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Bogus Billionaire by Shining Riviera

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56

Caroline held onto Kirk’s collar. Her eyes were still misty.

Kirk was annoyed by Eddy’s interruption. However, he had no choice but to suppress his anger. He got

up, tidied his shirt, and went out.

Caroline couldn’t hear what he said to Eddy, but after a short while, she could hear footsteps leaving.

She got the hint right away. Kirk was buying her time so that she could leave. Hastily, she made herself

presentable. She opened the door slightly to make sure no one was in the corridor. Then, she made a

beeline to the bathroom.

Inside the toilet cubicle, Caroline took out her mirror to fix her makeup. From her reflection, she saw a

woman with a rosy cheek and hazy eyes, blossoming like a rose. The heat returned to Caroline’s

cheeks, and she could feel Kirk’s tantalizing breath on her ears.

Caroline took a deep breath to calm herself. Just as she was about to get out of the cubicle and check

on Kirk, she heard her mother’s voice.

“Thank you so much for that idea, Layla. Once Caroline marries Eddy, I won’t forget you.”

“You’re welcome, Aunt Sarah.”

Layla’s sickeningly sweet voice stabbed Caroline’s heart. She had to clench her fists to stop making

any noise.

“I’ll ask Caroline to hurry up and announce the wedding soon. Come back once you fix your makeup.

Don’t miss out, continued Sarah.


Silence fell over the bathroom. Except for the screeching of a wheelchair. Caroline’s hands trembled

with fury. She couldn’t hold it any longer. She pushed open the cubicle door and saw Layla, whose face

turned white.

“Caroline …”


Caroline had slapped Layla. Layla’s face swelled up almost immediately.

“Caroline, you crazy bitch!” Layla stood up from her wheelchair and waved her arms around


Not one to back down easily, Caroline shoved Layla. The force of which was so great that it sent Layla

and her wheelchair tumbling.

Lying on the floor, Layla held a hand over the bruise on her forehead. She turned to Caroline, saying,

“Caroline, you’re crazy. Is this how a daughter of the Evans family behaves?”

“I’m crazy because of you.” Caroline’s eyes turned red. “I tolerated you, but you took it for granted. Tell

me–my parents threatened me with their lives. Was it your idea?”

Layla gave a sly grin. “Is there a problem?”

It had indeed been her idea. She’d persuaded Sarah and Dan to guilt–trip Caroline with their lives, all

so that Caroline would marry Eddy.

If Caroline wanted anyone to blame, she could blame Eddy’s second uncle for it. He’d said he’d find

her a kidney donor abroad. On top of that, he’d asked Sean to oversee this matter–the one man Layla

hated to see.

Hence, Layla had taken it upon herself to make Caroline marry Eddy before Sean could find a donor.

That way, Caroline could die in the surgery, and her death would put everything to an end.

Caroline pulled Layla’s hair so forcefully that her knuckles turned white. Yet the searing pain did nothing

to curb Layla’s smugness.

“Even if you know it was my idea, it won’t change anything. Can you defy your parents? Will you let

your parents die before you? Can you live with that kind of guilt? Ah-”

Caroline pulled even harder, almost tearing Layla’s scalp.

Chapter 57

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Caroline’s furious glare sent chills down Layla’s spine. For the very first time, Layla saw so much

hatred in someone’s eyes. It was so overwhelming that it could kill someone.

“Caroline, what are you doing?”

Caroline laughed and let go of Layla’s hair slowly. “You want me to marry Eddy, don’t you? All right

then. I’ll tell everyone about it now. And I’ll say that you’re my bridesmaid. You’ll bear witness to my

becoming Eddy’s rightful spouse.

“All that love, happiness, and blessings will forever be out of your reach. You swore that oath in front of

everyone. If you want to marry Eddy, Grandpa would be the first to oppose it.”

Layla’s face tumed even paler. Still on the floor, she tried to grab Caroline’s heels. “You bitch! You crazy


Caroline ignored Layla’s insult and left. She walked along the corridor until she’d finally reached a quiet


Then, that tough facade of hers cracked. She slumped against the glass wall. The glistening surface

reflected a defeated woman. Her eyes were scarlet, and her hair was disheveled. Soon, the image

became blurry, like fogged–up glasses. The light turned dim, just like her loveless world.

Her parents did not care about her. They only wanted her to be Eddy’s wife. Eddy hated her. Layla

wanted her dead.

All of a sudden, one of the doors opened. Light escaped from the gap in the door. Caroline lifted her

head out of reflex, and her presence was caught by a pair of captivating eyes.

“You’re crying again.” Kirk noticed the tears at the corner of Caroline’s eyes. This was the second time

he saw a teary–faced Caroline today. Caroline wiped her tears away. She didn’t want Kirk to be

worried. She wanted him to remember her fondly. “It’s nothing. Dust got into my eyes. Um… Can I tell

you something?”

At first, Caroline thought that she’d let Kirk find out about her engagement with Eddy through the news.

However, that seemed a bit cruel. And so …

“Wait.” Kirk decided not to debunk Caroline’s obvious lie. “Before you do anything, can I show you


Kirk had already wanted to give it to her a few days ago, but he hadn’t known how to bring it up.

No one had ever thrown a tantrum at him. No one dared to give him the cold shoulder. Everyone was

eager to get on his good side. Kirk also regretted what he said to Sean the other day.

Caroline had already cried twice today, and Kirk just wanted to see her smile again.

“Show me what?” asked Caroline, piqued. Something welled within her.

Kirk grabbed her hands gently and led her back to the lounge. Caroline’s heart was pounding. Her

pinkie caressed Kirk’s thumb. “You…” Was Kirk trying to continue their “unfinished business” from


Kirk pulled Caroline to a couch and retrieved a red bag from a locked drawer.

“This is …?” Caroline was confused.

“Open it,” Kirk said as he knelt next to Caroline. His eyes glimmered with anticipation.

Chapter 58

Prompted by his words, Caroline opened the bag. Instantly, she saw a property deed inside. When she

flipped to the first page, she found her name printed boldly on it.

Excited, she quickly read further.

The deed was for 103 Bishop Street in Hectafleur, the same neighborhood of villas where Caroline’s

parents lived. This was the very same

unit they’d visited the other day.

“Are you mad?” Caroline shot upright. “You actually bought it? How much did you spend? Where did

you get that kind of money?”

Kirk grinned. He rubbed circles on the back of Caroline’s hand. “Didn’t you like the villa?”

Caroline got annoyed by his haughtiness. However, she softened her tone. “Yes. But even if I like it,

you can’t spend money like it’s nothing. Every aspect of marrying and living together costs money.”

Kirk laughed. “And you have a married life with me?”

These words sounded great to Kirk. It was completely different from the other day. It had upset him

when Caroline had said that they were

only contractually married.

Caroline’s ears turned red at his words. She said incoherently, “I–I didn’t mean that. I wasn’t saying

money on a whim.”

Oh, anyway, you shouldn’t spend

Kirk held Caroline’s hand and squeezed slightly. He was overjoyed, but his tone remained calm. “It

wasn’t a lot of money.”

Caroline knew that he had to be lying. He’d bought the villa just to make her happy. She was very

thankful, but she knew that this wasn’t


“Kirk, I’m very glad that you bought me a villa. You even put my name on the deed! But I can’t accept

this gift.*

Kirk’s expression shifted. His tone was stiff as he said, “Why not?”

“You worked hard to earn this money. I don’t know how you put together the deposit. But I know this

means you’ll have to spend your life

working to pay off the bank loan. I hope you won’t waste the rest of your life just to afford a house. This

villa is too much of a burden to


Kirk looked at her deeply.

Was she

concerned for him?

His heart felt filled with some unknown emotion. Even his eyes were smiling.

“What if I told you that this money means nothing to me?”

Kirk had no clue what a deposit was, and he definitely didn’t understand this bank loan thing. To him, a

villa was just another number on the list of his properties.

“Stop lying to me already. Even if you’re a higher–up at Morrison Corporation, it takes a lot of hard work

to make enough to buy a villa in Osbury. Besides, you’re only middle management.”

The only reason Caroline’s parents could still stay in Hectafleur after the fall of the Evans family was

the Morrison family. They had been helping in secret all this time.

The Evans family couldn’t even afford the expensive fees for annual upkeep.

Kirk became impatient. “Alright, it seems I can’t keep it from you. Actually, I

Caroline listened intently and looked at Kirk with solemn focus.

“I bought it at a low price. I heard that the villa is haunted. The place is impossible to sell”

Caroline asked, “Really?”

Kirk nodded. He asked back, “You aren’t scared?”


Ghosts had never hurt her, but humans had. They had hurt her so many times. Humans were much

scarler than ghosts.

Kirk chuckled. “You’re a brave one”

Caroline shrugged.

“So Kirk lowered his head. The mole at the edge of his eye drew Caroline’s attention. “Can you accept

it now?”

His low voice was seductive and plucked at Caroline’s heartstrings.

As she held the property deed, her fingers trembled.

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Chapter 59


There was a voice screaming in Caroline’s mind. She would have to announce her marriage to Eddy

soon. She couldn’t accept such an expensive gift now.


Caroline ducked her head and looked at the proof of Kirk’s sincerity. She looked up again and regarded

Kirk’s features. Her thoughts were all a mess. Her eyes filled with tears yet again.

“What is it?” Kirk tilted Caroline’s head up. His tone was filled with affection but also a slight irritation.

“You’re such a crybaby.”

After saying that, Kirk kissed Caroline lightly on the temple.

The feeling of being treasured made Caroline’s heart sing.

“I’m not ” Caroline pushed Kirk away and stepped backward. She was trying hard not to be seduced by

him. “I should head back. If I stay too long, Grandpa will look for me.”

Kirk watched Caroline leave and stared at the discarded property deed. He frowned.

Caroline was unsettled. Her footsteps were so rushed that she nearly crashed into Eddy as he walked


Eddy ducked aside. He mocked, “Still trying to throw yourself at me?”

Caroline’s emotions were heavy, and she didn’t want to get into a fight with Eddy. She emotionlessly

circled Eddy and walked off.

However, Eddy pulled her to a stop after only a few steps. “Caroline, you have to stop playing hard to


Caroline reacted as if his touch were a snake bite and shook him off immediately.

She glared at him. “Eddy, don’t act so arrogantly. I admit that I used to love you, but the person I loved

was only an illusion. Wealthy,

educated, and a talented businessman. However, after getting married, I realized that you’re nothing

compared to my husband.”

Although Kirk didn’t have much money or business acumen, he was still much better than Eddy!

Even if their marriage was a contractual one, Kirk still did his duty as a husband. He gave her the best

of everything. But what about Eddy?

Caroline had cared for him for eight years. It was eight whole years. Eddy had never given her a smile,

much less a gift.

“What did you say?” Angered, Eddy took hold of Caroline’s neck. When he saw her bright eyes, his

animal instincts took over.

It was only after a moment that he calmed down. He scoffed. “He’s nobody. He doesn’t deserve to be

mentioned in the same sentence as me. Caroline, you’ll really do anything to get a rise out of me. Too

bad! I won’t fall for it!”

Caroline gave him a forced smile and tried to avoid him again. She felt like talking to him was a waste

of her precious time.

She stepped forward, but Eddy stopped her again.

This time, Caroline didn’t manage to get a solid foothold. Her ankle twisted, and pain shot through her


Caroline bit her lip. In pain, she looked up.

Eddy didn’t notice this. He frowned. “Stop pretending. This trick won’t work on me. Don’t you know

that? But-”

Eddy folded his arms and approached with a wicked smile. “I see you’re good at getting on my family’s

good side. Why don’t you try getting on mine?”

His words stunned Caroline. Her body shook all over.

So all her efforts in the past eight years were nothing to him?

Caroline gritted her teeth tightly. She scoffed. “I always thought I didn’t deserve you. After all, you’re the

heir of the Morrison family. But now, I think you don’t deserve me!”