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Bride of Mr.Billion

Chapter 76
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Chapter 76

Miranda‘s POV:

I feel so guilty towards Bella. Bella was a good woman. She was not like Caroline whose eyes were

always full of contempt. She respected me very much, During this period of time, we‘ve been on good

terms. If Madame hadn‘t forced me with my family to do that, I wouldn‘t have framed Bella. Hank, who

was standing in front of me at this time, was the person Madame ordered me to find.

I could see that this man named Hank was Bella‘s admirer.

At this time, he was very anxious. After walking for two laps, he suddenly stopped and asked me, “What

about... her husband?” I lowered my head and didn‘t dare to look into Hank‘s eyes. I could only think of

what Madame wanted me to say. I lowered my eyes and didn‘t dare to look into Hank‘s eyes. “I‘ve been

taking care of her for so long but I haven‘t seen her husband several times, and now I can‘t get in touch

with him. It‘s said... he went abroad to attend a meeting.”

These words really irritated Hank. He shouted, “The expected date of Bella‘s delivery has arrived, but he

still wants to go abroad to attend the meeting?” At this time, the door of the delivery room opened again.

A female doctor came out with a document and pen and shouted, “Where is Bella‘s family?” Hank

hurried over and asked, “Doctor, how is she now?” “The situation is not very optimistic now, but we will

try our best. You are her husband, right? I need family members to sign here.” The doctor handed the

document and pen to Hank.

This was the rule of the hospital. Only the family members could sign it. He frowned and thought for a

moment, and the doctor’s tone was very urgent.

Hank took the document and signed his name on it.

When I saw this scene, my heart was suddenly seized. I knew more terrible things would happen later. If

it was for Bella, I should have stood up and stopped him. But I didn‘t. I didn‘t stand up for a coward.

After signing, the doctor took the document and went back to the delivery room. After that, it was a long

wait. Two hours later, the door to the delivery room was still closed.

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I was worried about Bella.

At this time, a few figures appeared at the stairs. The man at the front walked to me at the fastest speed.

“How is she?” Mr. Wharton held my shoulders, extremely worried.

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78 531 At this moment, I really wanted to tell him what had happened. But when I saw McKenna and

Caroline behind him, I couldn‘t say a word. “Mr. Wharton, the doctor said...that Mrs. Wharton is having a

labor dystocia.” I was afraid to answer. Thad never seen anyone as nervous as him. After releasing his

hand, he grabbed the hair in front of his forehead and stared at the door of the delivery room. I could tell

that he was very anxious.

At this moment, Hank suddenly walked in front of him. The air seemed to be filled with the smell of


Hank said coldly, “Are you Bella‘s husband?” “Why are you here?” Herbert was very unhappy. “Bang!”

Hank punched Herbert as fast as he could, and then pointed at him angrily and asked, “How did you take

care of Bella? Her expected date of delivery is almost up, and you are still running around the world. Do

you know that her current situation is very dangerous?” Herbert was beaten, and then McKenna and

Caroline came forward. “Who are you? How dare you hit my son?” asked McKenna. “What‘s the

relationship between you and Bella? What right do you have to teach Herbert a lesson?” Caroline asked.

I stood aside and said nothing. I knew that these two people were deliberately trying to intensify the

conflict. That was what they wanted to see. I was just a servant. I didn‘t have the ability to do anything.

Although I was very sad, I still didn‘t do anything in the end.

Perhaps I should do something for her? ... finally took a step forward. But just then, from the corner of my

eye, I caught a glimpse of the fierce look in McKenna‘s eyes. I didn‘t dare to move forward. The image of

my son in prison appeared in my mind, No matter how good Bella was, she was not as important as my

son to me. I hope my son could get out of prison as soon as possible. Enduring my heartache, I stepped

back without saying a word. Herbert‘s POV:

I didn‘t expect that Bella‘s amniotic fluid would suddenly break when I went abroad to attend the meeting

According to the doctor‘s previous diagnosis, there was still more than half a month before the estimated

date of delivery. Before I got on the plane, I had already calculated the time. I could finish my overseas

work as soon as possible and come back to accompany Bella to give birth to the baby. All of this

happened so suddenly. What was going on?

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When I arrived at the hospital, what surprised me was that Hank was also here. Who asked him to come

here? That damn guy not only came, but also hit me. How dare he question me? What right does he

have to question me? I grabbed Hank by the collar and asked, “Why are you here? Who asked you to

come?” “There‘s no reliable person around her. Shouldn‘t I come?” Hank said. “It‘s enough that I‘m with

her. Please leave now!” My cheeks hurt. I had just been beaten by this guy. “No, I can‘t leave until I see

her child is born safely!” Hank‘s attitude enraged me. This guy still hasn‘t given up on Bella. At this

moment, I thought of the private meeting between Bella and him and became even angrier. So he

directly punched Hank in the face. Hank was beaten to the ground. Of course, he was not convinced. He

got up and fought with me. “Bella is my woman. Who do you think you are?” I yelled at him. “I‘m nothing,

but I‘m worried about leaving her to you!” They‘re my wife and my child, and he‘s worried about leaving

them to me? I continued to shout at him, “You haven‘t been beaten enough, have you?” “As long as

she‘s safe, it doesn‘t matter if I get punched by you!” “You...” We fought so hard that no one could

persuade us. In my eyes, he was my enemy, and I was the same in his eyes, It was not until the door of

the delivery room opened that the doctor came out. The doctor stopped us. “What are you doing? This is

a hospital. You can‘t fight!” I took back my hand. Compared to beating Hank, what I wanted to know most

now was the situation of Bella

“Doctor, how is my wife?” I reached out and grabbed the doctor‘s arm The female doctor looked

confused and asked, “What‘s your wife‘s name?” “Bella!” I replied. Upon hearing this, the female doctor

glanced at Hank and asked, “Didn‘t you say that you were Bella‘s husband? Why is there another

husband here? What the hell is going on?” What? Hank said that he was Bella‘s husband? “I am Bella‘s

husband!” I stared fiercely at Hank. “He signed the document just now.” The doctor took out the

document. I took it and saw that it was Hank‘s name, which made me even angrier. I grabbed his collar

and asked, “What do you want? Why are you pretending to be someone else‘s husband?”

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“I couldn‘t get in touch with you just now, and the doctor is waiting to sign it. Can we wait for you to come

back and sign it? How can we wait for the delivery of the baby?” Hank shouted in a louder voice.

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18540 “Okay, don‘t quarrel. The patient is in critical condition now. I came out to ask Bella‘s husband if

there is an accident, the child may not be saved. Do you have any objections? If there is no objection,

Bella‘s husband will have to sign the consent form.” The female doctor said loudly. I was too surprised. I

didn‘t expect the situation to be so serious. I immediately said, “No problem.” Hank said the same thing

as me. This guy didn‘t have the right to say such a thing. I pushed Hank aside and walked to the doctor.

“No problem. I hope the doctor will try his best to save my wife.” As I spoke, I took the document from the

doctor and signed it. “We will do our best.” The doctor entered the operating room with the documents. I

looked at the door of the operating room and felt very complicated. I was really worried about Bella‘s

safety. At this moment, I heard my mother‘s voice. “Mr. Hank, no matter what kind of relationship you had

with Bella, she is now my son‘s wife, a member of our Wharton Family. Please leave immediately!” “...”

Hank couldn‘t say a word.

Caroline also said, “You seem to be a cultured and moral person. You are actually competing with Bella‘s

husband for a sense of existence. Isn‘t that too shameless?”

Before leaving, Hank warned me, “If anything happens to Bella, I will definitely smash your head!”

After that, he turned and left. After Hank left, Caroline walked over to me. “Herbert, who is this man?

What‘s the relationship between him and Bella?”

“Does this have anything to do with you?” I asked coldly. With an aggrieved look on her face, McKenna

spoke up for her. “Caroline is just being kind. Don‘t be so angry!”

I didn‘t answer. I just looked at Miranda, who immediately lowered her head and didn’t dare to look me in

the eye.

The next moment, I stepped forward and asked, “Miranda, why did Hank come here?”

“This...” Miranda was very hesitant. “Say it!” I roared impatiently. “Mr. Wharton is asking you! You must

be honest,” said McKenna as she stared at Miranda. Miranda took a look at McKenna and said, “It‘s...

Madame who gave me this phone number and asked me to inform Hank to come. I was in a hurry when I

went out and I forgot to bring my phone, so I asked a nurse to call him for me.“