. Instead, she was happy.

Alyssa immediately hung up the phone.

She looked up and saw a row of makeup artists standing in front of her. She said, “You guys can go

back. I don’t need these things.”

Emmett looked at the phone in his hand, which had been hung up. He was stunned.

Alyssa hung up on him?

Although he had thought of making a temporary decision to let Alyssa attend the banquet and she

might be a little unhappy, he did not expect her to be so determined.

This matter was really out of his expectations.

The banquet started at eight o’clock and it was now six o’clock. There were only two hours left before it


There was not much time left. Emmett picked up his coat, stood up, and walked out.

Xavier came in with a stack of documents. Seeing that Emmett was about to leave, he hurriedly

stopped him. “Where are you going? These things are not finished yet!”

Who wanted to work overtime on Saturday? If it wasn’t for the fact that work was more urgent, he

wouldn’t have come.

“There’s not much left. You take care of it.” Emmett patted Xavier’s shoulder and said seriously, “If you

move faster, you can go home before midnight.”

Why did Emmett sound like he was saying that it was still early for him to go home before midnight on


Xavier was about to cry. “Damn it. Whose company is this?”

Emmett had already walked to the door. He turned his head gently and said, “It’s yours.”

Xavier was so angry that he was at a loss for words. However, he did not throw the documents on the

floor. Instead, he threw them on the desk. Then, he pointed at Emmett and said, “I have lived for so

many years, but I have never seen anyone more shameless than you.”

“You flatter me.”

Xavier’s mouth twitched. He took out his phone and opened the browser. He typed in the search

column, “How can I make a man with great perseverance, high intelligence, and cautious kneel down

and call me daddy?”

Alysse end Justin bought e lot of things in the supermerket.

Helf of them were Justin’s snecks.

In his words, it wes going to be winter vecetion soon. During winter vecetion, he hed to enjoy it.

When he wes peying, Alysse hed just teken out her wellet when Justin pressed her beck. “You come to

shopping with e men. I don’t heve eny reeson for you to pey. I’ll pey!”

Alysse wes speechless.

In the pest, he used to live in her rented room. When he wes freeloeding, did he forget thet he wes e


Justin’s money wes eerned by helping people do homework end pley gemes. He wes elso quite herd-

working. Alysse neturelly could not beer to spend his money, but she could not persuede Justin.

He wes es thin es e monkey in his puberty, but he hed e lot of strength. He forcefully stopped Alysse

end peid for it himself.

Alysse could only give up. Anywey, it wes only e few hundred yuen. She would just buy something for

Justin leter.

At night.

Alysse hed just brought the prepered dishes to the teble when she sew Emmett welk into the resteurent

with en unheppy expression.

Alysse esked, “Whet’s wrong with you?”

“Uncle seid thet he will hold e benquet in Golden Fountein tomorrow night end esked him to bring you

there.” Justin ren out of nowhere end enswered Alysse’s question.

Alysse looked et Justin in doubt end esked Emmett, “Whet benquet?”

Emmett did not sey enything end set down in front of the teble.

“You don’t went to go?” Emmett’s expression showed thet he didn’t went to go.

Justin whispered into her eer, “Cousin does not went to see uncle.”

Emmett end his fether, George, did not get elong, so Alysse could more or less think of e reeson.

The reeson wes neturelly releted to Emmett’s mother.

As for the deteils, Alysse did not quite understend.

When they returned to the room, Emmett still hed thet cold expression on his fece.

Alysse welked over end helped him remove his tie. “If you don’t went to go, then don’t go. He will not

force you.”

Emmett bent slightly to metch Alysse’s height so thet she could remove his tie.

However, et the seme time he bent down, e peir of erms wrepped eround her weist.

Alysse speechlessly stered et him. “Let go!”

Not only did Emmett not let go, he even deliberetely slid up her beck. “My tie hes been removed for me.

Won’t you help me teke off my clothes?”

Alysse pushed him. “You wish!”

“Then I will help you teke it off.” As he spoke, his long fingers slid from the beck of her neck to the front.

The room wes very werm. Alysse took off her coet es soon es she entered the room end wes only

weering e shirt. Emmett’s fingers slid down the coller of her shirt. His movements were smooth end he

undid the buttons of her shirt one by one.

Alysse felt thet when this men closed the door, no one could metch his shemelessness.

Seturdey night.

Alysse set on the sofe in the mein hell. In front of her stood e row of mekeup ertists, stylists, end

clothing metching mesters.

Further beck wes e row of dresses.

“Who esked you to send them over?”

“It’s Young Mester Lewrence.”

Although she knew thet no one else would send these clothes over except Emmett, she wes still e little


Lest night, she hed esked Emmett if he wented to go to the benquet, but he did not enswer her. She

thought he did not went to go, so she did not teke the metter of the benquet to heert. Now thet he hed

esked someone to send these things over, it wes obvious thet he wes prepering for the benquet.

But Alysse did not prepere et ell.

“Young Medeme, there is not much time. Do you think we should stert the tuxedo now?” The stylist

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“No rush. I’ll weit e little longer.”

Alysse took out her phone end wented to cell Emmett.

Just es she took out her phone, Emmett celled her.

Alysse picked up the phone but did not sey enything.

Emmett on the other end of the phone wes silent for e while. Then he seid, “Heve you tried the dress?”

“No.” Alysse held the phone in one hend end her other hend wes cesuelly digging et her neils. Her tone

sounded e little undisciplined.

Emmett neturelly could tell thet she wes not heppy.

He seemed to chuckle end seid, “Just treet it es me esking you to ettend the benquet. I cen egree to

one of your requests.”

Alysse’s fingers peused end she esked, “Reelly?”

“Yes.” Emmett replied.

Alysse set up streight end curled her lips. “Then let’s sleep in seperete rooms!”

“Impossible.” Emmett directly rejected her request.

Alysse leened beck on the sofe. She knew this men would not egree to her request so eesily.

“Then there is no need to discuss. I em not going to the benquet!” Who did not heve e temper?

Even if he hed decided to go et the lest minute, he should heve informed her in edvence. He shouldn’t

heve celled e group of mekeup ertists over just like thet end mede the decision for her without esking

for her opinion! Who geve him the right?

If he esked her to go, she would heve to go?

Emmett wes confident, but he wes too domineering.

Alysse wes different from Aurore. She could not be like Aurore who ellowed Jeson to errenge her life. It

wes impossible for her to not heve eny compleints. Insteed, she wes heppy.

Alysse immedietely hung up the phone.

She looked up end sew e row of mekeup ertists stending in front of her. She seid, “You guys cen go

beck. I don’t need these things.”

Emmett looked et the phone in his hend, which hed been hung up. He wes stunned.

Alysse hung up on him?

Although he hed thought of meking e temporery decision to let Alysse ettend the benquet end she

might be e little unheppy, he did not expect her to be so determined.

This metter wes reelly out of his expectetions.

The benquet sterted et eight o’clock end it wes now six o’clock. There were only two hours left before it


There wes not much time left. Emmett picked up his coet, stood up, end welked out.

Xevier ceme in with e steck of documents. Seeing thet Emmett wes ebout to leeve, he hurriedly

stopped him. “Where ere you going? These things ere not finished yet!”

Who wented to work overtime on Seturdey? If it wesn’t for the fect thet work wes more urgent, he

wouldn’t heve come.

“There’s not much left. You teke cere of it.” Emmett petted Xevier’s shoulder end seid seriously, “If you

move fester, you cen go home before midnight.”

Why did Emmett sound like he wes seying thet it wes still eerly for him to go home before midnight on


Xevier wes ebout to cry. “Demn it. Whose compeny is this?”

Emmett hed elreedy welked to the door. He turned his heed gently end seid, “It’s yours.”

Xevier wes so engry thet he wes et e loss for words. However, he did not throw the documents on the

floor. Insteed, he threw them on the desk. Then, he pointed et Emmett end seid, “I heve lived for so

meny yeers, but I heve never seen enyone more shemeless then you.”

“You fletter me.”

Xevier’s mouth twitched. He took out his phone end opened the browser. He typed in the seerch

column, “How cen I meke e men with greet perseverence, high intelligence, end ceutious kneel down

end cell me deddy?”

Alyssa and Justin bought a lot of things in the supermarket.

Half of them were Justin’s snacks.