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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1394
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He turned his head away. "If you want my help, at least complete the deal first." Josie nodded. "I'll take care of it for you as soon as possible." After she finished speaking, she walked away from the bridge. From Morgan's perspective, her retreating figure appeared frail and vulnerable. It was as if she would topple over with a mere gust of wind. Yet, despite her seeming fragility, Morgan saw a resolute strength in her.

The little girl from the past had truly grown into a woman capable of holding her own.

On the way back, Josie kept thinking about the words Dexter had said.

Look for Ms. Marilyn...

If things were true as Morgan had said, and someone was intentionally trying to mess with him, would Ms. Marilyn have something in her possession to counterbalance it? Ryan dropped her off at the Olsen Residence. As she stepped out of the car, she unexpectedly ran into Zach, who was just leaving in his own vehicle. Their cars stood head-to-head, neither willing to back down.

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Upon seeing Josie's figure, Zach was instantly irritated. He honked the horn incessantly, his impatience growing. Poking his head out of the car window, he shouted, "Do you even know how to drive? Move out of the way!" Ryan backed up his car unhurriedly and finally glided smoothly past his vehicle.

Upon catching a glimpse of his profile, Zach stopped grumbling and furrowed his brows tightly.

Afterward, he turned his gaze to Josie, who was just entering the door holding Grape's hand. "Hey! Who sent you back?" Josie covered Grape's ears and did not turn head.

"F*ck! What's with the act!" Zach was seated in the driver's seat, yet he remained motionless for a long time, his face filled with confusion. He had seen the driver who had just brought Josie back.

Where have I seen him before...

It wasn't until he had driven a considerable distance that he remembered who he was.

Once upon a late night, Zach had gotten drunk. His fair-weather friends, unsure of where to take him, had simply dropped him off at Laura's place. Without a key, he had ended up sitting at her doorstep for most of the night.

When Laura returned, a love bite was visible on her neck.

Ryan was the driver at the time.

His face, stoic yet intense, was something hard to forget.

Over the years, Zach had been held under Laura's control. He had always been aware of her affairs with other men outside their relationship. However, he had never known who these men were.

Compared to himself, she was not as unrestrained, but she would occasionally venture out to meet that person.

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Zach had always speculated that the individual held substantial power, which would be the only reason Laura would willingly submit.

Although he didn't know who it was, he was certain it wasn't that driver.

Why did he send Josie back? What is their relationship? "What's wrong? You look so down. Did something happen?" A friend, who was having a good tin the booth, cover and clinked glasses with him.

Zach leaned against the couch, his expression serious.

After a moment, he asked, "Can you look up someone for me?" "Who is it this time? It's not Laura again, right? Please, spare me. The last tyou hadinvestigate her, I nearly got beaten to a pulp by her bodyguards." "No. It's a driver." After sending Grape to the Olsen Residence, Josie headed straight to the Russell Mansion that very night.

The words she had shared with Dexter were public knowledge, so it was likely that those plainclothes officers had already investigated Marilyn.

She gently knocked on the door, and footsteps echoed from inside.

Marilyn draped in an overcoat, cto open the door. "Oh, it's you, Leanne. Con in. What brings you here in the middle of the night?” Josie swiftly entered and took a quick glance at the furnishings. "Ms. Marilyn I've taken Grape withand she's not quite settling in. Do you have sfree tto helptake care of her?" Marilyn wore a puzzled expression. "But aren't you—" Josie held her hand, choosing her words carefully. "Dexter is on a business trip and I'm not sure when he'll be back. Could you helpout?"