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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 138
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Alyssa frowned and looked coldly at the fat woman. “There is a child here. Speak properly.”

“What do you mean? Are you scolding me?” The fat woman rushed in front of Alyssa. She looked like

she could not wait to jump up and slap Alyssa at the next moment.

The school teacher saw that the situation was not right and quickly came up to stop her. “Theo’s

mother, calm down.”

One of the boys fighting with Justin was called Theo. This fat woman was Theo’s mother.

His mother was so unreasonable. How good could her son be?

It was not Alyssa’s prejudice, but most children would be affected by their parents’ words and actions.

“I can’t calm down, look at my son!” The fat woman broke away from the teacher and walked over to

pull Theo to her. She pointed at the wound on his face and said, “If your son is injured like this, can you

calm down?”

The fat woman pinched Theo’s arm. She looked very strong. Alyssa clearly saw Theo open his mouth

in pain but did not say anything.

The school teacher was obviously unable to resist such an aggressive middle-aged woman. He took

two steps back and pushed the glasses on his nose and said, “I’m not married yet.”

The fat woman exclaimed, “Teacher, you seem to be in your thirties, right? You’re not married yet?”

When the school teacher heard this, he looked a little upset. He cleared his throat and said, “Since

Justin doesn’t want to talk about it, let Theo talk about the situation at that time.”

When Theo heard his name, he looked up and looked in Justin’s direction.

Justin raised his eyebrows and looked back. Theo shook his body and lowered his head. He

stammered, “We just joked with Justin for a while and he hit us.”

“Are you joking with me?” Justin tilted his neck and looked at Theo. He raised his lips and said, “Do you

think that’s a joke? If you say something like that again, I will hit you again.”

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After saying that, Justin seemed to feel that it was not enough to vent his anger. He gritted his teeth

and added another sentence. “I want to beat you until you are half paralyzed!”

Alyssa’s expression changed slightly. She coldly stopped and said, “Justin!”

Justin turned around and looked at Alyssa. He straightened his neck and said, “Alyssa, I am right about

this. If he dares to say it again, I really dare to beat him up again. Anyway, my cousin will clean up the

mess for me.”

Alyssa’s face turned cold. “Shut up!”

Although Alyssa usually did not have a cold face like Emmett, when she lost her temper, it was still

quite scary.

Justin lowered his head and did not speak, but he turned his head to the side and did not look at

Alyssa. Clearly, he was not convinced.

There were many people here, and it was not the time to teach Justin a lesson.

When someone came looking for trouble, he naturally could not do nothing.

However, there was something wrong with Justin’s mind. He was only fourteen years old, but his

actions were very ruthless. He even said that Emmett would clean up the mess for him.

This kind of thought was absolutely not allowed!

On the other side, Theo probably felt that Alyssa could control Justin, so he became a little more


He snorted and said unexpectedly, “I’m telling the truth. The place where Mrs. Lawrence was

kidnapped was the old factory not far from our house. Someone saw that she died after she was raped.

However, the people who knew about this incident were paid by the Lawrence family to keep their

mouths shut. Therefore, no one dared to say anything! What does it have to do with you if we talk

about her! You’re just going to fight us over such a small matter… Ah!”

Before Theo could finish his sentence, he screamed in pain.

When Alyssa heard the three words “Mrs. Lawrence,” she was a little shocked and did not notice

Justin’s reaction for a moment.

When she looked over, Justin had already grabbed Theo’s clothes and punched his face. He said

fiercely, “I have said that if you say it again, I will hit you again.”

“Justin, stop!” Alyssa quickly walked over and pulled him.

Although Justin was still a teenager, he usually liked to exercise and had a lot of strength. Alyssa could

not pull him back.

Alyssa let go of him and said calmly, “If you hit him again, your cousin will come over.”

Justin stopped when he heard that.

Theo’s mother ran over to hug Theo and cried, “I told you this kid was a bastard!”

Hearing this, Justin wanted to rush over again, but Alyssa quickly pulled him back.

She took a step out of her wallet and threw the money onto the sofa. “This is the medical fees I gave


Theo could walk and move. His body was full of broken skin and bleeding wounds. He did not hurt his

bones. The medical fee of two thousand dollars was enough.

Of course, Theo’s mother did not agree. “This little money is not enough!”

Alyssa did not want to talk to her anymore. She said coldly, “If you are not satisfied, you can sue us.”

The fat woman was obviously scared, but she said with false power, “Do you think I do not dare?”

“Then I will wait.”

After Alyssa said that, she pulled Justin out without looking back.

There was a clinic near the school. Alyssa and Justin went out of the school and Alyssa took him to the

clinic directly.

The few small wounds on his face were all covered with Band-Aid.

After his wounds were treated, Justin turned to Alyssa and asked, “Alyssa, did you bring a mirror?”

“What?” Alyssa said and took out her small cosmetic mirror from her bag and handed it to him.

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Justin took the mirror and looked at it. He nodded and concluded, “I look pretty cool.”

Alyssa did not know whether to laugh or cry as she looked at him. She stood up and said, “Let’s go.”

Justin followed from behind and stuffed the small mirror into Alyssa’s bag. He asked her, “You said my

cousin is coming too? When will he come? Where is he?”

Alyssa crossed her arms and walked forward. She looked straight ahead and said, “He will not come

for the time being.”

Justin heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh.”

Alyssa pursed her lips. She was silent for a few seconds before she continued, “The Mrs. Lawrence

Theo talked about… Is she Emmett’s mother?”

Alyssa was only six or seven years old when this happened. Although Mrs. Lawrence being kidnapped

was a big case, this matter had nothing to do with a little girl like her. At that time, the thing that worried

her the most was probably when Aurora would buy her a flowery dress.

She had heard the servants at home talk about it but they did not mention it.

Justin nodded and his tone was a little low. “Yes.”

Neither of them spoke for a moment.

This matter was over. After so many years, this was the first time Alyssa had heard someone mention

it. However, it was in this way.

If this matter was true…

Suddenly, Alyssa’s phone rang.

She took it out and saw that it was Emmett.

Justin also saw the caller ID and his expression changed slightly. “Don’t tell my cousin about this. My

mom told me that my cousin and aunt are very close.”

Justin’s mother was Emmett’s father’s younger sister. Emmett’s mother was Justin’s aunt.