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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1371
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Josie felt as though she had seen Abraham somewhere before.

"I heard that you are the lead designer of La Oriele. You seem quite young, about the sage as my daughter. Hmm... perhaps even a bit younger," said Abraham.

Lionel said, "It's been a while since I've seen Juliette. Where has she been lately?" Josie stiffened when Juliette's nwas mentioned.

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He's Juliette's father? Morgan guided her to take a seat at the back, and just before they left, she overheard Abraham saying, "She loves to roam far and wide. Who knows where she is now?" Josie's mind went blank as she followed Morgan like a living corpse, not taking in a single word of what Morgan was saying.

It wasn't until those models presented themselves against the autumn backdrop, their scantily clad figures exposed under the scrutinizing gazes of those older men, did Josie start feeling sick to the stomach. She couldn't resist running toward a tree, retching.

Morgan asked, patting her back, "Are you okay?" Josie lifted her gaze and turned to look at the man sitting there, who appeared like an elegant elder just moments ago. Now, however, he seemed so disgusting that he made her nauseous.

She crouched there for a while, trying hard to calm down. When Morgan told her to head back and put on a show, a commotion erupted outside. The big shots' servants and bodyguards alike leaned in and whispered something to their bosses.

Those sitting in the front row panicked and no longer paid attention to the show. They helped each other up and started to make their way out in a flurry.

Noticing that something was off, Morgan stepped forward to intervene. "What's going on?" Lionel glared at Morgan. "I'm disappointed in you, Morgan." With that, he left in a hurry, exiting through the back door.

Josie stood up when Warren rushed over, saying nervously, "We need to evacuate immediately. Someone has tipped off the police and they're on their way here." Morgan glanced at Josie, who shook her head with a frown. "It wasn't me." Ryan dispersed the crowd and restored everything to its original state while Morgan, disrupted by what happened, had no choice but to attend to more urgent matters. He handed Josie over to Jasper, instructing, "Take the back door." It was chaotic; everyone scurried about as though they were running for their lives.

The main entrance of the mansion entrand was actually the back door. As they stepped out, Josie discovered that those people from last night were still there. Worn out from all the fun, they had fallen asleep, scattered all over the place. They were jolted awake by the blare of a police car's siren.

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"D*mn! We didn't do anything illegal! What are they on us again?" "Don't you forget that the money we gambled away last night was enough to start a small casino." "So what? We're just having fun! Why are they being such busybodies?" They grumbled and got dressed while heading downstairs to open the door.

Jasper and Josie were met with this sight when they stepped out of the courtyard house.

A group of individuals in uniform were verifying the identities of Morgan's friends, and even a few police dog's were dispatched. It was quite @spectacle, suggesting that whoever reported the situation had certainly painted a tic picture.

When it was Jasper and Josie's turn, the officer demanded, "Identification." Josie handed her identification card over. The officer person took a glance and said meaningfully, "You're from Wavery." "Right." "What brought you here then?" Jasper positioned himself protectively in front of her. "Don't you think all this is a bit of an overkill? We're just friends having a gathering." "I'm not talking to you. Step aside." "You!" "As he said, we're just friends having a gathering. We're college classmates," Josie explained.

noticed speople heading wondered if Morgan would be able to send everyone away in time. toward the courtyard ho, het The officer returned her identification card. "Cwith me. We need to record a statement." Jasper sighed as he stepped in to intervene, “I'll do it. Newcove is a foreign place to her. Let's not give her a scare.”