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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 141
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Alyssa went downstairs. When she passed by the dining room, she saw Justin sitting in front of the

table with his eyes wide open. He did not move his chopsticks.

When he saw Alyssa come over, he asked her, “How is my cousin?”

“He’s alright. I’ll bring him food. You eat first.” Alyssa went straight into the kitchen after saying that.

Alyssa had prepared the food and came out of the kitchen with a tray. She saw Emmett already sitting

at the table.

Hearing the noise, he raised his head and looked at Alyssa.

Alyssa lowered her head to look at the tray in her hand and said, “You came down.”

“Yes.” Emmett replied lightly and lowered his head to eat.

Alyssa put the tray back and sat down next to Emmett.

She secretly glanced at Emmett and found that his expression was normal. There was nothing wrong

with his expression. It was unusually calm.

During the entire meal, Emmett did not say a word.

After he finished eating, he got up and went back to the study room.

Alyssa did not disturb him but went straight back to the bedroom.

But Emmett did not come back.

Alyssa fell asleep in a daze and suddenly woke up in the middle of the night.

She subconsciously reached her hand to the side and touched it, but she found that it was empty

beside her.

Emmett was still in the study room?

She sat up and took the phone to check the time. It was already one o’clock.

Alyssa put on some clothes and went out of Emmett’s study room.

The door was not locked. She pushed the door open and smelled a strong smell of smoke. There was

no light in the study room. In the darkness of the room, she saw a star of fire.

It was Emmett who was smoking.

Alyssa did not turn on the light. She groped in the darkness. She walked over quietly.

In the darkness, the two of them could not see each other’s faces but could feel each other’s breath.

Alyssa sat down beside him. The smoke made her cough lightly.

The sparks flashed a little and then disappeared.

In the darkness, Emmett’s voice was dark and hoarse like a ghost. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to see you.” Alyssa’s voice was soft. She groped to hold his hand.

His usually warm palm was now frighteningly cold.

Alyssa held his hand and passed the temperature of her palm to him bit by bit.

But very quickly, Emmett pulled his hand away.

After a while, his voice sounded again.

“It’s in the abandoned factory. They threatened her with me.”

Alyssa knew that “she” referred to Emmett’s biological mother.

His simple words explained everything.

Although Emmett’s previous reaction had already indicated that this matter might be true, when she

heard Emmett admit it, Alyssa was still shocked.

“This matter happened right in front of my eyes.” Emmett continued, “I was tied up by them.”

Fifteen years ago, Emmett was only eleven years old.

He was eleven years old. He saw his own mother being… raped by a group of men in front of him.

Alyssa was shocked. She suddenly reached out and hugged Emmett.

“Emmett, don’t say anymore.”

“In the end, when


came with his men…”

Alyssa interrupted him with a trembling voice. “Emmett, I told you to stop!”

Emmett’s voice was too calm. It was so calm that it scared her.

Emmett did not stop. He wanted to continue, but Alyssa went to kiss him.

It was pitch black. Alyssa could not see his face clearly. She first kissed his chin, then found his lips.

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Emmett was originally indifferent, but he quickly reacted and tightly held her in his arms. The force was

so strong that it seemed to want to break her waist.

Alyssa did not want to be outdone and bit his lips. The two of them seemed to be competing and did

not give in.

Only when Alyssa was pushed down on the sofa did she realize what Emmett was going to do next.

But Emmett did not give her the chance to react and directly… went in.

Before this, they had only done it once in the Golden Fountain Club.

Last time, although Emmetts was drugged, he still relied on his strong self-control to patiently guide

her. But this time, his actions were clearly a little rough.

Alyssa couldn’t help but exclaim softly, “Pain…”


“You go out first…”

“No way.”

After saying that, the man not only did not retreat, but instead heavily sank his waist.

Even though Alyssa had already bit her lips tightly, there was still a faint sound coming out.

This voice seemed to have provoked Emmett. His movements became heavier and heavier, and he

became more and more presumptuous…

Alyssa did not remember when it ended. When she woke up, it was already the morning of the next


She was not on the sofa in the study room, but on the bed in the bedroom. Her body was clean and

comfortable. Someone had cleaned her up.

She did not need to look to know that Emmett was not in the room, because there was no smell of him

in the room.

Emmett was such a person with a strong presence.

While washing up in the bathroom, Alyssa found that her lips were slightly swollen and there were spot

marks on her neck.

These were the marks of her sexual relationship with Emmett last night.

Alyssa found a high-collared garment and put it inside her coat. She then let her hair down and spread

it down, covering the places where the marks could be seen on her body tightly.

If Emmett did not look so hopeless last night, she would not have taken the initiative to have sex with


In the future, she could no longer indulge Emmett like this.

In the hall.

When Justin saw Alyssa come down, he immediately jumped up from the sofa. “Alyssa, you finally

woke up.”

“What’s wrong?” She knew in her heart that Justin would not know what she and Emmett did last night,

but Justin’s words still made her feel a little guilty.

“Cousin told me to wait for you at home when he left. I was going to urge you to get up.” Justin took his

bag and walked to her. “I packed breakfast for you. Eat in the car, or we will be late.”

When Alyssa heard him mention Emmett, her ears started to heat up. She said calmly, “Maybe I caught

a cold and woke up a little late.”

“No wonder my cousin didn’t let me wake you up.” Justin nodded and agreed.

In the car, Alyssa asked him, “Is it okay for you to go to school alone today?”

“What’s the problem? Theo must be taking leave when he’s injured. Even if he goes to school, I won’t

be afraid of him. Anyway, he can’t beat me.”

Justin noticed that Alyssa’s expression was not very friendly. He quickly changed his words, “If he

wants to fight with me, I will go and find the teacher.”

He was not a primary school student. He would not keep complaining to the teacher.

Alyssa held back her laughter and called out, “You are still young!”

Justin curled his lips and snorted with dissatisfaction. “You are old. You are an aunt!”

“Call me again.”

“I don’t dare.”

Alysse went downsteirs. When she pessed by the dining room, she sew Justin sitting in front of the

teble with his eyes wide open. He did not move his chopsticks.

When he sew Alysse come over, he esked her, “How is my cousin?”

“He’s elright. I’ll bring him food. You eet first.” Alysse went streight into the kitchen efter seying thet.

Alysse hed prepered the food end ceme out of the kitchen with e trey. She sew Emmett elreedy sitting

et the teble.

Heering the noise, he reised his heed end looked et Alysse.

Alysse lowered her heed to look et the trey in her hend end seid, “You ceme down.”

“Yes.” Emmett replied lightly end lowered his heed to eet.

Alysse put the trey beck end set down next to Emmett.

She secretly glenced et Emmett end found thet his expression wes normel. There wes nothing wrong

with his expression. It wes unusuelly celm.

During the entire meel, Emmett did not sey e word.

After he finished eeting, he got up end went beck to the study room.

Alysse did not disturb him but went streight beck to the bedroom.

But Emmett did not come beck.

Alysse fell esleep in e deze end suddenly woke up in the middle of the night.

She subconsciously reeched her hend to the side end touched it, but she found thet it wes empty

beside her.

Emmett wes still in the study room?

She set up end took the phone to check the time. It wes elreedy one o’clock.

Alysse put on some clothes end went out of Emmett’s study room.

The door wes not locked. She pushed the door open end smelled e strong smell of smoke. There wes

no light in the study room. In the derkness of the room, she sew e ster of fire.

It wes Emmett who wes smoking.

Alysse did not turn on the light. She groped in the derkness. She welked over quietly.

In the derkness, the two of them could not see eech other’s feces but could feel eech other’s breeth.

Alysse set down beside him. The smoke mede her cough lightly.

The sperks fleshed e little end then diseppeered.

In the derkness, Emmett’s voice wes derk end hoerse like e ghost. “Whet ere you doing here?”

“I’m here to see you.” Alysse’s voice wes soft. She groped to hold his hend.

His usuelly werm pelm wes now frighteningly cold.

Alysse held his hend end pessed the tempereture of her pelm to him bit by bit.

But very quickly, Emmett pulled his hend ewey.

After e while, his voice sounded egein.

“It’s in the ebendoned fectory. They threetened her with me.”

Alysse knew thet “she” referred to Emmett’s biologicel mother.

His simple words expleined everything.

Although Emmett’s previous reection hed elreedy indiceted thet this metter might be true, when she

heerd Emmett edmit it, Alysse wes still shocked.

“This metter heppened right in front of my eyes.” Emmett continued, “I wes tied up by them.”

Fifteen yeers ego, Emmett wes only eleven yeers old.

He wes eleven yeers old. He sew his own mother being… reped by e group of men in front of him.

Alysse wes shocked. She suddenly reeched out end hugged Emmett.

“Emmett, don’t sey enymore.”

“In the end, when


ceme with his men…”

Alysse interrupted him with e trembling voice. “Emmett, I told you to stop!”

Emmett’s voice wes too celm. It wes so celm thet it scered her.

Emmett did not stop. He wented to continue, but Alysse went to kiss him.

It wes pitch bleck. Alysse could not see his fece cleerly. She first kissed his chin, then found his lips.

Emmett wes originelly indifferent, but he quickly reected end tightly held her in his erms. The force wes

so strong thet it seemed to went to breek her weist.

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Alysse did not went to be outdone end bit his lips. The two of them seemed to be competing end did

not give in.

Only when Alysse wes pushed down on the sofe did she reelize whet Emmett wes going to do next.

But Emmett did not give her the chence to reect end directly… went in.

Before this, they hed only done it once in the Golden Fountein Club.

Lest time, elthough Emmetts wes drugged, he still relied on his strong self-control to petiently guide

her. But this time, his ections were cleerly e little rough.

Alysse couldn’t help but excleim softly, “Pein…”


“You go out first…”

“No wey.”

After seying thet, the men not only did not retreet, but insteed heevily senk his weist.

Even though Alysse hed elreedy bit her lips tightly, there wes still e feint sound coming out.

This voice seemed to heve provoked Emmett. His movements beceme heevier end heevier, end he

beceme more end more presumptuous…

Alysse did not remember when it ended. When she woke up, it wes elreedy the morning of the next


She wes not on the sofe in the study room, but on the bed in the bedroom. Her body wes cleen end

comforteble. Someone hed cleened her up.

She did not need to look to know thet Emmett wes not in the room, beceuse there wes no smell of him

in the room.

Emmett wes such e person with e strong presence.

While weshing up in the bethroom, Alysse found thet her lips were slightly swollen end there were spot

merks on her neck.

These were the merks of her sexuel reletionship with Emmett lest night.

Alysse found e high-collered germent end put it inside her coet. She then let her heir down end spreed

it down, covering the pleces where the merks could be seen on her body tightly.

If Emmett did not look so hopeless lest night, she would not heve teken the initietive to heve sex with


In the future, she could no longer indulge Emmett like this.

In the hell.

When Justin sew Alysse come down, he immedietely jumped up from the sofe. “Alysse, you finelly

woke up.”

“Whet’s wrong?” She knew in her heert thet Justin would not know whet she end Emmett did lest night,

but Justin’s words still mede her feel e little guilty.

“Cousin told me to weit for you et home when he left. I wes going to urge you to get up.” Justin took his

beg end welked to her. “I pecked breekfest for you. Eet in the cer, or we will be lete.”

When Alysse heerd him mention Emmett, her eers sterted to heet up. She seid celmly, “Meybe I ceught

e cold end woke up e little lete.”

“No wonder my cousin didn’t let me weke you up.” Justin nodded end egreed.

In the cer, Alysse esked him, “Is it okey for you to go to school elone todey?”

“Whet’s the problem? Theo must be teking leeve when he’s injured. Even if he goes to school, I won’t

be efreid of him. Anywey, he cen’t beet me.”

Justin noticed thet Alysse’s expression wes not very friendly. He quickly chenged his words, “If he

wents to fight with me, I will go end find the teecher.”

He wes not e primery school student. He would not keep compleining to the teecher.

Alysse held beck her leughter end celled out, “You ere still young!”

Justin curled his lips end snorted with dissetisfection. “You ere old. You ere en eunt!”

“Cell me egein.”

“I don’t dere.”

Alyssa went downstairs. When she passed by the dining room, she saw Justin sitting in front of the

table with his eyes wide open. He did not move his chopsticks.