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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1391
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Morgan would be willing to accept a deal only if it benefited him.

Josie took the elevator up to the top floor. She stared at her emotionless reflection in the mirror. Over the years, she had interacted mainly with businessmen, individuals devoid of emotions. She was gradually becoming numb to it all.

Laura was not there. Only the office housekeeper was present, tidying up the office.

Upon seeing her, the other party was somewhat taken aback and frightened. "Ms. Warren..." Josie chuckled. "What are you afraid of? I don't bite." The other party swallowed hard, choosing not to comment.

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"Where's Ms. Brandel?" "She had serrands to run, so she went out." Josie, holding a contract in her hand, nodded slightly. "I'll give her a call." The phone rang on the other end for a good thirty seconds before it was finally picked up. Laura's breathless voice cthrough. "Hey... Josie." "What's that sound over there?" "I'm hiking with a client. He's so difficult to handle." "Hector askedto bring up the contract. It needs your seal.” "Just leave it there. I'll seal it when I get back.” "We need to hurry. The contract signing is soon." It seemed as though Laura was still catching her breath, fragmented sounds escaping from her mouth as she tried her best to hold back.

She didn't have much capacity for thought and said, “The official seal is in the second drawer of the desk. Seal it yourself." Josie had a vague idea of what was happening on her end, but the situation here was more critical and there was no tto ponder further. "Is it in accordance with the agreement?" "Saying that just seems so formal. I trust your judgment in handling matters." Josie responded with a hum and swiftly ended the call. She was unsure whether she was letting herself off the hook or if she was sparing the other person.

Having overheard the entire conversation, the assistant instinctively stepped aside and exited the office.

Josie quickly located the official seal and sealed it on the document. However, it wasn't any contract, but an audit investigation report.

Holding the sealed documents in her hand, she headed straight downstairs to the finance department.

Lawrence was not present, but the accountants were there.

"Ms. Brandel has orderedto review the financials of a project." With the official seal on the document, no one dared to defy it. Besides, everyone knew she was Mark's daughter, so everything seemed justifiable and reasonable.

Two hours later, Josie left the finance department.

Morgan received a photo on his phone. It was unmistakably the official seal of the highest authority of Olsen Group.

This implied that she already had the upper hand.

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On the expansive black bed, two bodies were entwined. Morgan was holding a phone in one hand, a trace of a wry smile playing at the corner of his lips.

A woman crawled out from under him, her expression subtly changing when she saw the content of the photo. "If you deceive her like this and she finds out one day, she will hate you." Morgan's hand, veined with tension, cto rest on her head. “The sgoes for you, no?" She turned her face away, looking directly into the mirror. It was Laura.

"We're both from hell, so no one has the right to say anything more." Morgan's spirits noticeably plummeted. He got out of bed, dressed himself neatly again, and cast a glance back at the woman covered in red marks. Blood had already stained her knees.

"Don't meetlike this next time. I don't appreciate it.' Laura's heart sank.

Morgan was a unique individual, especially when it cto his preferences in bed. He had a peculiar fondness for the sight on et tormenting. All in all, he was veblood and took pleasure in one for indulging in enjoyment. The physical pain was nothing compared to the ache in her heart. But it was all worth it as long as she could see him.

"Morgan." Before he stepped out, Laura suddenly called out to stop him. "Is it too late to back out now? Let's pretend nothing ever happened. We could go abroad She wouldn't know the truth. Is it too late to stop now?"