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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1370
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"We?" Morgan raised an eyebrow. "Letask you one thing. Is your father dead?” "You!" Josie was furious.

"Arnold treated him well. You were the one who wouldn't let go!" Josie was so angry that she was trembling, wishing she could give him a slap across the face. However, something suddenly dawned on her. "All these were never revealed to the public. How did you know?" Morgan paused for a mere few seconds before saying, "Don't forget that I'm also from Rivodia. It's only natural that I know about these things." Josie stared at him. "Who exactly were those people just now?" "What's wrong? Can't wait to tell Dexter?" Morgan sat down, his eyes filled with mockery. "Even if we can't beclovers, we can still be friends, right? At least showsmercy." Josie was still trembling. "Why on earth must you do this?" Morgan's expression becindifferent. "Just as you had to useto gain a foothold in the Olsen family, I had to seize this opportunity to rise again. These connections are all I have left from my dad, and today, you've seen them all.” The bulb over Morgan's head swung, casting a stark white light onto his face. In that fleeting moment, Josie glimpsed a shadow of desolation etched upon him, a profound loneliness that seemed unshakeable.

"Jo, please spare me. Don't tell anyone," he said in a pleading tone, which was uncharacteristic for an influential man like him. Josie's heart melted when he grabbed the corner of her clothes.

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"What will happen to Dexter?” she asked.

"You should worry aboutinstead," he said.

She was puzzled by his response.

As the room quieted down, they could vaguely hear the commotion and liveliness from the mansion outside, which was like an entirely different world.

That night, Josie made numerous calls to Dexter, all of which went unanswered.

The show the following day was still held in the outskirts nearby.

The arrangements had been made in advance, and even Jasper was present. He was evidently surprised to see Josie appear. "I can't believe you were allowed entry. Looks like Morgan really values you." Josie leaned against a tree, coolly observing the women bustling about with revealing clothes in their arms. Not far away, the seating area was filled with a number of influential figures.

Chapter 1370 He Had A Sister 2 The lingering scent of last night's alcohol clung to Jasper.

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"How long has he been doing this?" Josie questioned.

Chapter 1370 He Had A Sister 3 Every family had its challenges.

"Things had been fine before, but then the Bastille family lost Morgan's sister, the only person who had ever loved Morgan, and later on, Shawn appeared. Many things were out of Morgan's control." Jasper sounded like he wanted Josie to understand Morgan, but Josie grasped the crux of the matter. "What sister? Why don't I know about this?" Jasper was puzzled, too. "Don't you know?" She shook her head. Despite knowing Morgan for so many years, Josie had never heard him mention that before.

"Morgan had a sister. Even though they were not related by blood, she loved him dearly like they were. Sadly, she passed away." "She..." Before they could finish speaking, Morgan approached them, and they both stopped talking at the stas if they had rehearsed it.

Morgan brought Josie over to greet the bigwigs seated in the front row, behaving respectfully and subserviently. "You've met Mr. Zabel last night, and this is Mr. Witherspoon, a big shot in Newcove," introduced Morgan.

The elderly man known as Abraham Witherspoon chuckled. "You're too kind. I'm just a nosy old man.'