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Blind Date Turned Proposal (Josie and Dexter)

Chapter 1369
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Morgan played a card. "No way. Dexter has sconnections with the higher-ups, too. Russell Group hasn't crossed any lines over these years. Even if they were investigated, I doubt anything would turn up." Lionel snorted. "If they're serious about this, they'll find out scharges even if there aren't any. Besides, how could Dexter possibly remain unaffected? That casino of his is a ticking tbomb." He's talking about the Mandarin Oriental Hotel! They're planning to start with Dexter's Mandarin Oriental Hotel! Josie's heart skipped a beat.

"Sgoes for the Bastille family. Isn't that right? You know it better than anyone." Morgan's face fell at the mention of that.

"Cto think of it, you were innocent back then. Shawn was nothing more than a wastrel. Competing with him was beneath you." The man seated beside him quickly offered consolation, "All right, let's not talk about that anymore. It's all in the past. You've toned down these past few years and contributed a lot. Eccentric Corporation will support you. Shawn won't be able to beat you." The man across from Morgan asked, "So, what's your final decision regarding that project?" Morgan did not respond, but Josie understood in an instant. Morgan would still choose the Olsen family even without her intervention because he had always been at odds with Russell Group from the very beginning.

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An investigation from the higher-ups was imminent, and Russell Group couldn't possibly escape unscathed. Morgan would never invite trouble upon himself.

Josie sat stiffly and felt dizzy, disoriented from the information overload. This is all so complicated. Like a strategizing gof chess.

The card gcontinued until eleven o'clock at night.

Before leaving, they sat down for a cup of coffee, engaging in casual conversation. Lionel asked Josie, “Are you from Rivodia?" "I'm from Wavery." "Wavery isn't the state, but its economy is quite advanced. Not bad at all. What's your job?" He sounded amicable, much like a loving elder.

Josie glanced at Morgan. "I'm a designer in the architectural field." Morgan poured the elders scoffee. "She's the lead architect for the reconstruction of La Oriele in Rivodia." They were all surprised. "You're the lead architect? Wow. You're truly a force to be reckoned with at such a young age! I might need your assistance on sprojects in the future," said Lionel.

Apparently, they held no prejudice against her most likely out of respect for Morgan. This indicated that Morgan had done quite a few favors for them.

"Mr. Zabel, you flatter me. be more than happy to assist," she said.

They exchanged smiles.

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Before leaving, Lionel patted Morgan on the shoulder. "You'll be in charge of arranging tomorrow's show." Everyone had left. Josie sat alone in the empty room and heard Morgan's footsteps as he walked back.

"Feel free to ask any questions," Morgan said, picking up a pack of cigarettes from the table, tearing open the packaging, and lighting one up.

Josie watched him puff on his cigarette, narrowing her eyes. "What happened to the Bastille family in the past? Why did they suddenly decline?" Being a sharp-witted person, she started with a simple question.

"There had been endless internal strife within the Bastille family, and foreign investors took advantage of the situation to establish themselves. Russell Group played a significant role in it," Morgano explained. Josie gazed at him and was unsatisfied with his response. He might have kept something from her, but she couldn't probe further. "So, you despise Dexter and want to ruin him," she said.

Morgan took a drag from his cigarette and let out a chuckle, smoke swirling around him. "I'm not as powerful as you think. If you really want to point fingers, maybe you should blyourself, Josie." She was confused.

"Perhaps Dexter wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't been so persistent in pursuing Arnold," he added.

What nonsense is he talking about? Josie shot up from her seat and walked up to him. "Arnold took my father hostage! How could I not go after him and try to find my family? What have we done wrong?" Privacy