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Bogus Billionaire by Shining Riviera

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155

When the press conference started, everyone was asked to turn off their phones. No one was allowed

to take pictures.

As Caroline turned her phone off, Bryan returned. He looked a lot better, but he was still nervous.

“Are you really okay?” She took a bottle of painkillers from her bag and asked, “Do you want some


Bryan smiled bitterly and waved his hand. “I’m fine.”

Fortunately, the project manager for Dragon went on stage then, diverting Caroline’s attention. Bryan

finally had a chance to breathe. He wondered if Avery had warned Kirk yet.

He was so uneasy that he didn’t even listen to all the concepts that usually interested him.

Meanwhile, Charles walked backstage and ordered, “The president is coming soon. You have to

handle the security work properly. Got it?”

Everyone backstage stopped what they were doing and nodded in unison. These people were all

Charles‘ experienced subordinates. Charles had no doubts about their abilities.

Charles walked away, then turned back around. He said, “Oh, yeah. Show me the registry.”

The staff member responsible for the registration turned pale and handed the registry to Charles with

trembling hands.

Charles glanced at the paper, then frowned. “Why are all the words the same?”

“Oh.” The staff fiddled with his fingers. “I accidentally spilled something on the registry just now, so I

wrote a new copy.”

Charles only warned him to be careful next time before returning the registry. Then, he left to pick up


After watching Charles leave, the staff members let out a sigh of relief.

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Charles walked out the back door, where a black car was discreetly parked. It wasn’t noticeable at all.

He approached the vehicle and said through the window, “Sir, everything is ready. You can go in 15


The window rolled down, revealing Kirk’s handsome face. He was wearing sunglasses, and he

Charles said with a smile, “Is it for Mrs. Morrison and her friend?”

Kirk looked over to Charles. His gaze was cold, but his expression was much softer than usual.

Charles boldly asked, “Are you in love with her, sir?”

Kirk’s soft expression tensed. He asked, “What makes you think that?”

Not noticing the unusual change in Kirk’s behavior, Charles continued, “Back then, you’d always

put work first. But ever since you got together with Mrs. Morrison, you put her above everything


Kirk’s hand tightened suddenly, and he asked casually, “Really?”

Charles nodded.

Kirk’s lips curled into a mocking smile, but he didn’t correct Charles. He had simply taken a liking

to Caroline. He wasn’t in love with her or anything.

On stage, the project manager had already introduced the new phone’s functions.

Caroline sat among the audience, listening intently. However, since they spoke in Celonish and

some big words, she needed time to process the information.

Hence, she didn’t notice that Bryan kept looking at his phone.

“All right. That’s it for the phone’s descriptions and specifications. If you have any questions or topics

you want to discuss, feel free to ask me about them.” After that, the project manager

walked off the stage.

It was finally over. Caroline looked at Bryan and asked, “The president of SY Group should be

showing up next, right?”

Bryan’s heart leaped out of his throat, and he sputtered, “H–he probably won’t be here, right?”

Caroline asked curiously, “How do you know?”

Bryan was so nervous that his back was sweating. He wasn’t good at lying.

Caroline furrowed her eyebrows. She asked suspiciously, “Are you hiding something from me?”

Bryan breathed uneasily. At this moment, he heard the host’s joyous voice from the stage. “Next up, we

welcome SY Group’s president to say a few words about Dragon’s launch!”

The audience cheered immediately.

Caroline nervously looked over at where the host was gesturing.

Bryan also stared at the entrance, looking as pale as a ghost.

At this moment, Kirk, who was hidden in the darkness, glanced around. Suddenly, his eyes fell on

Caroline, making him stop in his tracks.

Beside him, Charles was caught off guard by his boss‘ actions. “What’s wrong, sir?”

As he spoke, he looked over at where Kirk was watching, and his face turned pale. “Mrs Morrison?

How did she get in here? Sir, I’ll get them to cancel the press conference immediately…”

Kirk raised his hand, stopping him. “No need.”

Noticing Kirk’s hesitation, the host on the stage joked, “Does the president think we’re not applauding

enough? Come on, let us welcome him again with another round of applause!”

Everyone applauded again. This time, they were more enthusiastic than before. Amidst the applause, a

slender figure finally walked up to the stage.

Caroline’s eyes widened, and she clenched her fists in excitement.

Suddenly, a pair of hands covered her eyes at the crucial moment. “Caroline, you can’t look,” Bryan


Caroline was confused.

The audience gradually quieted down, and Caroline even heard Eddy’s second uncle’s voice.

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He sounded different from what she had imagined an entrepreneur to sound like. His voice was

authoritative, attractive, and… very familiar.

She ripped Bryan’s hands away from her face. She looked at the stage and was taken aback by what

she saw.

The man on the stage was completely different from what Sean had described.

He was tall and slender, wearing a suit with leather shoes. He had a noble and unapproachable air

about him.

Unfortunately, he was wearing a silver mask that covered his entire face, so aside from his eyes,

Caroline couldn’t see anything else.

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Caroline propped hay chin up, listening intently

After the speech ended and Kirke off the stage, the swapped out of her trade Se quddy

patted Bryan on the wim, saying, “Harry, Bryan Lat MA Y

me O,

Bryan let Caroline pass tatous asking, “What are you doing, Caroliner

Seeing this, Bryan quickly followed her. At the door, he held Caroline back “Caroline What on

earth are you doing

Caroline pointed backstage, saying urgently, “I want to meet SY Group’s presidener

As she said that, she walked backstage in a hurry Bryan couldn’t stop her

Sering Caroline knock on the backstage door, Bryan’s legs gave way

It was over. He was really