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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1398
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After finalizing the collaboration with Eccentric Corporation, Mark approached Josie for a conversation.

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"I heard from Laura that you were the one who recommended her for finalizing the deal with them. Is that true?" No secrets could be kept hidden forever in the world. Josie nodded. "The owner of Eccentric Corporation and I were university classmates. He's skilled in this area and is trustworthy." Mark, despite his elderly appearance, had surprisingly bright eyes. "Leanne, he's from the Bastille family in Wavery." This fact couldn't be denied. "His family went bankrupt." Mark remained silent, simply gazing at her. His look seemed to ask, even so, could he be trusted? "If you entrust the matter to me, will you givesfreedom?" Mark finally withdrew his gaze. "Of course, I'm just concerned. If you encounter any difficulties, you can tell me. After so many years in Wavery, I won't be restrained." A hint of warmth flowed through Josie's heart, and she smiled. "Since it's a test for me, I can't expect any shortcuts. I can handle it." She couldn't tell him that she was trying to rescue Dexter. If Mark knew her intentions, he would have to consider the remaining families. That would put him in a difficult position She didn't want to put him in a tight spot.

After hearing her explanation, Mark finally felt at ease.

"But there's one thing I'd like to ask for your help with." "Go ahead and speak!" He sounded very eager.

"Could you find out about the Bastille family's background? Not their wealth or heritage, but their family members." Though puzzled, Mark agreed, "Okay, you'll hear fromsoon." After several days of anxious waiting, Josie finally received the latest news about Dexter from Mallory.

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In Heaven on Earth, she laid out her hand of cards. "I heard from Calvin. He has insider information. The investigation is over, and Dexter is in the clear." Josie looked at the cards. "Are you sure?" "Of course. As you know, our information network has never made a mistake.” Immediately, Josie took out her et phone but didn't see any calls or messages from Dexter. Mallory è chuckled at her eagerness. "Aren't you a bit too impatient? He jus cout, and has a lot to deal with.

He doesn't have tfor you." Despite her words, Josie retorted, "It's not me, it's the kid who misses him." Mallory pursed her lips. "Sure, it's the kid." The card gbetween the two lost its appeal. Josie stood up, walked to the door, and leaned against the railing, watching the rain. A flower fell to the ground, adding to the melancholy.

Even on a rainy day, many attendants were busy preparing for Calvin and Mallory's wedding.

"Are you happy? You're finally marrying him.” Mallory adjusted her shawl, graceful as ever. "I'm not particularly attached to marriage. If it weren't for the fact that he's the only son of the Barrett family and need this ver marriage as a show for the world, I might not have married him.” "Calvin would be upset if he heard that." Mallory smiled, a hint of sweetness on her lips.

In truth, Josie agreed. She had once been married, and it held little appeal to her.

"What about you? Is there a possibility of reconciliation with Dexter? The situation is clear now. It's obvious to everyone that you'll get back together with him soon." "I don't know." "Why? You've been together for many years. Actually, it's obvious to everyone that you're well-suited for each other." Josie couldn't understand. Leaning against the door, she changed the subject. "Yeah, it's been so many years. I remember the last tmet vel? was here, it was when Dexter brought the fake Liana to see Grandpa."